National Post Picks Up CAFE Report on Terry Tremaine's Return to STORMFRONT
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 05 July 2012 03:36
*National Post* Picks Up CAFE Report on Terry Tremaine's Return to
STORMFRONT What is it exactly that CAFE does? Among other things, we
publicize the cause of those under attack by Canada's thought crimes laws.
Yesterday, I sent out an exclusive report -- the indolent media has all but
ignored the Terry Tremaine free speech case. He's charged under Sec. 319,
the notorious "hate law" of Canada's Criminal Code. This victim of a
Richard Warman vendetta was charged under the now all but defunct Sec. 13
(Internet censorship) provision of the Canadian Human Rights Act in 2005.
Warman complained about Mr. Tremaine's political views to the University of
Saskatchewan. He lost his job and was, therefore, unable to hire a lawyer
for his human rights tribunal. Warman then filed complaints under the "hate
law" with the Regina Police. He has filed three more complaints seeking to
have Mr. Tremaine jailed for "contempt of court" for not having shut down
his website, even though his bail conditions in the Sec. 319 charges forbid
him to post on his own site -- !

Last week, Mr. Tremaine won the limited right to go back on
Stormfrontwhere he posted over 3,000 articles in 2004-2005 under the
*"Mathdoktor99".* He can seek material pertinent to about 50 posts which
are alleged to promote hate against no fewer than 11 privileged groups.
This material would be toward the defence of truth.

I sent this report to you and to about 500 media outlets across Canada.
Already the *National Post's* Marni Soupcoff has picked it up as has the *New
York Post.*

CAFE's goal is to free the Internet in Canada form state censorship. We're
part way there. Sec. 13 has been repealed by Bill C-304. All that remains
is Senate approval.

The next target is Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Doug Christie, Terry
Tremaine's lawyer, will argue that Sec. 319 does not apply to the
Internet. Beyond that, this evil law should be repealed. Expert testimony
in the *Lemire *case showed that the law was based on bogus science.
Trudeau's Chartrer allows Parliament or a provincial legislature to
restrict rights if its does so for a good purpose and doesn't go too far.
The Supreme Court was convinced by a narrow 4-3 margin, in 1990, that
"hate" had pernicious effects on minorities. The Royal Commission on Hate
Propaganda, a body stacked with two Jewish lobbyists and the yet obscure
Pierre Elliot Trudeau, duly recommended restrictions on free speech -- the
"hate law" -- in their 1965 report. A report presented to by the Royal
Commission by Dr. Harry Kaufmann, Associate Professor of Psychology at the
University of Toronto, would provide the "scientific" veneer for state
censorship. Kaufmann argued that "hate propaganda" made minorities feel
afraid, made them doubt themselves, made them not want to be themselves,
and, then, made them withdraw from society and, at the extreme end, indulge
in self-destructive behaviour. The Supreme Court accepted this account and
ruled that Parliament was justified in seeking to restrict "hate
propaganda" because of its supposed evil effects.

The evidence of neuro-psychologist Dr. Michael Persinger at the
*Lemire* Tribunal
proved that Kaufmann's account was "highly theoretical" -- as opposed to
being grounded in provable fact -- when It was written in 1965. By 1990, it
was bad science; with what we know today, it is just plain junk science.
The Supreme Court bought the equivalent of "flat earth" science. To be
kind, let's just say that science has moved on and there are no ill effects
of "aversive language" -- Professor Persinger's more objective, less
emotionally charged term for "hate propaganda." Sure, they may be hurt
feelings or the anger of heariing one's group criticized, but there are
none of the dire effects Kaufmann alleged. Thus, even under the Charter,
there is NO justificationfor the "hate law."

Of course, I'd have liked to have seen fewer "neo-Nazis" and no
defamation of Mr. Tremaine -- "creepy", "a nobody". However,
Soupcofffirmly makes the point that Sec. 319 must go: " The trouble
starts once the
government enters the equation, at the invitation of section 319(2), and
sets itself up as the arbiter of whether Tremaine’s ideas are simply too
offensive and disagreeable to legally abide. Suddenly, then, to counter
this hefty power to subjectively vet a citizen’s speech and decide whether
it should land him behind bars for a several years, the government forces
itself into the position of having to provide Tremaine a far prettier
platform than he’d ever have been able to achieve on his own."

*Paul Fromm*
*Canadian Association for Free Expression*.
Marni Soupcoff: Tremaine’s platform for neo-Nazi views helpfully provided
by Canada’s criminal code

Marni Soupcoff <> Jul
4, 2012 – 12:06 PM ET

Terry Tremaine’s been given permission by the judge hearing his case to
visit and post on white supremacist websites in an effort to gather facts
for his defense.

Tremaine is a Regina neo-Nazi leader who is being charged with wilfully
promoting hatred against an identifiable group. He’s not a very sympathetic
figure, what with his propensity for seemingly endless anti-Semitic and
racist web posts that label blacks “intellectually inferior” and Jews
“parasitic,” not to mention his founding of the Neo-Nazi National Socialist
Party of Canada. But his case — rendered suddenly higher profile with the
news that he will be allowed to communicate on racist online forums to help
attempt to prove the truth of his inflammatory remarks — could do Canada a

The former math lecturer — who is usually confined to sharing his creepy
Hitler-boosting and white power messages in shadowy (and equally creepy)
web sites with no credibility — will now be treated to a highly publicized
trial in a respectable courtroom in which he will be able to air his nasty
views for all the country to hear and read about in great detail in
mainstream newspapers and newscasts. This does not strike me as a positive

Denying Tremaine the ability to mount a full and effective defense against
the crimes with his he is charged would not be any answer to the problem,

Saskatchewan’s Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Frederick Kovach may be
contributing to the airing of racist and anti-Semitic garbage by allowing
Tremaine to post messages on neo-Nazi websites, but given that even scummy
defendants such as Tremaine enjoy a right to due process, Kovach is right
to do so.

The real problem lies with section 319(2) of the Criminal Code, which makes
“willfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group” by
“communicating statements, other than in private conversation” an offense
punishable by prison time. The Supreme Court ruled in 1990 in the
Keegstracase that the provision is constitutional. But the Tremaine
case is
reminding us that constitutionality doesn’t make a law sensible or

Unless he’s actually inciting people to violence, a man like Tremaine is
best left to froth quietly at the mouth in the company of the small group
of creeps who agree with him.

There is no question that he will say things most people consider hateful
and despicable — that is his raison d’etre. However, as Tremaine’s status
shows (how many Canadians had heard of him before the charges against him
were laid, or before Wednesday’s story about the court order allowing him
to surf white supremacist sites?), society has done an awfully good job of
simply ignoring and marginalizing his message without the law getting

The trouble starts once the government enters the equation, at the
invitation of section 319(2), and sets itself up as the arbiter of whether
Tremaine’s ideas are simply too offensive and disagreeable to legally
abide. Suddenly, then, to counter this hefty power to subjectively vet a
citizen’s speech and decide whether it should land him behind bars for a
several years, the government forces itself into the position of having to
provide Tremaine a far prettier platform than he’d ever have been able to
achieve on his own.

Tremaine is one of those people you don’t want as a poster boy because of
the controversial, nasty and unpopular things he has to say.

But Tremaine happens to be the perfect poster boy for the cause of
preserving free expression for the same reasons. Turn your nose up at him,
or turn away from him, sure. But try to completely silence him with the
power of the state and you make him a martyr, afford a perverse legitimacy
to his marginal views (handing him a metaphorical megaphone in the process)
and stifle free discussion and debate in general.

A guy like Terry Tremaine should be a nobody. And he probably would have
been if not for the well-intentioned but overreaching arm of our criminal

*National Post (July 4, 2012)*
Canadian Political Prisoner "Mathdoktor99" Returns to Stormfront With Court-Declared
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 03 July 2012 07:58
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Former Canadian Political Prisoner "Mathdoktor99" Returns to
Stormfront With Court-Declared Restrictions

REGINA. June 28, 2012. "Mathdoktor99" -- Canadian political prisoner
Terry Tremaine-- will be back on but with severe
court-imposed conditions, Mr. Tremaine indicated in an interview with
CAFE today.

In 2004-2005, Mr. Tremaine, then a university lecturer in math and
computer studies, was a prolific poster of thoughtful and well
documented opinion pieces -- perhaps as many as 3,000 --on the White
Nationalist website. In 2005, he became the victim of a seven year
vendetta by Richard Warman to both silence and jail him. The former
university math lecturer has endured seven years of torment at the
hands of chronic complaint filer Richard Warman, who filed complaints
against Mr. Tremaine under the now repealed Sec. 13 of the Canadian
Human Rights Act and under the notorious "hate law", Sec. 319 of the
Criminal Code all because of Mr. Tremaine's political postings on U.S.
Stromfont and on his own site -- ( ).

In 2005, a threatening letter sent by Mr. Warman to the University of
Saskatchewan resulted in Mr. Tremaine's losing his job and being
impoverished and unable to hire counsel to defend him at the 2006
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on the Sec. 13 charge.

"Mathdoktor99" disappeared from Stormfront in 2008. Spurred by a
Richard Warman complaint, Regina Police seized Mr. Tremaine's computer
and some books and other things. He was subsequently charged in June,
2008 under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code (Canada's notorious "hate
law") and his bail undertaking essentially silenced him politically.
Originally, he was forbidden to own a computer or access the Internet
in any way. Four more appeals in Court by Mr. Tremaine wrung
concessions that he could own a computer and access the Internet but
that he might not post on any "White Supremacist" websites. Thus, he
has remained effectively silenced politically for over four years.

Interestingly, Canada rebukes Red China for silencing dissidents and
stripping them of political rights - the right to speak. One
dissident, for instance, architect and artist Wei Wei was jailed, as
has been Mr. Tremaine, for 81 days and then put under house arrest and
denied political rights and the right to speak for a year. He writes:
"A year ago tomorrow, I was released from more than two months of
secret detention (
). Police told me today that they have lifted my bail conditions. I am
happy that the year is up, but also feel sorry about it. I have no
sense of why I lost my freedom and if you don't know how you lost
something, how can you protect it? " (The Guardian, June 21, 2012)
Outrageous, of course, but Terry Tremaine has been gagged for FOUR
years in a so-called democracy with no end in sight!

The Canadian media which likes wagging its bony finger to scold Red
China -- and rightly so -- has been silent about the silencing of our
own dissident thinker Terry Tremaine.

Douglas Christie, Mr. Tremaine's lawyer, extracted a concession during
a motions hearing, yesterday. The Crown, after a direct order by Judge
Frederick Kovach, clarified its indictment. Mr. Tremaine is now
charged with 11 counts of wilfully promoting "hate" against privileged
groups -- 11 in all (black, browns, Jews, homosexuals, etc.) -- in
about 50 postings.

While Mr. Tremaine will not be allowed to post his views or comment on
others' postings, he will be back on Stormfront to "seek source
material," Mr. Christie explained. He will be asking the Stormfront
community, having had his submission vetted by the Crown, to supply
sources and references, as one of his defences will be truth.

Paul Fromm
Canadian Associstion for Free Expression

People wishing to help inform others of the persecution of this
Canadian dissident may send donations (by cheque or VISA) to:

P.O. Box 332,
Rexdale, ON.,
M9W 5L3,

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Former Canadian Political Prisoner "Mathdoktor99" Returns to Stormfront With Court-De
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 03 July 2012 07:45
Former Canadian Political Prisoner "Mathdoktor99" Returns to Stormfront
With Court-Declared Restrictions
REGINA. June 28, 2012. "Mathdoktor99" -- Canadian political prisoner Terry
Tremaine-- will be back on but with severe court-imposed
conditions, Mr. Tremaine indicated in an interview with CAFE today.
In 2004-2005, Mr. Tremaine, then a university lecturer in math and computer
studies, was a prolific poster of thoughtful and well documented opinion
pieces -- perhaps as many as 3,000 --on the White Nationalist website. In
2005, he became the victim of a seven year vendetta by Richard Warman to
both silence and jail him. The former university math lecturer has endured
seven years of torment at the hands of chronic complaint filer Richard
Warman, who filed complaints against Mr. Tremaine under the now repealed
Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act and under the notorious "hate
law", Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code all because of Mr. Tremaine's political
postings on U.S. Stromfont and on his own site --
In 2005, a threatening letter sent by Mr. Warman to the University of
Saskatchewan resulted in Mr. Tremaine's losing his job and being
impoverished and unable to hire counsel to defend him at the 2006 Canadian
Human Rights Tribunal on the Sec. 13 charge.
"Mathdoktor99" disappeared from Stormfront in 2008. Spurred by a Richard
Warman complaint, Regina Police seized Mr. Tremaine's computer and some
books and other things. He was subsequently charged in June, 2008 under
Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code (Canada's notorious "hate law") and his bail
undertaking essentially silenced him politically. Originally, he was
forbidden to own a computer or access the Internet in any way. Four more
appeals in Court by Mr. Tremaine wrung concessions that he could own a
computer and access the Internet but that he might not post on any "White
Supremacist" websites. Thus, he has remained effectively silenced
politically for over four years.
Interestingly, Canada rebukes Red China for silencing dissidents and
stripping them of political rights - the right to speak. One dissident, for
instance, architect and artist Wei Wei was jailed, as has been Mr.
Tremaine, for 81 days and then put under house arrest and denied political
rights and the right to speak for a year. He writes: "A year ago tomorrow,
I was released from more than two months of secret
Police told me today that they have lifted my bail conditions. I am happy
that the year is up, but also feel sorry about it. I have no sense of why I
lost my freedom and if you don't know how you lost something, how can you
protect it? " (The Guardian, June 21, 2012) Outrageous, of course, but
Terry Tremaine has been gagged for FOUR years in a so-called democracy with
no end in sight!
The Canadian media which likes wagging its bony finger to scold Red China
-- and rightly so -- has been silent about the silencing of our own
dissident thinker Terry Tremaine.
Douglas Christie, Mr. Tremaine's lawyer, extracted a concession during a
motions hearing, yesterday. The Crown, after a direct order by Judge
Frederick Kovach, clarified its indictment. Mr. Tremaine is now charged
with 11 counts of wilfully promoting "hate" against privileged groups -- 11
in all (black, browns, Jews, homosexuals, etc.) -- in about 50 postings.
While Mr. Tremaine will not be allowed to post his views or comment on
others' postings, he will be back on Stormfront to "seek source material,"
Mr. Christie explained. He will be asking the Stormfront community, having
had his submission vetted by the Crown, to supply sources and references,
as one of his defences will be truth.
Paul Fromm
Canadian Associstion for Free Expression
People wishing to help inform others of the persecution of this Canadian
dissident may send donations (by cheque or VISA) to:
P.O. Box 332,
Rexdale, ON.,
M9W 5L3,
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