Great News: Toronto area Conservative MP Corneliu Chisu supports Free Speech and Bill
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 03 November 2011 03:14
> **
> Great News: Toronto area Conservative MP Corneliu Chisu supports Free
> Speech and Bill C-304 ****
> (*An Act to remove the censorship powers from the fanatical CHRC*)****
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> Earlier today I received a fantastic letter from Toronto area Conservative
> MP Corneliu Chisu <> (Pickering-Scarborough)
> who support Bill C-304, an Act to Protect Freedom of Speech<>,
> and strip the censorship powers away from the fanatics of the *Canadian
> Human Rights Commission*.****
> ** **
> It is very impressive to see a Toronto-area Conservative MP stand-up for
> Freedom of Speech and seconding Bill C-304<>.
> Unfortunately, Bill C-304 is a private members bill, and not (yet) a
> government bill, so it has a limited chance to even pass. According to the
> Parliament of Canada Website, since 1910 only 235 private members bills
> have ever passed. (789 private members’ bills were introduced during the
> last Parliament, and only four received Royal Assent, of which one
> established the National Holocaust Memorial). But the wind is in the sails
> for freedom, and numerous Conservative AND Liberal MPs have spoken
> publically <> about freedom
> of speech and removing the ravenous censorship provision Section 13. (In
> fact it was Liberal MP Dr. Keith Martin who first proposed
> <>a
> motion in the House of Commons to remove Section 13) ****
> ** **
> Here is the letter I received today:****
> ** **
> ** **
> Mr. Lemire,****
> ** **
> Thank you for your letter that you sent to our Ottawa office regarding
> your request for Mr. Chisu to support C-304. ****
> ** **
> I am pleased to inform you that not only will Mr. Chisu be supporting the
> bill, but in fact he is a seconder for C-304 as well.****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> ** **
> Matthew van Vorstenbos****
> Legislative Assistant ****
> Corneliu Chisu, MP Pickering-Scarborough East****
> ** **
> ** **
> * *
> *What is wrong with Section 13 of the CHRA?*
> ** **
> Sections 13 and 54 of the ***Canadian**** Human Rights Act* are a direct
> attack on the freedom of expression guaranteed to us under the Charter of
> Rights and Freedoms. The provisions of these sections allow the ***
> Canadian**** Human Rights Commission* to prosecute anyone alleged to have
> said or written something “*likely to expose a person or persons to
> hatred or contempt*” whether there is a living, breathing victim or not.**
> **
> ** **
> Vague concepts such as speech or writing “*likely to cause hatred or
> contempt”* are the basis of expensive state-funded prosecution of
> individuals. The statute provides no objective legal test for “*hate*” or
> any objective means of determining what constitutes “*contempt*”. As a
> result, the CHRC is used by various groups and individuals, as a risk-free
> taxpayer funded method to silence their critics and those they disagree
> with. CHRC investigators have testified that that “*freedom of speech is
> an American concept*” and therefore not valid in Canada. Such statements
> are contrary to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but are standard
> operating procedure for the extremists at the CHRC.****
> ** **
> Commissioners of the ***Canadian****s Human Rights Tribunal*, who are not
> judges and are often not even lawyers, have held that “*truth”* is not a
> defence against prosecution under Section 13. In fact, if you argue the
> truth of your statements, it is then used as proof of your guilt, and a
> rational to increase the amount of fines! *Intent* or *fair comment* are
> also not defenses. In fact, there is not a single listed defence under
> Section 13! Because of the lack of any defenses, the Tribunal has a 100%
> conviction rate since 1978. The ***Canadian**** Human Rights Tribunal*routinely ignores the principles of fundamental justice, such as the rules
> of evidence, and these kangaroo courts, even allow hearsay evidence.****
> ** **
> On September 2, 2009 the *Canadian Human Rights Tribunal* found in the *
> Lemire* case that Section 13 was unconstitutional and in violation of the
> *Charter*. In the decision the Tribunal slammed the CHRC for being
> aggressive and confrontational. In 2008, the CHRC’s own hand-picked expert
> – Richard Moon of the University of Windsor – wrote a substantial report on
> Section 13 with his main recommendation being to repeal it.****
> ** **
> Every journalist, writer, Internet webmaster, publisher and private
> citizen in Canada can be the subject of a Human Rights complaint for
> expressing an opinion or telling the truth. Given the ambiguity of Section
> 13, it is virtually impossible for any individual to determine if they
> might be in violation of Section 13. Arbitrary censorship and punishment
> are wrong, and cannot be justified in a free society.****
> ** **
> *1:* The *Canadian Human Rights Commission* and *Tribunal* are not fair,
> and make arbitrary decisions based on who an accused is – rather than on a
> fair and impartial application of the statute they enforce. High profile
> victims, such as Macleans Magazine, Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant are given a
> free pass, while others, less prominent and lacking the resources to hire
> legal council are relentlessly prosecuted. Friends of the CHRC are given a
> free pass to promote hate with impunity, while others are dragged through 8
> years of prosecutions. This creates a major chill on freedom of expression
> since there is no discernable “line” between speech that is prohibited and
> speech that is “acceptable” to the CHRC. ****
> *2:* The CHRC pays no heed to constitutionally protected rights such as
> Freedom of Expression. In place they use imaginary “*rights”* such as the
> “*right to be free from contempt”*. There is no such right in our *Charter
> *. Lead investigators at the CHRC have testified that “*freedom of speech
> is an American concept*” which does not apply to **Canadian**s. The CHRC
> only believes in “group” rights, and not the rights of individuals to
> “speak truth to power”, hence the 100% conviction rate. ****
> *3:* The CHRC is out of control has recently been under a series of
> investigations. CHRC investigators have been criminally investigated by the
> *RCMP* for the criminal theft of telecommunications services; The *Privacy
> Commissioner of Canada* has ruled against the CHRC on multiple occasions.
> In the meantime, the CHRC continues to apply the law in an arbitrary and
> capricious manner.****
> *4:* In contravention of their mandate or the law, the CHRC has engaged
> in clandestine spying operations on Canadians, including using neo-Nazi
> aliases to engage Canadians in conversations. The CHRC has even gone as
> far as posting questionable material on neo-Nazi internet websites. The
> CHRC shockingly attempted to claim it would injure “*National Security*”
> when information on their neo-Nazi accounts was subpoenaed by the *
> Tribunal*.****
> *5:* The entire process is paid for by taxpayers on behalf of the
> complainants. The defendants must pay their costs personally. There is no
> legal aid and there is no way to claim costs, even if the defendants are
> found innocent.****
> ** **
> It’s time to abolish the Canadian Human Rights Commission and pack off
> this shameful censorship outfit to the “embarrassing lapses” dustbin of
> history. I have made some shocking allegations against the CHRC in this
> letter, and am more than willing to provide detailed documentation on each
> and every point I made in this letter. If you would like further
> information, please do not hesitate to contact me.****
> ** **
> ** **
> -Marc Lemire****
> *Freedom Activist*
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> *See full post at: *
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> at
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