Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Demands A Canada First Immigration Policy
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 18 August 2011 03:52
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Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Demands A Canada First Immigration

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 8/7/2011 6:00:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Immigration Policy

Ian Verner Macdonald

Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6M7

August 7, 2011


The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
Dear Sir,

Immigration and Foreign Policy

As with most other native-born Canadians, I have watched with
increasing consternation and perplexity the fruits of Pierre Trudeau's
perverse quest for "racial balance" in Canada, a goal which he, and
his even more sinister advisors, sought to achieve through effective
abolition of entry requirements for Third World migrants while choking
off the traditional flow of British and European immigrants.

The resulting radical change in the complexion and character of the
Canadian nation did not have the consent of the electorate nor is
there any reason to believe, had it been put to the country in a
referendum, that it would have had any support whatsoever among the
pre-existing population. Insofar as the policy was implemented
surreptitiously against the will and best interests of the country, it
was, and is, fraudulent and should be judged accordingly.. It was
introduced despite the ample evidence, readily available from the
experience in the United States and other countries, that blacks
(Negroes) are inherently unassimilable and a source of insoluble
social problems both institutional and private.

The fact that deeply-entrenched, lobby-driven Political Correctness
has forestalled open discussion of the problem does not lessen its
severity; on the contrary the suppression of opinion, in which the
government and media are complicit, simply facilitates the growing
flood of self-selected Third World immigrants that threatens not only
the disenfranchisement of the native-born but the very existence of
Canada as a sovereign nation.

A prescient letter in the Toronto Star warned as far back as January
5, 1989 that "the high Canadian living standard and elegant lifestyle
are being used to attract residents of the Third World despite the
very real risk of an overwhelming response".and although "policy based
on minority politics in the short term may be politically astute and
spiritually satisfying, in the long run it will result inevitably in a
metamorphosis of the country from a relatively comfortable,
homogeneous Christian-European union to a turbulent, low-wage,
multi-racial, multicultural polyglot, essentially without national
character, without cohesion, without identity, without historical
integrity and without common purpose". To which might be added, ïn
the light of subsequent developments, "without security, without
freedom of opinion and without responsible government".

Traditional Conservatives assumed that the self-serving, destructive,
inequitable and blatantly racist policy of the Liberal Government
would be quickly reversed once a Conservative party gained power but,
inexplicably, such was not the case and the assimilation problem has
now reached crisis proportions. It is worth noting that the money paid
to support even one self-styled "refugee" or purported "family member"
in Canada could otherwise support a hundred indigents in or near their
country of origin.

Similarly, Canadian foreign policy under successive governments has
not served Canadian interests, on the contrary has damaged our image
beyond repair through its Lobby-enforced endorsement of American and
Israeli positions on the Middle East. It has caused us to forego
hundreds of billions of dollars in earnings from formerly friendly
oil-producing nations who once saw non-colonialist Canada as their
trading partner of choice. That Canada should gratuitously join the
illegal attack on the friendly, benevolently-governed, legitimate
State of Libya defies comprehension.

Time is running out, Mr Prime Minister, and unless decisive and
fearless measures are taken 1) to restore the immigration criteria
that served the country well for over a century 2) to repatriate all
who have entered the country under false pretenses or have otherwise
abused our hospitality and 3) to restore control of Canadian foreign
policy to uncompromised Canadian hands, the destabilization, and
eventual disintegration of Canada will be a foregone conclusion.

It would be ironic indeed, if Canadians should lose hope that the
Conservative Party has the will to effect the necessary reforms and be
forced to turn to the originators of the problems for relief. With due
respect, I remain,

Yours sincerely,

Ian V. Macdonald
Ex-RCAF, RNFAA, rtd. Cdn. Foreign Service

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Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 18 August 2011 03:45

*A little late – I somehow missed this when it first came in (was out of
town at the time). Rebellion to Tyranny is obedience to God - T. Jefferson
& B. Franklin Of all the stuff that I have ever passed on, this has got to
be one of the most important. Please read and keep passing it on. This
sounds like a great plan. I hope America gets it done!*

Well over 50 yrs ago I knew a lady who would not buy Christmas gifts if
they were made in China. Her daughter will recognize her in the following.

Did y'all see Diane Sawyer's special report a few weeks ago? They removed
ALL items from a typical, middle class family's home that were not made in
the USA .

There was hardly anything left besides the kitchen sink. Literally. During
the special they showed truckloads of items - USA made - being brought in to
replace everything and talked about how to find these items and the
difference in price etc..

It was interesting that Diane said if every American spent just $64 more
than normal on USA made items this year, it would create something like
200,000 new jobs!




Are we Americans as dumb as we appear --- or --- is it that we just do not
think. The Chinese, knowingly and intentionally, export inferior and even
toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in American markets.

70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese
should be suspended.

Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? DO IT

Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in
China ' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong ), simply choose another
product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on
Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.

Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real
ones and benefit some American farmer. Easter is just an example. The point
is do not wait for the government to act. Just go ahead and assume control
on your own.

THINK ABOUT THIS: If 200 million Americans each refuse to buy just $20 of
Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our!!

Most of the people who have been reading about this matter are planning on
implementing this on Aug. 1st and continue it until Sept. 1st. That is only
one month of trading losses, but it will hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the
total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they might have to ask
themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.

Remember, August 1st to Sept. 1st !!!!!! START NOW.

Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are Americans and
NOBODY can take us for granted.

If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives,

Pass it on, America ...Instead of doing it for just ONE month - why not try
to do it all the time? BUY AMERICAN/CANADIAN !!!!!!!!!
Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Demands A Canada First Immigration Policy
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 18 August 2011 03:45
*Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Demands A Canada First Immigration Policy*

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 8/7/2011 6:00:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Immigration Policy

Ian Verner Macdonald

Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6M7

August 7, 2011

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
Dear Sir,
Immigration and Foreign Policy

As with most other native-born Canadians, I have watched with increasing
consternation and perplexity the fruits of Pierre Trudeau's perverse quest
for "racial balance" in Canada, a goal which he, and his even more sinister
advisors, sought to achieve through effective abolition of entry
requirements for Third World migrants while choking off the traditional flow
of British and European immigrants.

The resulting radical change in the complexion and character of the Canadian
nation did not have the consent of the electorate nor is there any reason to
believe, had it been put to the country in a referendum, that it would have
had any support whatsoever among the pre-existing population. Insofar as the
policy was implemented surreptitiously against the will and best interests
of the country, it was, and is, fraudulent and should be judged
accordingly.. It was introduced despite the ample evidence, readily
available from the experience in the United States and other countries, that
blacks (Negroes) are inherently unassimilable and a source of insoluble
social problems both institutional and private.
The fact that deeply-entrenched, lobby-driven Political Correctness has
forestalled open discussion of the problem does not lessen its severity; on
the contrary the suppression of opinion, in which the government and media
are complicit, simply facilitates the growing flood of self-selected Third
World immigrants that threatens not only the disenfranchisement of the
native-born but the very existence of Canada as a sovereign nation.

A prescient letter in the *Toronto Star* warned as far back as January 5,
1989 that "the high Canadian living standard and elegant lifestyle are being
used to attract residents of the Third World despite the very real risk of
an overwhelming response".and although "policy based on minority politics in
the short term may be politically astute and spiritually satisfying, in the
long run it will result inevitably in a metamorphosis of the country from a
relatively comfortable, homogeneous Christian-European union to a turbulent,
low-wage, multi-racial, multicultural polyglot, essentially without national
character, without cohesion, without identity, without historical integrity
and without common purpose". To which might be added, ïn the light of
subsequent developments, "without security, without freedom of opinion and
without responsible government".
Traditional Conservatives assumed that the self-serving, destructive,
inequitable and blatantly racist policy of the Liberal Government would be
quickly reversed once a Conservative party gained power but, inexplicably,
such was not the case and the assimilation problem has now reached crisis
proportions. It is worth noting that the money paid to support even one
self-styled "refugee" or purported "family member" in Canada could otherwise
support a hundred indigents in or near their country of origin.

Similarly, Canadian foreign policy under successive governments has not
served Canadian interests, on the contrary has damaged our image beyond
repair through its Lobby-enforced endorsement of American and Israeli
positions on the Middle East. It has caused us to forego hundreds of
billions of dollars in earnings from formerly friendly oil-producing nations
who once saw non-colonialist Canada as their trading partner of choice. That
Canada should gratuitously join the illegal attack on the friendly,
benevolently-governed, legitimate State of Libya defies comprehension.
Time is running out, Mr Prime Minister, and unless decisive and fearless
measures are taken 1) to restore the immigration criteria that served the
country well for over a century 2) to repatriate all who have entered the
country under false pretenses or have otherwise abused our hospitality and
3) to restore control of Canadian foreign policy to uncompromised Canadian
hands, the destabilization, and eventual disintegration of Canada will be a
foregone conclusion.

It would be ironic indeed, if Canadians should lose hope that the
Conservative Party has the will to effect the necessary reforms and be
forced to turn to the originators of the problems for relief. With due
respect, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Ian V. Macdonald
Ex-RCAF, RNFAA, rtd. Cdn. Foreign Service
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