Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 30 March 2010 08:24 |
*Two Victories for Bill Whatcott: Christian Advocacy Shouldn’t Cost You A
Fine of Your Job*
*Bill Whatcott* is a Saskatchewan nurse and evangelical Christian with
strong views on homosexuality and the homosexual agenda. In the past, he
has leafleted to spread his views. He was dragged through the *Saskatchewan
Human Rights Commission *process by homosexual activists offended by his
Christian views. He was duly slapped with heavy fines. However, Canada’s
anti-free speech “human rights” tyranny suffered a serious setback recently.
“Saskatchewan's highest court says a man who distributed anti-homosexual
flyers is not guilty of violating the province's human rights code. In 2005,
*Bill Whatcott* was found guilty of violating the *Saskatchewan Human Rights
* *Code* and ordered to pay $17,500 to four people after he put the leaflets
against teaching about gays in schools into their mailboxes in 2001 and
The *Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal* ruled that Whatcott showed ‘a clear
pattern or practice of disregard for protected rights.’ But Whatcott
appealed, arguing the ruling puts ‘a chill on free speech’ if society has to
constantly worry that what they say may put them at odds with the *Human
Rights Commission*. In its ruling this week, the *Saskatchewan Court of
Appeal* says while many may find the language in the leaflets crude,
offensive and pejorative, they don't promote hatred or cross the boundaries
of free expression. … Whatcott distributed the flyers in Saskatoon and
Regina in 2001 and 2002. He told the tribunal he felt it was his moral
obligation to speak out against homosexuality.” (*Winnipeg** Free Press*,
February 26, 2010)
In a decision released February 25, the 3-member court ruled that *William
Whatcott* did not violate *Section 14(1)(b)* of the *Saskatchewan Human
Rights Code* by distributing flyers to oppose the teaching of homosexuality
in Saskatoon’s public schools. The *Court* set aside a *Human Rights
Tribunal Order* that Mr. Whatcott pay $17,500 to four gay complainants who
were offended by his flyers. The *Saskatchewan Human Rights Code* prohibits
the publication of any statement which *“exposes or tends to expose to
hatred, ridicules, belittles or otherwise affronts the dignity of any person
or class of persons”* on the basis of age, race, religion, sexual
orientation, and other grounds.
His own professional association in Saskatchewan fined Whatcott $15,000 and
suspended his accreditation for his opposition to abortion. Now, more good
news. On March 14, Whatcott reported to **: “Yesterday I
received word the fine and suspension was overturned by the *Saskatchewan
Court of Appeals*. I can go back to nursing if I wish and, more importantly,
this case can be used by any of Canada’s professions as a precedent for
freedom of speech and religiously based conscientious objection. Christians
and other moral Canadians, dentists, teachers, doctors, lawyers as well as
nurses can reference my case if they are bullied by their professional
organizations as a result of a stand they take on a moral issue during their
time off work. "
*[This article appears in the April, 2010, issue of the Free Speech
Monitor. Published monthly, the Free Speech Monitor is available by
subscription for $15 per year. You can subscribe by sending a cheque or VISA
number and expiry date to Free Speech Monitor, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON.,
M9W 5L3.]*