FreeDomini​on in Ottawa Court - July 21st - Baglow Dismissal Motion
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 20 July 2011 03:46
*FreeDomini​on in Ottawa Court - July 21st - Baglow Dismissal Motion
[FreeDominion is a website devoted to social conservatism and the views
held by the old Reform Party. They have been repeatedly targetted by serial
complaint-filer Richard Warman for their spirited attacks on his campaign
against free speech. They are currently battling three defamation suits
filed by Warman in addition to one filed by Joh Baglow of Ottawa.] The
FreeDominion free speech battlers announce:

"FreeDominioner’s Mark Fournier, Peter O'Donnell and Connie Fournier will be
in the Ontario Superior Court on Elgin Street in Ottawa on July 21, 2011.

John Baglow, aka Dr. Dawg, has decided to sue [FreeDominion] for defamation,
and [FreeDominion] has made a motion to dismiss his claim as frivolous and
This is the fourth lawsuit that has been launched against us. The others
have dragged on for years, but this is your chance to be in the courtroom as
both sides lay it all on the table in this case. If we get our way, the
judge will look at the evidence and decide this once and for all
This court date will hear the application to dismiss. The fabulous lawyer
Barbara Kulaszka will be representing FreeDominion and the hearing sounds
like it will be a great battle for freedom of speech against what some have
called a “frivolous” SLAPP lawsuit. It would be well worth going by the
court just to hear Barbara’s arguments. Her submissions are always thought
provoking, direct on point, and very interesting. If you’re in Ottawa, pass
by the court house and show your support for freedom of speech. July 21,
2011, Ontario Superior Court, 161 Elgin St., Ottawa, ON."
CRIME WATCH -- Sau San Wu, Grow Op Queen
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 19 July 2011 06:26

*Sau San Wu, Grow Op Queen*
"In happier times, *Sau San (Jennifer) Wu* loved getting her picture in the
newspaper, posing with a cellphone at her ear and a coy smile on her face in
ads for her former Richmond Hill real estate business. Now, Wu is heading to
prison after getting her photo in a newspaper one time too many. *York
Regional Police* detective *Dave Noseworthy* spotted her face in the
background of a photo in an online Romanian newspaper earlier this year,
five years after Wu fled the country -- and charges of helping run the
largest indoor residential marijuana grow operation in Canadian history. ...

Wu, 46, faced those charges in a Newmarket court Thursday, where she was
sentenced to 6 ½ years in prison. ... She plead guilty to an assortment of
charges for marijuana cultivation, tax evasion, utilities fraud, money
laundering and violating court-ordered bail conditions. She was also given a
year to pay $97,647.79 in back income taxes. ... Court heard she used her
skills as a real estate professional to rent out 54 houses across the
*GTA*to 'farmers,' who cultivated crops between September 2000 and
December 2002.
Court heard the 27,000 marijuana plants seized in the 54 houses were worth
between $2.8 million and $15.3 million wholesale. Wu operated 17 personal
and four corporate bank accounts and had nine credit card accounts to
launder money and maintain the ruse that the houses were legally rented. ...

Her partner in the scheme and co-accused, Phu Nhi (John) Trac, was sentenced
to five years in prison on December 22, 2009. He was also ordered to pay a
fine of more than $1 million. Noseworthy told the *Toronto Star* he located
Wu after googling the name *'Eli Comsa*,' Wu’s husband and a former auto
mechanic in Vaughan. A Romanian newspaper article about a Bucharest daycare
that offered language instruction in four languages appeared on his computer
screen. In the foreground of the photo was Comsa. In the background was a
woman identified as daycare operator *'Ivy Lim*.' Noseworthy said he
immediately recognized that *'Ivy Lim'* was really Wu, one of the architects
of the massive marijuana scheme and a fugitive for the past five years.

[Lawyer *Gary] Clewley* told the court that many of Wu’s legal woes came
because she has had bad luck choosing men. ... The father of her teenaged
son abandoned her and didn’t pay any child support, Clewley said, while
Trac, who was a 'top producer' with *Living Realty*, pulled her into the
marijuana enterprise and then tried to paint her as its mastermind. 'It was
his idea,' Clewley said. 'She had a young son and she wasn’t making much of
a living . . . The father (of her first child) wasn’t contributing, and she
ended up in a relationship with Trac.' Things appear far better with Comsa,
a car mechanic who worked on her *Mercedes* and *Chrysler Sebring* in
Vaughan before they became romantically involved shortly before her flight
to Romania." (*Toronto Star*, May 12, 2011)

Bad luck choosing men? Oh give the lady a little credit! She appears to have
been equally adept using her paramours: The Vietnamese delivered unheard of
wealth while the Romanian provided landed resident status in an obscure
hidey-hole just when she needed it. Note their romantic relationship
blossomed just before she needed to hole up somewhere. If she was reckless,
or greedy, enough to promote her daycare centre posing for
*Internet*photos, it wasn't because husband du jour was holding a gun
to her coiffured
head. And by the way, if owning a Mercedes and Sebring qualifies as 'not
making much of a living,' where do we sign up?
[image: Jennifer Wu]

[This article appears in the July, 2011 issue of the *CANADIAN IMMIGRATION
HOTLINE*. Published monthly, the *CANADIAN IMMIGRATION HOTLINE* is available
by subscription for $30 per year. You can subscribe by sending a cheque or
VISA number and expiry date to *CANADIAN IMMIGRATION HOTLINE*, P.O. Box 332,
Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3.]
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 18 July 2011 04:07
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Canadian  Association for Free Expression,
P.O. Box 332,
Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3,
PH: 905-274-3868

July 2011



Canada First Immigration Reform Committee,
P.O. Box 332,
Rexdale, ON.,
M9W 5L3
PH: 905-274-3868 ( tel:905-274-3868 )
Tim Hortons Investor Relations
874 Sinclair Road
Oakville, Ontario
L6K 2Y1
Phone: 905.339.6186 ( tel:905.339.6186 )
Email:[email protected]
June 30, 2011
Dear Sirs:
I have been a shareholder in Tim Horton’s for more than 10 years and
enjoy the company’s products on a regular basis.
I am writing out of concern with the current television ad for Tim
Horton’s that is being widely shown. The ad features two couples
driving off for a motor vacation. One will follow the other. They’re
a bit concerned they may get separated or lost. So, they agree to
rendezvous at the next Tim Horton’s.
The concept is cute and appealing and emphasizes that Tim Horton’s
outlets are almost everywhere.
Now, here’s my problem. The couples are supposed to be
“everyman” Canadians. The first couple is a brunette man with a
brunette woman. The second couple is a blonde woman with a Negro male.
While there are interracial couples in Canada, statistically such
relationships are infrequent. Many ethnic and religious groups
strongly disapprove of relationships outside the group.
The inclusion of the mixed race couple is gratuitous and, to many
people, offensive. It also has absolutely nothing to do with the name
recognition or good feeling the ad should be trying to create for the
Tim Horton’s brand. A CBC News report (January 15, 2007) noted:
“According to Statistics Canada, interracial couples made up 3%, or
452,000, of Canada's married or common-law couples in 2001 -- that's
up 35% since 1991.  But while the majority of respondents had no
problem dealing with a taxi driver, doctor, supervisor or neighbour of
another ethnicity, their response was markedly different when asked
how they would feel if their child were to intermarry. Sixteen percent
say it would depend on the race, and 9 % said they would react
The inclusion of the mixed race couple is preachy and verges on
relationship advocacy, which is certainly not Tim Horton’s role.
Hoping that you will withdraw or re-cast this ad, I remain,
Your loyal customer and interested shareholder,
Paul Fromm

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