My sister was murdered by illegal immigrant : Send immigrants back to their country a
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 19 September 2013 22:14
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My sister was murdered by illegal immigrant : Send immigrants back to
their country after first offence." Petition

* Petitioning George Vanderburg



March 30, 2011 my Twin sister Jenna Cartwright was murdered by Bashir
Bashir Gaashaan is an illegal immigrant that came to Canada with his
family in the early '90's.
We reported my sister missing April 12, 2011. Jenna's partially
clothed body was found in a ditch near Olds, AB May 3, 2011. We are
told she died March 30, 2011. Bashir Gaashaan has been charged with
first degree murder, unlawful confinement and indignity to human
remains. Bashir first pleaded guilty to second degree murder and then
when his preliminary hearing came he decided to not sign any
documentation or the statement of facts and pleaded not guilty. Trial
in now in February 2014.
Bashir has a long list of criminal acts he has committed in the past.
Bashir was ordered to stay residing in Toronto, Ontario but kept
coming to Red Deer, Alberta. Bashir has been charged with assault,
theft, drug trafficking and much more and all crimes were committed in
Red Deer, AB.
Why is it that the government didn't deport him after his first crime?
why did the government not ensure he was not leaving Toronto. It took
him murdering my sister for him to be arrested. All of his other
charges will piggy back on the murder charge... so he may serve 15
years in jail TOTAL! it took 2 years until we found out how she died
and we are still awaiting trial as Bashir does not want to be deported
and is trying to find ways around it.
Bashir will serve his sentence in Alberta and then be shipped back to
his country Somalia. Why do we have to pay the price for his crime,
the hurt the pain and also all of us tax payers have to pay for him to
stay in jail!!
We need this to stop! we need our government to be stricter and to
ensure Canadian citizens are not in danger. This petition will help
with us to pursue a law suit against the government, and most
importantly we want this to never happen to another family again.
Please sign this petition not only for Jenna's family and friends, but
for her 4 year old daughter Jayda who will never know her mother!
This petition has nothing to do with race. My family is not racist
what so ever, this has to do with immigration laws and we would like
to make this clear as we are noticing some are basing this on racism.
The issue is not race, or religion.
Please share via email, facebook and twitter. Please sign this
petition if you agree, we need alot of signatures to make a

George Vanderburg, Whitecourt MLA
Mary Anne Jablonski, Red Deer MLA
Keith Hobbs, Mayor of Thunder Bay, Ontario
Morris Flewwelling, Mayor of Red Deer, AB
Trevor Thain, Mayor of Whitecourt, AB
Tara Veer, Coucillor - Running for Mayor of Red Deer, AB
Miniter of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Chris
Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada
Cindy Jefferies, Councillor

Send immigrants back to their country after first offence!
[Your name]






byMarissa Cartwright ( )
Petition Organizer

CANADA allows veiled Muslim women to bypass airport security checks (
In Canada now, political correctness trumps security. Flying while
Muslim means you won't be forced to uncover your face or lift up your
burqa before boarding a plane. Are we feeling safer yet? Each
passenger must submit his/her own passport and boarding pass so they
can be identified at the last check in point before...

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WW II Vet Explains How We Lost the Dominion of Canada
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 17 September 2013 00:14
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WW II Vet Explains How We Lost the Dominion of Canada

Dick Field is a WW II vet and the former head of the Voice of
Canadians Committee which was active in Toronto in the early 1990s.

This constant wondering about why Canadians no longer "care" is a lost
cause and bad for our collective mental health.

The answer is simply that there is no law that any politician
respects today and Canadians as a whole (except for those many
immigrants who have no idea of our old Canada) fell hard from their
heights of confidence in their former culture and anglo-heritage.
Some even believed in a friendly Quebec remaining in Canada.

They did not expect their leadership to turn traitorous to our 1000
years of legal and philosophical underpinnings.

When things turned bad after Pearson and Trudeau arrived on the scene,
particularly just after the great Expo '67 when all Canadians and
Canadiens had seemed so proud of our Canada and its place in the
Western World. Instead, we were suddenly faced with FLQ violence, a
Canadian Army enforced War Measures Act and a new series of
anti-Canadian horrendous Acts and regulations.

First came the abomination of a Multicultural Act designed to break up
the hegemony of English speaking Canada through massive immigration
whereby each immigration group(culture, nationality, skin colour etc)
was told that their cultures were the equal of any other culture and
that Canada asks them to help us write a new culture called "Canadian"
on our blank slate no culture Canada. Financed by lots of grants
shovelled out by the Trudeau traitors.

Our national debt sky-rocketing from around $40 billion per annum to
$450 billion in very few Trudeau years, going to over $550 billion
during the Mulroney era.

Then came the establishment of Human Rights Commissions and their
Kangaroo Courts (no known laws). These courts being designed to keep
the people's mouths shut in respect to any disparagement of
incompatible immigrants. Hence the feared term "politically correct"
eg. "Shhhhh, careful that's not politically correct, you could be
hauled before a Kangaroo court and/or lose your. job!!"

To cut to the chase. Then the bastards closed 4 out of 5 immigration
offices in the UK and western Europe and opened dozens all over the
Middle East and Africa and South East Asia etc. Can't be racist you

The fact is none of this horror was allowed in Quebec. In fact points
were given to immigrant applications if the immigrants spoke French
(Africans, former French colonies etc.)

BC took 20% of immigrants (mostly Chinese) the West about 8%; Ontario
60%, down East 2% and Quebec 10%.

We were sold the bill of goods that all these immigrants would help
build a better Canada. Some did for some years but not for the last
15 years. They have been a net loss.

Then the refugees. Every refugee receiving country in the world
accepted about 10-15% of refugee applicants. Canada accepted between
45 and 55% and many of the newer applicants are from Islamic
countries, the declared enemies of all western democratic world -
including Canada.

Canadians don't care they are getting ripped off by a few greedy
Senators and other politicos? Of course they do but they are helpless.
Only a violent revolution will change things (a la FLQ). I hate to
say this because I don't believe in violence but when people see the
laws of Canada no longer work fairly and the politicians work for
their plans not Canadians (Quebec is always OK - lots of goodies for
them), they say lets go to cottage, have a nice holiday down south and
take what I can of life. Screw them all! They show it in every
election by not voting and it gets worse year by year.

Those that will not fight will doom themselves and their families to
never ending slavery.

I abhor the Liberal red leaf flag. All 90 % of it means to me is
Trudeau/Pearson imposed disgrace. Only 10% I honour for those
Canadian peacekeepers and peacemakers that have served Canada and
humanity well.

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CANADA allows veiled Muslim women to bypass airport security checks
Written by Paul Fromm
Sunday, 15 September 2013 20:29
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In Canada now, political correctness trumps security. Flying while
Muslim means you won’t be forced to uncover your face or lift up
your burqa before boarding a plane. Are we feeling safer yet?
Each passenger must submit his/her own passport and boarding pass so
they can be identified at the last check in point before boarding the
aircraft. EXCEPT FOR MUSLIMS! Canada airport security will not ask a
veiled Muslim to remove her veil and prove her identity.
Frequent flyers know the drill: take off your shoes, surrender your
tweezers and pack your shampoo in those little plastic baggies before
lining up for the naked body scanners. But lift your niqab? Apparently
QMI Agency can reveal thatneither airlines nor security services are
asking Muslim women to lift their veils and prove that the face
beneath matches their photo ID.

The issue came to light through a video taken by Mick Flynn of
Bradford, England. Flynn was boarding a flight at Montreal’s Trudeau
International Airport when he witnessed two women with their faces
covered board an Air Canada Heathrow bound flight without being asked
to remove their veils.
In fact, in the video that Flynn has posted online, a man traveling
with the group hands in all the passports and is the only one to
interact with airline staff while two veiled women simply walk
“I complained at the desk — and again as I boarded the plane —
asking if the pilot was happy that two women boarded without being
identified,” Flynn told QMI Agency. “Both members of staff whom I
spoke to were flustered and clearly embarrassed.”

Flynn’s communication with Air Canada and his video posting have
resulted in a threatened lawsuit from the airline. As for answers from
the company about security procedures, their response reveals holes in
Canada’s air security.
Air Canada says it is capable of checking identification in a private
room away from the check-in counter, but said the real responsibility
for security measures lies with CATSA, the Canadian Air Transport
Security Agency. Not so, says CATSA. Greg MacDougall, a spokesman for
CATSA, tells QMI that their guards are primarily looking for metal,
weapons or other banned material, not ensuring that veiled faces match
passport photos.
“We don’t have concerns with that. We have concerns with the fact
if the person has any metal under their clothing,” MacDougall said.
A former CATSA employee, who, until recently worked as a frontline
screener, tells QMI: “We were never allowed to ask anyone with a
veil to lift it. It is their religion.”
Frontline workers for several airlines say that any checks, if they
happen at all, would likely happen at the check-in desk, not at
boarding or security. Most airports have wide gaps between where
baggage is checked and the secure portions of the airport.
Transport Canada says there should be no confusion: “The airline
must be able to verify the identity of all passengers before they are
allowed to board,” the department said in a written statement.
Lawyer David Harris of INSIGNIS Strategic Research says Canadians
should be concerned about what he deems preferential treatment.
“Full veiling has been a boon for those participating in criminal
and terrorist operations,” Harris said pointing to the story of
Mustaf Jama. Jama, a Somali national with a long criminal record, was
wanted in Britain for the 2006 murder of police constable Sharon
Beshenivsky. As police closed in to arrest the career criminal, Jama
was able to escape back to Somalia by wearing a full veil and boarding
a flight at Heathrow.

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