The Fall of Section 13 Censorship: Information on the Upcoming Lemire Case
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 13 December 2011 05:00
*The Fall of Section 13 Censorship: *

*Information on the Upcoming Lemire Case*

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Tomorrow is the Federal Court of Canada hearing in the Marc Lemire
which will review the constitutionality of Section
13<>(internet censorship). In 2009 the
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
acquitted Marc Lemire and threw out the censorship provisions of the
Canadian Human Rights Act. The Canadian Human Rights Commission is seeking
judicial review of the Tribunal’s decision. After 2 years, the hearing is
finally taking place in the Federal Court. This hearing will determine if
the Internet will continue to be censored by the out of control fanatics at
the CHRC.****

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Here is all the background information on the case and how the follow the
hearing on the Internet. The hearing will be live blogged on the
Freedomsite and via Twitter. Discussions on the case are going to be
hosted on Twitter also.****

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December 13 and 14, 2011****

*Federal Court of Canada*

180 Queen Street West****

Toronto, Ontario****

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Starts 9:30am daily.****

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You can follow the hearing via the internet at the following sites:****

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**· ***TWITTER*: Marc_Lemire <>****

**· **Freedomsite:****

**· **StopSection13:<>

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Discussions of the hearing at:****

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**· ***TWITTER*:

**· **FreeDominion:****

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The hearing will be presided over by Mr. Justice Richard
(Contrary to incorrect information reported in the media)****

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The schedule is not written in stone, but it appeals that on Tuesday Dec 13
th it will be the CHRC and the Section 13 supports. On Wednesday Dec
14thit will start off with Lemire, and then groups opposed to Section

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**1. **CHRC Submissions on Appeal****

**2. **Groups supporting the CHRC****

**a. **B’nai Brith Canada****

**b. **Canadian Jewish Congress (according to the National Post they are
not attending)****

**c. **Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre****

**d. **African Canadian Legal Clinic****

**3. **Richard Warman in support of the CHRC****

**4. **Marc Lemire****

**5. **Groups supporting Lemire****

**a. **BC Civil Liberties Association****

**b. **Canadian Civil Liberties Association****

**c. **Canadian Free Speech League****

**d. **Canadian Association for Free Expression****

**6. **Reply submissions of the CHRC (Applicant)****

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These are the Factums of the main parties. They set out the legal
arguments of each group and their requests of the Court.****

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**· **Lemire Memorandum of Fact and
must read!]

**· **Motion Record of the British Columbia Civil Liberties

**· **Motion Record of the Canadian Civil Liberties

**· **Written Representations of the Canadian Free Speech

**· **CHRC's Memorandum of Fact and

**· **African-Canadian Legal

** **

You can get a professionally printed copy of the *Lemire Memorandum of Fact
and Law*, which is reprinted in the book: *Dismantling

** **

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- *Marc Lemire*: Originally charged in 2003 for allegedly “*exposing*”
privileged minorities to “*hatred and/or contempt*”. Found innocent in
2009 but the censorship fanatics at the CHRC appealed the decision to the
Federal Court. As of Dec 2011, Marc Lemire has been persecuted by the
thought control fanatics for over 3,000 days and since 1977 is the only
Canadian to ever win a Section 13 case****

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- *Barbara Kulaszka*: Civil Liberties lawyer who has represented Lemire
for over 7 years. She is the only lawyer in Canada to ever win a Section
13 case. Barbara’s legal arguments have been published around the world,
and she is very well respected by her peers. Known for her courage and
legal skill.****

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- *Margot Blight*:* * Represents the *Canadian Human Rights Commission*.
They appealed the decision.****
- *Douglas Christie*: Long time barrister for freedom in Canada.
Represented the very first victim of Sec. 13. Counsel for the *Canadian
Free Speech League*.****
- *British Columbia Civil Liberties Association*: Civil lib association
from BC. Tried to intervene in *Lemire* case during the “human rights”
- *Canadian Civil Liberties Association*: Long time supporters for
freedom of speech in Canada.****
- *Canadian Association for Free Expression*: Also intervened during the
*Lemire* tribunal.****
- *Canadian Jewish Congress, Simon Wiesenthal Centre, B’nai Brith*: The
Censorship Musketeers****

**· ***‘African-Canadian’ Legal Clinic*: Their lawyer was the former
head of the Can Jewish Congress.****

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*FLYER: Stop Section 13: Federal Court Appeal Dec

(Adobe PDF Format)****


*FLYER: Stop Section 13: Federal Court Appeal Dec

(Microsoft Word Format)****


*FLYER: Stop Section 13: Federal Court Appeal Dec 2011*

[Page 1<>]
[Page 2<>

(JPEG Format)****

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Fighting the fanatics at the Canadian "Human Rights" Commission and
defending freedom of speech for ALL Canadians is not an easy task. The
Canadian Human Rights Commission has endless money to keep their censorship
franchise running. I have beaten the CHRC at the Canadian Human Rights
Tribunal; and with your help, we will beat them once and for all at the
Federal Court of Canada as well! I cannot carry on this important fight
alone. Your donations literally equal the survival of this case. This is
one of those times! I currently have a large amount of bills and expenses
to fight this case, and really need your help to continue. We are on the
verge of beating the CHRC for good!****

** **

Send your cheque or money order to:****

** **

*Marc Lemire*

*762 Upper James St*

*Suite 384*

*Hamilton, Ontario*

*L9C 3A2*

** **

Or donate online at:****

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*The Marc Lemire Case*

** **
*Dismantling Tyranny: The Marc Lemire Case*, details the upcoming
*Federal Court of Canada* over Canada’s shameful internet censorship
legislation – Section 13 of the Canadian “Human Rights”
After a 6 year legal fight, in September 2009 I was the first person in the
history of Canada to
Section 13 case at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. The Tribunal
me innocent of allegedly “*exposing*” privileged minorities “*to hatred
and/or contempt*” and found the law under which I was hauled before the
Tribunal as unconstitutional<>under
Canada’s laws. The fanatical censors at the CHRC – caring little
about tax-payers money –
Tribunal decision to the
*Federal Court of Canada*, in a lame attempt to keep their censorship
franchise afloat.
*Dismantling Tyranny* details exactly what is wrong with Section 13 and
Internet censorship. It is a broad look at how the dirty side of
censorship really works, from the suppression of freedom of speech (which
the CHRC considers an “*American concept*”) to spying on Canadians. This 80
page book covers the facts of censorship from both a legal and moral
position and is a must read for anyone that has been following the utter
fall from grace these disgusting censors so richly deserve.
*Dismantling Tyranny* is available in paperback and Ebook formats. You can
order online from one of the mainstream book distributors like
or or directly from me. If you want a copy of the book prior to
the December 13-14 Federal Court
order it directly from me via my website <>.
You can get either a professionally printed
or a copy in Adobe PDF
For the paperback version, I send them out nightly, and if you get your
order in soon, you should be able to have it prior to the hearing. If you
order the Ebook format, it will be emailed to you within a few hours.

Order a copy of the book online at:****

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*>> Donate online here to support

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*Follow the case live at:*

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* <>*

* <>*

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*Twitter:** ** Marc_Lemire <>*

*Twitter:* *#Section13 <!/search/realtime/%23section13>

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**** <>

* *

*Legal arguments from the Marc Lemire case before the Federal Court of
Canada. Marc Lemire is the only Canadian in history to ever beat the
Canadian Human Rights Commission and in Sept 2009 won his case when Section
13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (Canada's shameful censorship
legislation) was found to be unconstitutional. This booklet covers the
December 2011 appeal by the fanatical censors at the CHRC to the Federal
Court of Canada*

*Paperback: $15.00 **| Order now*

**(PDF via email)** |


*Dec. 13-14, 2011 *****

*Federal Court *****

*Toronto, Ontario

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[Adobe PDF<>]
[Microsoft Word<>]
[...more <>]***

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This is what CIBC thinks of Canadians!
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 13 December 2011 05:00
*This is what CIBC thinks of Canadians!*****

Picture taken Oct. 28th 2011
VANCOUVER, BC Tel* * 604-482-2697*****

> We (as Canadians) are not privileged or worthy of
> any freebies like this.
> We have to make sure the funds are available to all the foreigners, but
> lets not take care of our own.
> Pass this on to everyone you know and make sure we don't encourage this
> kind of discrimination. ****
> ****
> ****
> ****
> ****
> ****
> A call to the bank is answered in English and then Chinese. Shows whom the
> bank thinks is more important.
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 12 December 2011 06:09
This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format.
If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails.
You can read the original version online:


The basic story is that someone, in Hamilton, Ontario, perhaps a
balding white guy, attached with masking tape two copies of a cartoon
that had originally been published by the Toronto Star to mock a
Florida pastor who had promised to burn copies of the Koran.
Nevertheless, Hamilton police "hate squad" is investigating to see
whether a "hate" crime was committed.

The Hamilton Spectator (December 7, 2011) reports breathlessly:
"Hamilton Downtown Mosque leaders are saying they are the victims of a
hate crime after two copies of a cartoon depicting a caveman dropping
a Quran into an open fire were taped to the women’s prayer entrance.
The cartoons, which include the words 'primitive man discovers fire,'
were found duct-taped to the doors of 96 Wilson St., on Sunday. The
image, an editorial cartoon ( ), was originally
published in the Toronto Star in September 2010 as a critique of
Florida Pastor Terry Jones’ 'International Burn a Quran Day.'

'It was an attack on Pastor Terry Jones, calling him a primitive man,'
Toronto Star spokesperson Bob Hepburn said Tuesday, adding that it was
in no way an attack on Islam. At the time of publication, the Star did
not receive any formal complaints, Hepburn said.

It’s not the original intent, but rather the intention of the
culprit that has Imam Sayed Tora concerned. 'If a person wants to show
support for the Muslim community, there are many other ways to do it,'
he said. Hamilton police spokesperson Catherine Martin said the hate
crime unit is investigating whether the incident constitutes a hate
crime (see sidebar) and are asking anyone with information to come

First, what "crime" was committed? None. The mosque was not vandalized
or damaged. Someone posted copies of a cartoon originally meant as
pro-Moslem. Nonetheless, the Hamilton Police Service has circulated
copies on-line of the mosque's video of a bald man getting out of a
car with what might be the cartoons in his hand. Hamiltonians are, of
course, encouraged to rat their fellow citizens out. For what?
Attaching a Toronto Star cartoon to a mosque door. "Book him, Danno.
Two counts of cartoon posting."

The whole "hate" crime thing is bogus. If someone is assaulted or a
window broken, it shouldn't matter what the motive was -- whether the
perpetrator disliked the person because he was a Moslem, or bald, or
looked at him the wrong way. The crime should be punished. "Hate"
crimes legislation seek to criminalize thought and opinion.

If, indeed, someone opposed to Moslems did post the cartoon, so what?
Moslems have made many enemies and people are perfectly within their
rights in a FREE society to express their displeasure. Actually, it's
the treasonous politicians who allowed hordes of people radically
different from ourselves to flood into our country, regardless of the
wishes of Canadians who are the culprits. The culture clash was
certain to follow. The miracle is that passive, mild Canadians have
been as tolerant of this invasion.

Healthier countries would have had tens of thousands of angry citizens
protesting in the streets when the government bungled yet again an
incident like August, 2010's landing by over 500 Tamil Tiger organized
illegals in British Columbia.

It turns out the Hamilton Police Service has a Hate Crimes Unit
headed up by Detective Nancy Lantz. A report for 2010 indicated that
for this entire year there were 34 "hate crimes" investigated. O
these, 17 were graffiti. With Hamilton rife with drugs, you really
wonder how police can have the time to check out the nature of
graffiti. So, "fuck everything" would be okay, but "fuck fags" would
be a "hate crime"? Two of the remaining 17 "hate crimes" were
"neighbour disputes." Is not getting along with your neighbour now a
crime in the Steel City? There were three assaults and three
apparently more serious forms of mischief and one arson.
Fascinatingly, there's no record of how many charges were actually
laid or the number of convictions, if any.

However, the report presented to the Hamilton Police Service, April
18, 2011 and signed by Police Chief Glen de Caire concluded pompously:
"Hate is a learned behaviour. Like bigotry and prejudice, people learn
these behaviours through history and as they become products of their
environment and cultural group. To address this issue the HCU [Hate
Crimes Unit] will continue to use the resources of the Hamilton Police
Service, our police and community partners to work toward the
eradication of hate in our community."

Wow! Unable to control drug pushing, the Hamilton cops intend to
control thought.

I was unable to determine how much this Hate Crimes Unit costs
Hamilton taxpayers, but, in times of strained budgets, this should be
one unit that could be shut down with a net saving and benefit to the
community. Real; crimes -- assaults, serious property damage -- should
be investigated and charges laid, if warranted, regardless of the
presumed motives of their perpetrators.

Paul Fromm
Canadian Association for Free Expression

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