Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Condemns Blindness toward Stalin -- Another Letter That
Written by Paul Fromm
Saturday, 02 November 2013 07:13
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Former Diplomat Ian Macdonald Condemns Blindness toward Stalin --
Another Letter That Will Not Get Published

November 1, 2013



Dear Sir,

Stopping Stalin when timely

Everyone knew, years before the outbreak of WWII; that Stalin was the
most bloodthirsty dictator in history and had tortured and murdered
tens of millions of his own people, mostly Christians, terrorizing and
impoverishing those who survived.

Adolf Hitler, in stark comparison, was extremely benevolent towards
his people and much loved. Through his social and economic reforms he
won their unqualified support. Hitler's achievements had no parallel
in modern history and were admired by leading statesmen of the time,
not least of whom Mackenzie King , an ardent fan of the German leader
who saw National Socialism as the solution to the problems of all
other nations wallowing in depression at the time.

Logically, when Poland was invaded simultaneously by Germany and the
Soviet Union in September, 1939, in the best interests of both Poland
and Western Christian Civilization, the Western Allies including the
United States (the arch-enemy of communism) should have declared war
on Stalin and, with German help, liberated his desperate victims.
Instead, British and French leaders, notably the would-be Warlord
Churchill, in the service of vengeful anti-German political
paymasters, declared war only on cultured, civilized, democratic,
Christian Germany, their nations' natural ally.

Many, however, continued to see Stalin as the real enemy, including
U.S. General George Patton who urged before the war ended that the
Western Allies continue their drive to the East and combine with the
Wehrmacht to finish what Hitler had started while the Red Army was
exhausted and no match for the mobility and limitless resources of the
Allied forces. When Patton's views came to the ears of the President,
the famous General conveniently died when hospitalized following a
contrived auto accident.

Patton's advice soon proved to have been correct when Stalin occupied
and enslaved Eastern Europe and lowered the "Iron Curtain", prompting
the Allies re-arm Germany and to face an enemy now no longer a
pushover, and armed with atomic weapons.

Although the Soviet Union finally collapsed, the damage had been done
and the decision to destroy our German kinfolk in the service of their
diabolical enemy will go down in history as the betrayal that doomed
irrevocably both our race and culture.

As ever,

Ian V. Macdonald

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