Is the U.S. Government Collapsing? -- MUST WATCH!
Written by Paul Fromm
Sunday, 14 July 2013 03:23
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Is the U.S. Government Collapsing? -- MUST WATCH! ( )

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Environmentalist David Suzuki Says Canada is "Full"
Written by Paul Fromm
Saturday, 13 July 2013 04:19
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David Suzuki is what might be described as a radical environmentalist.
While most Canadians do not welcome air or water pollution or want to
see some of our best farmland in Southern Ontario or the Lower
Mainland of British Columbia paved over or divided up to make
ticky-tacky housing, most also favour some form of balanced
development. Suzuki has tended to be more stridently anti-development.

However, missing from the environmental debate -- at least publicly,
until now -- whether the voices were moderate or more extreme
environmentalists was the big bloated elephant in the room which seems
to get bigger each year. The elephant is mass immigration. Canada's
growth, with a birthrate of less than 1.5 children per woman of child
bearing age (replacement is 2.1) is now almost entirely due to

Population growth stresses the environment, adds to pollution,
encroaches on animal habitat. However, environmentalists in Canada
have been mute on immigration, until now.

Ironically, environmentalist icon David Suzuki decided to share his
views, not in Canada, but in an interview in Paris. Nevertheless, he
seems to have seen the light: "Prominent environmentalist David
Suzuki, in remarks published earlier this month in the Paris-based
publicationL’Express, is quoted as saying Canada’s immigration
policy is 'disgusting' because 'We plunder southern countries by
depriving them of future leaders, and we want to increase our
population to support economic growth.'
'It’s crazy!' he is quoted as saying. The remarks appeared in the
magazine in French. In the interview, he appears to link population
growth with environmental degradation, saying: 'I think Canada is
full, too! Although it’s the second largest country in the world,
our useful area has been reduced.'"
Suzuki's arguments are two: 1. Canada is full; 2. Canada takes the
best and brightest from Third World countries, people who should be
using their skills and leadership to assist their own lands to

As the French say, mais evidement! In the 1950s, Canada has 18-million
people. Today the population has nearly doubled to 34.5-million.
Clearly, doubling the population has greatly increased demands on the
environment and the major cause of population increase is immigration.

If you care about the environment, you have to oppose continued mass

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney went hysterical denouncing Suzuki. "
In a series of tweets in recent days, he used terms such as
'xenophobic' and 'anti-immigration' to describe Suzuki. ... In an
English tweet, Kenney said Suzuki’s comments were 'toxic and
irresponsible.' ...Kenney repeated his view in a statement Thursday,
saying 'Suzuki’s extreme comments reveal how offside he is with

The hyperventilating is symptomatic of the very narrow range of
politically correct opinion permitted on this nation-changing subject.
Radically change our population, replace the European founding/settler
people, but we must not discuss or debate it: "But Kenney’s
criticism, opined Huffington Post columnist J.J. McCullough – also
through Twitter – showed 'the extraordinarily narrow realm of
acceptable discourse on immigration in Canada.'”

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Decisions ... Decisions
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 12 July 2013 02:30
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Decisions ... Decisions

A 50-something year old Muslim man arrived at his seat on a crowded
flight and immediately didn't want the seat. The seat was next to an
elderly white woman reading her Bible. Disgusted, the Muslim man
immediately summoned the flight attendant and demanded a new seat.
The man said "I cannot sit here next to this infidel." The flight
attendant said "Let me see if I can find another seat."

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