Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Explains How Covert Anti-White Lobby Has Skewed Canada'
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 19 March 2012 06:06
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Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Explains How Covert Anti-White Lobby Has
Skewed Canada's Immigration Policies

March 18, 2012

Reply to Paul Fromm, Canadian Immigration Reform

Dear Paul,

Origin and purpose of the open-door policy

Thanks for forwarding the piece by Daniel Greenfield on Third World to
First World migration. His description and prognosis seem reasonable
enough but I think he is far off base to imply that there was
something inevitable about the migration tsunami.
Most nation states, whether advanced or retarded, through the ages
have been able to control their borders (short of military invasion)
and it was only when the Western democracies (or rather their venal
leadership, responding to pressure from their One World lobbies and
subversion within their ranks) ceased to enforce the controls, that
the massive influx of incompatible, self-selected "refugees" became

The unprecedented influx could not have happened without the
pro-active intervention of a powerful pressure group with secret
access to political decision-makers at the highest levels, since very
few, if any, normal citizens or their elected representatives would
have looked upon inundation by unskilled Visible Minorities as
anything short of disastrous for all concerned.
The electorate therefore were purposely not consulted nor were they
notified of the radical change in immigration policy which would see
the traditional merit criteria scrapped in favour of a selection
process so egregiously discriminatory that, by the mid-'seventies, an
illiterate, disease-ridden, black Jamaican criminal leaving 6
illegitimate offspring could gain residence easily and receive full
welfare benefits, while a healthy, eminently-assimilable Briton of
good character, with skills much in demand, would be denied even the
immigration application forms.

The change in policy was announced in an ominous, Confidential
Ministerial memo addressed to all front-line Immigration Officers,
circa 1970, stating that henceforth the goal of immigration policy was
to "achieve racial balance in Canada" and that any Officer who impeded
the entry of a person of colour would be deemed "racist" and no longer
of service to the Department. The few Officers intrepid or loyal
enough to attempt to enforce the still extant Immigration Act were
dismissed or transferred.

Successive governments surreptitiously endorsed without debate the
open-door policy, further evidence that a powerful force, transcending
party politics, was at work (when I confronted the Deputy Minister
while still in the Foreign Service on another outrageous betrayal of
the national interest by the then Federal Government, he replied "In
this case, the national interest doesn't apply"). So was it also in
the case of immigration policy, with the same powerful
international Lobby conspiring to destroy our traditional unity and
disable any opposition to our dispossession, which is already far
advanced, perhaps irreversible short of a popular uprising.

In nations where the Lobby does not prevail, or at least is not
omnipotent, e.g. Japan, China, Russia, there is no migrant invasion
problem. Undocumented arrivals are simply put on the next plane out,
at the airline's expense. Tens of thousands of Africans who had
entered Russia with student visas to attend Lumumba University in
Moscow left when the government cut off their financial support - a
reverse Third World movement that overloaded Western countries might
well emulate where migrants are unable or unwilling to assimilate and
depend on public support, a circumstance costing countless billions of
taxpayers' dollars that otherwise could be put to productive use.

The problem is essentially the preeminence of the Lobby, which must be
ended soon if we are to survive as a coherent sovereign nation. The
Lobby, unfortunately, not only has unlimited funds at its disposal,
which it dispenses astutely and bountifully in the right places (with
tight strings attached), but also enjoys the unique ability and
influence to place their co-religionists and collaborators in key
positions in government, finance, universities. the judiciary and the
media, This deeply-entrenched Fifth Column presents a formidable
challenge to members of the disorganized and demoralized White
majority wishing to unseat the predatory usurpers and restore the
levers of power to Canadian hands.

All the best,


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Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Explains How Covert Anti-White Lobby Has Skewed Canada'
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 19 March 2012 05:55
*Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Explains How Covert Anti-White Lobby Has
Skewed Canada's Immigration Policies*

March 18, 2012

*Reply to Paul Fromm, Canadian Immigration Reform
Dear Paul,

*Origin and purpose of the open-door policy *

* *

Thanks for forwarding the piece by Daniel Greenfield on Third World to
First World migration. His description and prognosis seem reasonable
enough but I think he is far off base to imply that there was something
inevitable about the migration tsunami.
Most nation states, whether advanced or retarded, through the ages have
been able to control their borders (short of military invasion) and it was
only when the Western democracies (or rather their venal leadership,
responding to pressure from their One World lobbies and subversion within
their ranks) ceased to enforce the controls, that the massive influx of
incompatible, self-selected "refugees" became possible.

The unprecedented influx could not have happened without the pro-active
intervention of a powerful pressure group with secret access to political
decision-makers at the highest levels, since very few, if any, normal
citizens or their elected representatives would have looked upon inundation
by unskilled Visible Minorities as anything short of disastrous for all
The electorate therefore were purposely not consulted nor were they
notified of the radical change in immigration policy which would see the
traditional merit criteria scrapped in favour of a selection process so
egregiously discriminatory that, by the mid-'seventies, an illiterate,
disease-ridden, black Jamaican criminal leaving 6 illegitimate offspring
could gain residence easily and receive full welfare benefits, while a
healthy, eminently-assimilable Briton of good character, with skills much
in demand, would be denied even the immigration application forms.

The change in policy was announced in an ominous, Confidential Ministerial
memo addressed to all front-line Immigration Officers, circa 1970, stating
that henceforth the goal of immigration policy was to "achieve racial
balance in Canada" and that any Officer who impeded the entry of a person
of colour would be deemed "racist" and no longer of service to the
Department. The few Officers intrepid or loyal enough to attempt to
enforce the still extant Immigration Act were dismissed or transferred.

Successive governments surreptitiously endorsed without debate the
open-door policy, further evidence that a powerful force, transcending
party politics, was at work (when I confronted the Deputy Minister while
still in the Foreign Service on another outrageous betrayal of the national
interest by the then Federal Government, he replied "In this case, the
national interest doesn't apply"). So was it also in the case of
immigration policy, with the same powerful international Lobby
conspiring to destroy our traditional unity and disable any opposition to
our dispossession, which is already far advanced, perhaps irreversible
short of a popular uprising.

In nations where the Lobby does not prevail, or at least is not omnipotent,
e.g. Japan, China, Russia, there is no migrant invasion problem.
Undocumented arrivals are simply put on the next plane out, at the
airline's expense. Tens of thousands of Africans who had entered Russia
with student visas to attend Lumumba University in Moscow left when the
government cut off their financial support - a reverse Third World movement
that overloaded Western countries might well emulate where migrants are
unable or unwilling to assimilate and depend on public support, a
circumstance costing countless billions of taxpayers' dollars that
otherwise could be put to productive use.

The problem is essentially the preeminence of the Lobby, which must be
ended soon if we are to survive as a coherent sovereign nation. The Lobby,
unfortunately, not only has unlimited funds at its disposal, which it
dispenses astutely and bountifully in the right places (with tight strings
attached), but also enjoys the unique ability and influence to place their
co-religionists and collaborators in key positions in government, finance,
universities. the judiciary and the media, This deeply-entrenched Fifth
Column presents a formidable challenge to members of the disorganized and
demoralized White majority wishing to unseat the predatory usurpers and
restore the levers of power to Canadian hands.

All the best,

Immigration -- The Politics of Population Replacement
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 16 March 2012 05:47
*Immigration -- The Politics of Population Replacement

Canada Free Press March 11 2012
The old paradigm that a country has the right to decide who enters it has
been decisively overturned in Europe, it’s under siege in such first world
countries as America, Canada, and Australia by the creed that says it’s
the human rights obligation of every nation to accept every refugee.

Given a chance, a sizable portion of the third world would move to the
first, a minority because of oppression and a majority because the
opportunities and freebies are much better there. Even low ranked
first-world nations still find themselves swamped with refugees looking to
move in.

International law does not assign any priority to a nation’s citizens over
any person who happens to stray across the border. At the ground level that
means the end of borders and the end of citizenship, which is why
immigration isn’t just a touchy issue in Arizona, it’s a touchy issue in
Sydney, Tel Aviv and Birmingham. You can hardly open a newspaper of the
liberal persuasion without being treated to another group of refugees in
some troubled part of the world walled up behind fences and trying to get
over to London, Sydney or New York.
This sort of thing can’t be called immigration anymore, it’s a
straightforward migration and it has no apparent limits. However many you
take in, there will be more waiting and always burdening you with an
unsolvable crisis.

One approach is to try and stabilize whatever crisis they are supposedly
escaping from. Too many Libyans running away to Italy? Just bomb their
dictator and they’ll go home again. At least that’s the theory, it doesn’t
work too well in practice. For one thing, Libya is more dangerous and
unstable than it was under Gaddafi. Stabilizing it would require an
Iraq-level investment of money and manpower, and Iraq isn’t stable either.
And London is still full of Iraqi refugees dating back to the 1980’s.

*The disparities that make migration aren’t fixable, but nor is mass
migration a viable option*

The disparities that make migration aren’t fixable, but nor is mass
migration a viable option. There’s a reason that the refugees are running
away and they are often part of the problem. Every nation is troubled in
its own way and mass migration imports those troubles. It’s why beheadings
have come north of the border and the Jihad has set up shop in countless
Western cities.

The melting pot myth was that people leave their identities behind to join
in a mass identity. That worked only marginally back in the day, it doesn’t
work at all today when the refugees are immersed in their Little
Mogadishus, which have popped up in a frightening amount of American cities
foretelling the day when those cities will become as violent and broken as
the original Mogadishu.

*In place of the melting pot is the No Go Zone, which is the inverse of
integration, it sets up tribal encampments in major cities which run on the
laws of the tribe*

In place of the melting pot is the No Go Zone, which is the inverse of
integration, it sets up tribal encampments in major cities which run on the
laws of the tribe. That sort of thing has always been around in one form or
another and it is survivable in limited numbers so long as those zones
don’t also become factories of violence. That’s the difference between
Amish Country and a Muslim banlieue, it’s also the difference between
separatism and supremacism.

The United States has had its Fenian raids, its assorted wars being waged
by immigrants from its soil, and the attitude toward those conflicts has
been mixed, depending on whose ox was being gored. But there’s a
fundamental shift when those wars are being waged against it. That shift
from immigrants using it as a conflict base to becoming the target of their
conflicts is a somewhat recent one whose full implications have still not
been absorbed.

Across the southern border it faces mass immigration from a country whose
history is riddled with old scores to settle and whose politicians use it
as a whacking post for their national troubles. And to the east and the
west it faces mass migration from the Muslim world, which is operating on
its own form of manifest destiny, settling Europe and European colonies,
the way that European colonists once settled America.
The news is no better in Canada or Australia, it’s certainly no better in
Europe where the EU sees mass migration as a convenient way of completing
its project of dissolving national identities. Encouraging separatism at
the regional level is one way of doing it, but mass fragmentation of
nations gets the job done even more thoroughly and comprehensively.

The EU is working off another melting pot model, much like the national
governments who think that they can create a pliable left-leaning
electorate by opening up the borders. What they actually end up creating is
chaos and chaos eventually becomes order. The only question is whose order
it will be. It isn’t likely to be their order, which leaves few options.

*Clans, religious and ethnic groups in the borderless multicultural globe*

If nations are meaningless, then national identities are equally
meaningless. All that’s left are clans, religious and ethnic groups in the
borderless multicultural globe. A chaos that sorts itself out through the
old reliable means of brute force, accompanied to dollop of deceit and
coalition building. The coalitions that the left built up to consolidate
its rule are being hijacked and used by the Brotherhood as the building
blocks of their rule instead.

In a chaotic environment, tribalism and a compelling ideology can combine
to carve out an expanding sphere of order. That is how Islam got its start,
that is how it is operating now. In a fragmented environment, it has a leg
up because it is organized and it has the money and vision to move forward,
which is more than the natives or most of the other immigrants have.

To Islam, Europe, America and the rest of the non-Muslim world are all
Mogadishus, they are the Dar Al-Harb, the realm of the sword, where the
faithful are destined to bring order. Every social problem proves how much
the infidel world needs them to bring order and the violence that they
bring raises the stakes and drives everyone toward an inevitable conflict.

Borders are created to keep things out, like invading armies and suicide
bombers. The border represents security and ownership, and when you take
away the border those are gone and the soft vulnerable territories within
are up for grabs to the ruthless and the canny. If the borders are down,
then why not go north where there’s wealth and power up for grabs and take
some for yourself.

*National identity in the Muslim world is already weak, outmatched by
religious identity on the one hand and tribal identity on the other*

*National identity in the Muslim world is already weak, outmatched by
religious identity on the one hand and tribal identity on the other. That
set of conditions makes it quite difficult for them to build and maintain
functional countries of their own, but leaves them quite well adapted to
using tribal and religious ties to take over regions in a state of
multicultural flux.

Islam is not built for competence, it’s built for conquest. Its
effectiveness lies in its ability to create chaos, rather than maintain
order. And every suicide bomber, every plot exposed, every riot over a
cartoon demonstrates the power of that chaos and how far the local and
global authorities who try to maintain order will go to appease the causers
of chaos.

A West that has become increasingly secular, where nationalism is suspect
and ethnic identity for the natives is taboo, is frighteningly ill-adapted
to such a conflict. It has thrown away the survival skills necessary to
cope with the situation and the survival skills it has are built on
adapting to change by submitting to a new state of affairs, whether it’s a
new set of ideas, a new set of forms or a new set of laws. Change and
future shock have become the way of the West. Islam’s past shock follows
the same narrative and makes the same demands. Adapt, learn to recite the
new truisms and get on with your life.

The West has learned to forget and it no longer knows the answer to the
question, “Who are we?”. Who are we beyond people in an experiment to
create a new and better society and then spread that wonderful society to
the rest of the world? And what exactly is that society we are spreading?

Muslims who know quite well what new and better society they are part of,
have an advantage because they understand their role better than the
natives. The ability to answer the big questions is a key factor in any
struggle. Every battle begins with an army that has to be composed of men
who have to be convinced to leave their homes and participate in a conflict
that may cost them their lives. Getting them lined up and in good fighting
shape is a lot easier if they understand why they are here.

They are better adapted to the end of the state, because they have never
truly internalized the reality of the state, than the Westerner for whom
the state has become the fundamental unit of existence.

Westerners have become the ultimate refugees, lost at home, refugees in
their own countries, wanderers in their own cities. The same processes that
have turned their countries into superpowers are now drowning them in their
own effluvia. And the citizen of the first world often finds that he seems
to belong less in his own country than the refugees flooding it. He has
become a displaced person, a familiar enough feeling to many of his new
neighbors who are also victims of ethnic and religious conflicts. But while
the conflicts they have fled are official, his conflict is not. He is the
victim of a nameless conflict that cannot be named, of a colonization that
cannot be described as such and of the ethnic cleansing of his national
identity and the theft of his future.

*Daniel Greenfield *
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