Stand Up for David Irving
British historian David Irving was arrested last Friday while on a speaking tour of Austria. He's charged with denying the "holocaust". In minority-dominated Europe, you can deny Jesus, you can deny that the earth is round, but you cannot question a carved-in-stone Hollywood version of World War II.

In fact, you are not permitted to be a historian of WW II, only a propagandist for an establishment determined historical line. If you have any doubts or other opinions, you'd better shut up.

The Associated Press (Nov. 17, 2005) reports: "Austrian police have arrested controversial British historian David Irving on a warrant accusing him of denying the Holocaust, the Interior Ministry said today. Irving was arrested last Friday in Styria province said police Maj. Rudolf Golia, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, and transferred to judicial prison in Graz, the provincial capital. He was detained on a warrant issued in 1989 under Austrian laws making Holocaust denial a crime, Golia said."

Freedom is desperately under attack across the Western World. Publisher Germar Rudolf has been deported from the U.S. to Germany, where he may face many years in prison for questioning some of the exterminationist assertions. The U.S.A, is awash in millions of Mexican illegals and hordes of foreign criminals, but the INS that has all but given up on the invaders, dutifully barks to the whistle of its neo-con, Israel First masters, and deportrs this studious scholar, married to a U.S. citizen and proud father of a nine-month old daughter.

Publisher Ernst Zundel now faces a continuation of his trial in Mannheim too old, too involved with Ernst or for being a revisionist. His crime under Section 130 of the German Criminal Code, involves questioning the new secular religion's doctrine about WW II.
David Irving is a prolific and highly readable WW II historian. His books on the Allied atrocities at Dresden, on Field Marshall Rommel, and on Churchill and Hitler (Churchill's War; Hitler's War) are classics. His original research has taken him to the archives of many countries and to interviews and diaries of many of the key participants and their staffs.

Having run afoul of Canada's powerful Jewish lobby, Irving was banned from Canada in 1992 largely through the efforts of cabinet minister Gerry Weiner who just happened to be -- you guessed it -- a strident Zionist. Irving has since been banned from Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Soouth Africa.

Mr. Irving's British lawyer Adrain Davies advises that Mr. Irving now has an Austrian lawyer and that he's been visited in prison by a representative of the British Foreign Office

You can help David Irving. Phone, FAX, write or e-mail the Austrian Emnassy in your country today. Let them know that their arrest of a historian is a disgrace. It's un-European. It's the sort of anti-intellectual behaviour we'd expect in some seedy Third World dictatorship. It's unworthy of the nation that gave us the music of Mozart and Beethoven and the culture of Vienna.

Austrian Embassy in Canada,
445 Wilbrod St.,
Ottawa, ON, K1N 6M7
PH: 613-789-1444
FAX: 613-789-3431
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Austrian Embassy to the U.S.A.,
3524 International Ct., N.W.,
Washington, D.C., 20008,

Paul Fromm
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Austria: Extreme author arrested on Holocaust denial charges
Ireland Online | 17/11/2005 - 14:55:50

Austrian police have arrested controversial British historian David Irving on a warrant accusing him of denying the Holocaust, the Interior Ministry said today.

Irving was arrested last Friday in Styria province said police Maj. Rudolf Golia, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, and transferred to judicial prison in Graz, the provincial capital.

He was detained on a warrant issued in 1989 under Austrian laws making Holocaust denial a crime, Golia said.

Irving, a British historian, has in the past faced allegations of spreading anti-Semitic and racist ideas.

He is the author of nearly 30 books, including Hitler’s War, which challenges the extent of the Holocaust.

The Austria Press Agency said Irving remained in custody.