J. Philippe Rushton, R.I.P
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 08 October 2012 06:14
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I have known Phil Rushton for over a quarter of a century. Our
Alternative Forum twice spnsored talks by this great pioneer in the
study of racial differences, especially differences in behaviour.
Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform brought out a short popularized
booklet on his thoiughts -- What Rushton Really Said on Race,
Evolution and AIDS (C-FAR BOOKS, .O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3,
CANADA. $4.00)

Racial differences, Professor Rushton argued, were more than
superficial, more than skin deep. They were, in fact, behvioural. At
one end were Blacks with the behavioural or survival strategies of a
fish -- many births, primiscuous life style, casual child rearing
methods ("it takeds a village). At the other end, were Orientals and
close to them Whites, with the survival strategy of the whale --
feweer children, involvewd and nurturing child rearing. The races also
different significangtly in terms of propensity toward violence,
forweardf planning and impulsive behaviour. In partnership with
Professor Richard Lynn of the University iof Northern Ireland, he
undertook a comprehensive review of I.Q studies and racial and weorld
I.Q. distributions, Thde literature in over a hundred studies going
back a century seemed to suggest that the average African IQ was 70!
The I.Q. of Norther American Negroes is about 85; the I.Q. of North
American Whites is roughkly 100. If accurate, this would suggest that
the average African was borderline retarded. Professor Ruhston went
himself to South Africa in the late 1990s to explore this data. It was
accurate but he explained that 70 I.Q. is not so much borderline
retarded but is more the emotional equivalent of a not very bright
12-year old, who would have basic food gathering and other survival
skills but would have poor control of his emotional impulses and
wojuld be poor at planning for the future.

Needless to say, the policy implications of these findings were
revolutionary. They hasd strong implications on immigrsation policy.
Is it wise to import people from alien cultures with irespoinsible
breeding and child rearing behaviours. [One thinks of the now
intractable gangf problems in the heavily Caribbean ublic houjsing
projects of Toronto.] Rushton pointed out to me that the I.Q. map of
the Middle East -- a swath running across North Africa all the way to
Northern India -- shows an average I.Q., with a few exceptions, less
than 90. HGe felt thaqt President George Bush's ideal of exporting
democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan and other such labnds was doomed to
failure. [Partici[atory self-government requires a fairly high level
of intelligence. It just isn't there. Democracy, he felt, would just
not work there.

Professor Rushton's views inflamed the egalitarians and the
politically correct, At one point, then Liberal Premier of Ontario
David Pedtgerson ordered an investigation as to wehter Professor
Rushton's views violated Canada's notorioujs "hate law."


Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, October 4, 2012

Before I ever met John Philippe Rushton I saw him on the Geraldo
Rivera television program. It was in 1989, shortly after his
ground-breaking work on race differences first began to get
international attention. One of the guests was that weasel Barry
Mehler of Ferris State University, who has tried to make a career of
denouncing scientists if he doesn’t like their research.
Prof. Mehler could hardly control himself. “I am trained in
unmasking academic racism,” he shouted, “and you are a racist!”
Phil smiled and replied quietly, “I am an academic.”
Another guest was a black man named Charles King, whose understanding
of science was even spottier than Prof. Mehler’s. “Are you saying
I am your inferior?” he thundered. “No,” replied Phil, “I am
saying we are different.” The program was a tour de force of
reasonable explanations and unflappable manners on the one hand, and
fulmination on the other.
I met Phil not long after that impressive performance, and through
many years of friendship until his death two days ago, the qualities I
saw on that program always impressed me. Phil had an intense desire to
know the truth, to understand our species in all its complexity. He
was also polite to a fault, even in the face of the vilest
provocation. But it is as a man of science that he will be
remembered—a great thinker in the distinguished lineage of Francis
Galton, Charles Spearman, and Arthur Jensen. In a sane world, Canada
would recognize him as the national treasure he was.
John Philippe Rushton was born in 1943 in Bournemouth, England, and
received a Ph.D. in 1973 from the London School of Economics for work
in the development of altruism in children. In 1974 he emigrated to
Canada, and in 1977 he took a post at the University of Western
Ontario, where he became a full professor in 1985.
Phil’s first important scientific contributions grew out of his
studies of altruism in children. During a sabbatical year he spent in
Berkeley, California, in 1981, he could not help noticing that in a
multi-racial society, people care most about their own group.
Hispanics supported recognition of Spanish as an official language,
Jews were interested in what was happening in Israel, and blacks
associated with and supported each other. This led Phil to develop
Genetic Similarity Theory, according to which people are most
altruistic towards those to whom they are biologically close, and less
altruistic and even hostile to those who are biologically distant. He
studied how people sense genetic similarity, and the consequences this
has for society.
During this period he began to investigate race differences—in
particular race differences in intelligence and brain size—but
broadened his research to include all physiological and behavioral
race differences. This led to his ground-breaking application of r-K
theory to human races—and, of course, to his demonization.
Phil’s crucial insight was to realize that different races show
consistent patterns that reflect different reproductive strategies. At
one extreme are East Asians, who are the most intelligent, have the
largest brains, show the most sexual restraint, develop most slowly,
live the longest, and are most law-abiding. This is consistent with
having few children but taking very good care of them. At the other
extreme are black Africans, whose behavior is consistent with less
investment in larger numbers of children. On virtually every scale of
r-K behavior (that is, on a scale of high-investment versus
low-investment child-rearing), whites fall somewhere between Asians
and blacks. Phil meticulously documented and argued this theory in his
brilliant 1995 book, Race, Evolution, and Behavior (
http://www.amren.com/ar/1994/12/index.html#cover ).
Phil had been publishing his ideas well before this, however, and in
1989, the Toronto Star started a campaign to have him fired from his
job at the University of Western Ontario. The paper accused him of
“racism,” and noted that “there are well established procedures
for the dismissal of tenured staff.” The rest of the media joined in
a chorus howling for Phil’s scalp. In February that year, Premier
David Peterson of Ontario telephoned the president of the University
of Western Ontario demanding that Phil be fired.
Thugs disrupted Phil’s classes, and shouted abuse at him whenever he
walked by. Once he found “Racists pig live here” [sic] scrawled on
the door of his office. In March 1989, the Attorney General of Ontario
began a police investigation to see whether Phil had broken laws
banning the promotion of “hatred against any identifiable group.”
A finding of guilt could have meant up to two years in prison, but
eight months later, the Attorney General announced that Phil’s
theories were “loony but not criminal.”
The University of Western Ontario could find no legal way to fire
Phil, so it barred him from the classroom and ordered him to record
lectures on video tape for students to watch in private. Phil managed
to persuade a faculty grievance committee that this was absurd. When
he resumed classroom teaching—amid much media whooping and student
protest—thugs repeatedly disrupted his courses and even assaulted
him. Through it all, Phil never lost his temper, never threw a
punch—and, most importantly, never backed down. Over the years, his
enemies gradually retreated to a baffled state of relative silence,
while Phil continued to publish top-flight research on race
As Phil moved into forbidden territory, his funding disappeared, and
he asked the Pioneer Fund for help. Harry Weyher, who had been running
the fund since 1958, gave Phil the support that made his best work
possible. After a close and fruitful association with the fund, it was
natural that Phil himself should become president of the fund on
Weyher’s death in 2002. For 10 years, Phil continued Pioneer’s
quiet but invaluable grants in support of race-related research.
Phil also had a close association with American Renaissance. He spoke
at no fewer than six AR conferences (
http://www.amren.com/archives/conferences/ ), and was invariably the
main attraction. The first time he spoke, in 1996, a fascinated
audience kept him on his feet for more than an hour past the scheduled
end of his talk. Phil answered question after question with his
trademark combination of patience, erudition, and charm. Afterwards,
he told me his legs were aching, but that it was a pleasure to speak
to such a well-informed group.
Phil had agreed to speak at the conference we held in February this
year, but he withdrew, saying he feared his health would not allow him
to travel. I knew he had been in and out of the hospital with
Addison’s disease, which attacks the immune system, but I hardly
expected him to leave us so soon. Phil always had ideas for research;
I grieve to think he will never be able to do that work.
Whatever Phil’s enemies may say of him—and we know exactly what
they will say—those of us who had the great privilege of his
friendship know that he was first and always a seeker of the truth. It
was the quality of the data he cared about, not whether they fit his
or anyone else’s theories.
And, of course, it was precisely because he pursued the truth that he
was hated. Those who have never been slandered in the press, never
been denounced by “scholars,” never assaulted by
“anti-racists,” or never shunned by colleagues do not know the
courage it takes to endure it year after year. Phil Rushton steered a
straight course through the hurricane, and he did it with unparalleled
dignity. He was as principled as a man as he was brilliant as a
scientist, and our world is greatly diminished without him.

J. Philippe Rushton, 1943 – 2012

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27th Orwell Dinner Honours Heroic Couple Who Fought the Child Seizers at Child Protec
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 08 October 2012 06:10
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27th Orwell Dinner Honours Heroic Couple Who Fought the Child Seizers
at Child Protective Agency

VICTORIA. October 6, 2012. An overflow crowd delivered a thundering
standing ovation to the parents of four children who were seized by
British Columbia’s Orwellian named Ministry of Children and Family
Development which falsely accused them of shaking their daughter after
she suffered a head injury because of a fall.

The George Orwell Free Speech Award is presented annually “to
celebrate courage in defence of free speech and opposition to
tyranny,” Douglas H, Christie, General Counsel to the Canadian Free
Speech League, told the gathering.

In presenting the award, Mr. Christie explained that four years ago
the recipients Paul and Zabeth Bayne’s nightmare began, when
“their one year old toddler fell and knocked his little sister over,
After the little girl began vomiting, the parents rushed her to the
hospital. Doctors discovered bleeding on the brain.” Suddenly, they
were no longer treated as concerned distraught parents but accused

The doctors called the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
The little girl was seized and sent to a foster home.. When the
traumatized parents, after numerous hearings, decided to go public and
take their case to television, the Ministry of Children and Family
Development, apparently in revenge seized their two boys. In the most
shocking act of bureaucratic tyranny, several days after Zabeth gave
birth to her fourth child, a boy named Josiah, he too was taken from
them and whisked off to foster care.

Aided by their lawyer Douglas Christie in their four year battle, the
family impoverished themselves hiring medical experts who refuted the
accusation that they had shaken their little girl. The family,
including their four children, who were present at the awards dinner
have finally been reunited. In presenting the award, Douglas Christie
noted that “Paul and Zabeth continue to fight tyranny and put on
seminars to help other people know the truth about shaken baby

In accepting the award, Zabeth Bayne recounted the horrific visit to
the hospital with their injured daughter. ”After the misdiagnosis of
shaken baby syndrome, it would take years to see our family

She explained the nightmare experience. “We were frantic about our
baby. We were interrogated separately. I spent three hours on the cold
concrete floor of a prison cell awaiting questioning. The police then
decided that our testimony was inconsistent. The doctors had written a
report that our little girl had been shaken or squeezed and that one
or both parents was guilty,”

“We were not treated as innocent until proven guilty. Parents are
told they must explain the child’s injuries consistent with the
medical analysis,” she added. “However, the medical system
frequently fails to do a full diagnosis. They did not do a
differential diagnosis taking into account that there are other
situations that mimic shaken child syndrome. Worse, the burden of
proof for the child protective agencies is very low,” she added.

Then, the darkness closed in. Their daughter was taken away. “We
were not allowed to see our child. We didn’t know where she was or
even how she was,” Mrs. Bayne said.

The Baynes have founded the Evidence Based Medicine & Social
Investigation Group (evidencebasedmedicineandsocialinvestigation.org (
http://evidencebasedmedicineandsocialinvestigation.org/ )). It
connects wrongly accused parents with medical and legal experts. The
group has held two conferences thus far.

Zabeth Baynes insisted: “There are hundreds of people across North
America serving prison sentences for false charges of child abuse.
Lives and relationships have been destroyed.” And, she added, “the
legal and medical systems are resistant to change.”

In his introductory remarks, Douglas Christie discussed several
current free speech cases. He noted that Terry Tremaine’s Sec. 319
(“hate law”) case had been judicially stayed because of undue
delay. However, Mr. Tremaine, who was present meeting enthusiastic
supporters, faces a contempt of court sentencing Tuesday, October 9 in
Vancouver under a law that has now been repealed by the House of

In another case, Mr. Christie has recently secured for pro-life
activist Sissy von Dehn the right to appeal against her conviction for
distributing, within the bubble zone, copies of British Columbia
legislation establishing anti-protest, anti-free speech bubble zones
around abortuaries.

“The power of the state is an insidious thing,” said Mr. Christie.
“It is intruding on the rights of individuals. Many people,” he
added, “feel helpless. It is our duty to do something about it
because it isn’t just my freedom, it isn’t just your freedom, it
is our freedom that is at stake!”

Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression,
discussed the horrific case of inveterate letter writer Brad Love. Mr.
Love, by his own estimation, had written some 10,000 letters over a 20
year period to newspapers and public officials. . Political prisoner
Brad Love wasconvicted in 2003 under Canada’s notorious “hate
law” for writing non-violent letters to elected officials. Mr. Fromm
explained that Mr. Love was released on August 29 on an astronomic
$222,000 bail pending an appeal against both his conviction and
further 18 month sentence for breach of probation. The appeal is set
for April 29, 2013.

“Mr. Love,” said Mr. Fromm, a frequent speaker at the Orwell
Dinner, “was under a draconian bail condition imposed by one Judge
Hogg that forbade him from writing to anyone, without their consent;
in other words, a complete gag order. In 2009, he wrote letters to
several Jewish groups in Toronto in support of Stop Israel Apartheid
Week, having previously obtained their oral permission by phone. On
July 13, Judge Kelly Wright sentenced him to 18 months in prison,
having rejected his defence saying the groups had not give informed

In sentencing the prolific letter writer , the judge entirely endorsed
the Crown’s submissions as she had all through the protracted
proceedings. The Crown, in her arguments, made it clear that the
political gagging of Mr. Love was her goal: "Mr. Love, in the Crown's
submission, in a unique offender." She indicated that her goal was "to
prevent" Mr. Love's "views from hurting other people. We need to
protect the public from hateful, scurrilous material." And, so, he
must be silenced.

Mr. Love’s letters, Mr. Fromm noted, “were sent to adults, most of
them political players who could, had they found them offensive, done
the adult thing and thrown them in the garbage, rather than run
whining to the police and the censor courts.”

Mr. Fromm explained that it is not just the sentences that make the
hate laws so oppressive. It is the gag orders that form part of the
bail conditions, as in the Terry Tremaine case, or the silencing
“probation condition, as in the Brad Love case. Should his appeal
not succeed, Mr. Love will have been gagged and/or imprisoned for 14
years under a law that appears to provide for only a two year maximum
prison sentence for dissent. And, yes, “Mr. Fromm concluded, “all
this occurs in pompous, self-righteous
Canada, not in Red China or the Democratic People’s Republic of the

Also appearing as a featured speaker was past George Orwell Free
Speech Award winner, former model and actress, and now videographer
Lady Michele Renouf. In Victoria, she completed a seven-city Canadian
speaking tour sponsored by the Canadian Association for Free

“I am delighted to be in a room filled with supporters of heroes I
honour,” she said, singling out host Douglas Christie, whom she
hailed as the “Battling Barrister,” and Paul Fromm and political
prisoner and free speech dissident Terry Tremaine.

A frequent speaker across Europe, Lady Michele explained: “In
Europe, we’re jailing lawyers for defending revisionist clients. In
sentencing attorney Horst Mahler to 13 years in prison, a judge in
Mannheim, accused him of defending his clients ‘too well.’”

”If Doug Christie were in Europe, he’d be in prison,” she
warned. In Germany, she explained, “it is forbidden to introduce
historical critical material in the defence of a revisionist

The spirited British videographer ,who is in Canada promoting her
latest 2-hour production Dresden Holocaust, 1945 [available for $30
postpaid from C-FAR Books, P.O. 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA),
proclaimed: “I am not prepared to be bullied or subjugated. I make
films to expose ‘swindlespeak.’” For the future and betterment
of our people, she explained, “we must lower the fear barrier. We
should not be fearful to have and express an opinion.”

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27th Orwell Dinner Honours Heroic Couple Who Fought the Child Seizers at Child Protec
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 08 October 2012 06:04
*27th Orwell Dinner Honours Heroic Couple Who Fought the Child Seizers at
Child Protective Agency***

*VICTORIA**. October 6, 2012*. An overflow crowd delivered a thundering
standing ovation to the parents of four children who were seized by British
Columbia’s Orwellian named Ministry of Children and Family Development
which falsely accused them of shaking their daughter after she suffered a
head injury because of a fall.

The George Orwell Free Speech Award is presented annually “to celebrate
courage in defence of free speech and opposition to tyranny,” Douglas H,
Christie, General Counsel to the Canadian Free Speech League, told the

In presenting the award, Mr. Christie explained that four years ago the
recipients Paul and Zabeth Bayne’s nightmare began, when “their one year
old toddler fell and knocked his little sister over, After the little girl
began vomiting, the parents rushed her to the hospital. Doctors discovered
bleeding on the brain.” Suddenly, they were no longer treated as concerned
distraught parents but accused criminals.

The doctors called the Ministry of Children and Family Development. The
little girl was seized and sent to a foster home.. When the traumatized
parents, after numerous hearings, decided to go public and take their case
to television, the Ministry of Children and Family Development, apparently
in revenge seized their two boys. In the most shocking act of bureaucratic
tyranny, several days after Zabeth gave birth to her fourth child, a boy
named Josiah, he too was taken from them and whisked off to foster care.

Aided by their lawyer Douglas Christie in their four year battle, the
family impoverished themselves hiring medical experts who refuted the
accusation that they had shaken their little girl. The family, including
their four children, who were present at the awards dinner have finally
been reunited. In presenting the award, Douglas Christie noted that “Paul
and Zabeth continue to fight tyranny and put on seminars to help other
people know the truth about shaken baby syndrome.”

In accepting the award, Zabeth Bayne recounted the horrific visit to the
hospital with their injured daughter. ”After the misdiagnosis of shaken
baby syndrome, it would take years to see our family reunited.”

She explained the nightmare experience. “We were frantic about our baby. We
were interrogated separately. I spent three hours on the cold concrete
floor of a prison cell awaiting questioning. The police then decided that
our testimony was inconsistent. The doctors had written a report that our
little girl had been shaken or squeezed and that one or both parents was

“We were not treated as innocent until proven guilty. Parents are told they
must explain the child’s injuries consistent with the medical analysis,”
she added. “However, the medical system frequently fails to do a full
diagnosis. They did not do a differential diagnosis taking into account
that there are other situations that mimic shaken child syndrome. Worse,
the burden of proof for the child protective agencies is very low,” she

Then, the darkness closed in. Their daughter was taken away. “We were not
allowed to see our child. We didn’t know where she was or even how she
was,” Mrs. Bayne said.

The Baynes have founded the Evidence Based Medicine & Social Investigation
Group (evidencebasedmedicineandsocialinvestigation.org). It connects
wrongly accused parents with medical and legal experts. The group has held
two conferences thus far.

Zabeth Baynes insisted: “There are hundreds of people across North
Americaserving prison sentences for false charges of child abuse.
Lives and
relationships have been destroyed.” And, she added, “the legal and medical
systems are resistant to change.”

In his introductory remarks, Douglas Christie discussed several current
free speech cases. He noted that Terry Tremaine’s Sec. 319 (“hate law”)
case had been judicially stayed because of undue delay. However, Mr.
Tremaine, who was present meeting enthusiastic supporters, faces a contempt
of court sentencing Tuesday, October 9 in Vancouver under a law that has
now been repealed by the House of Commons.

In another case, Mr. Christie has recently secured for pro-life activist
Sissy von Dehn the right to appeal against her conviction for distributing,
within the bubble zone, copies of British Columbia legislation establishing
anti-protest, anti-free speech bubble zones around abortuaries.

“The power of the state is an insidious thing,” said Mr. Christie. “It is
intruding on the rights of individuals. Many people,” he added, “feel
helpless. It is our duty to do something about it because it isn’t just my
freedom, it isn’t just your freedom, it is our freedom that is at stake!”

Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression,
discussed the horrific case of inveterate letter writer Brad Love. Mr.
Love, by his own estimation, had written some 10,000 letters over a 20 year
period to newspapers and public officials. . Political prisoner Brad Love
wasconvicted in 2003 under Canada’s notorious “hate law” for writing
non-violent letters to elected officials. Mr. Fromm explained that Mr. Love
was released on August 29 on an astronomic $222,000 bail pending an appeal
against both his conviction and further 18 month sentence for breach of
probation. The appeal is set for April 29, 2013.

“Mr. Love,” said Mr. Fromm, a frequent speaker at the Orwell Dinner, “was
under a draconian bail condition imposed by one Judge Hogg that forbade him
from writing to *anyone*, without their consent; in other words, a complete
gag order. In 2009, he wrote letters to several Jewish groups in Toronto in
support of Stop Israel Apartheid Week, having previously obtained their
oral permission by phone. On July 13, Judge Kelly Wright sentenced him to
18 months in prison, having rejected his defence saying the groups had not
give informed consent.”

In sentencing the prolific letter writer , the judge entirely endorsed the
Crown’s submissions as she had all through the protracted proceedings. The
Crown, in her arguments, made it clear that the political gagging of Mr.
Love was her goal: "Mr. Love, in the Crown's submission, in a unique
offender." She indicated that her goal was "to prevent" Mr. Love's "views
from hurting other people. We need to protect the public from hateful,
scurrilous material." And, so, he must be silenced.

Mr. Love’s letters, Mr. Fromm noted, “were sent to adults, most of them
political players who could, had they found them offensive, done the adult
thing and thrown them in the garbage, rather than run whining to the police
and the censor courts.”

Mr. Fromm explained that it is not just the sentences that make the hate
laws so oppressive. It is the gag orders that form part of the bail
conditions, as in the Terry Tremaine case, or the silencing “probation
condition, as in the Brad Love case. Should his appeal not succeed, Mr.
Love will have been gagged and/or imprisoned for 14 years under a law that
appears to provide for only a two year maximum prison sentence for dissent.
And, yes, “Mr. Fromm concluded, “all this occurs in pompous, self-righteous

Canada, not in Red China or the Democratic People’s Republic of the Congo.”

Also appearing as a featured speaker was past George Orwell Free Speech
Award winner, former model and actress, and now videographer Lady Michele
Renouf. In Victoria, she completed a seven-city Canadian speaking tour
sponsored by the Canadian Association for Free Expression.

“I am delighted to be in a room filled with supporters of heroes I
honour,” she said, singling out host Douglas Christie, whom she hailed as
the “Battling Barrister,” and Paul Fromm and political prisoner and free
speech dissident Terry Tremaine.

A frequent speaker across Europe, Lady Michele explained: “In Europe,
we’re jailing lawyers for defending revisionist clients. In sentencing
attorney Horst Mahler to 13 years in prison, a judge in Mannheim, accused
him of defending his clients ‘too well.’”

”If Doug Christie were in Europe, he’d be in prison,” she warned. In
Germany, she explained, “it is forbidden to introduce historical critical
material in the defence of a revisionist client.”

The spirited British videographer ,who is in Canada promoting her latest
2-hour production *Dresden Holocaust, 1945 [*available for $30 postpaid
from C-FAR Books, P.O. 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA), proclaimed: “I
am not prepared to be bullied or subjugated. I make films to expose
‘swindlespeak.’” For the future and betterment of our people, she
explained, “we must lower the fear barrier. We should not be fearful to
have and express an opinion.”
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