Written by Paul Fromm |
Saturday, 17 August 2013 20:54 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPEAL FACTUM OF POLITICAL PRISONER TERRY TREMAINE -- SENTENCED TO 6 MONTHS FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT Last fall Terry Tremaine was hammered with a six month prison term for "contempt of court", the third such complaint by his tormenter Richard Warman, who had, in addition, filed a Sec. 13 (Internet censorship) Canadian Human Rights complaint, a complaint to his employer which cost Mr. Tremaine his teaching position at the University of Saskatchewan, and a Sec. 319 ("hate law") complaint under the Criminal Code, which was thrown out by a Regina judge last fall for undue delay but the bail conditions it imposed had kept Mr. Tremaine silenced politically for nearly four years. Originally, Federal Court Judge Found Mr. Tremaine not guilty as the February, 2008 Canadian Human Rightds Tribunal "cease and desist order" had not been served on Mr. Tremaine until August, 2009. Apparently, his postings from February, 2008 until later that year were not sufficiently toned down in terms of privileged minorities for Mr.Warman's sensibilities.. Also, he had not removed a long list of offending passages -- although the poorly written order didn't instruct him to do so. In 2011, the Federal Court of Appeal on a 2-1 vote instated a finding of guilt and overturned the acquittal. It was back to Judge Harrington for sentencing in Vancouver in October, 2012. Earlier last year, the Supreme Court denied leave to appeal. Remember, Sec. 13 had already been repealed by the House of Commons in June, 2012. So, Mr. Warman was being punished for contempt of a vague order imposed under a law that was so foul it had been repealed. The Senate repealed the law in June, 2013 and repeal was granted immediate Royal Assent. This makes the prospect of Mr. Tremaine heading for prison for "contempt of court" for failing to obey a vague order under a law that has been repealed even more ludicrous _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
System Keeps Spinning Its Wheels in "Hate" Persecution of Political Prisoner Arthur T |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Saturday, 17 August 2013 05:49 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM KEEPS SPINNING ITS WHEELS IN "HATE" PERSECUTION OF POLITICAL PRISONER ARTHUR TOPHAM AND DON'T FORGET ALL ARTHUR TOPHAM EVER DID WAS EXPRESS OPINIONS CRITICAL OF ZIONISM AND ISRAEL. HIS LIFE IS CAST INTO POVERTY AND TURMOIL BY REPEATED COMPLAINTS BY RICHARD WARFMAN AND HARRY ABRAMS AND AN ANTI-FREE SPEECH LAW THAT ENABLES SUCH THOUGHT SUPPRESSION. AND OUR HYPOCRITICAL PRIME MINISTER STEPHEN HARPER, A VIRTUAL MOUTHPIECE OF BOTH THE ISRAEL FIRST LOBBY AND INCREASINGLY OF THE HOMOSEXUAL LOBBY, DARES CRITICIZE RUSSIA: " 'WE DON’T IMPRISON PEOPLE FOR THEIR EXPRESSING POLITICAL POSITIONS. I THINK OUR POSITION IN THIS REGARD REPRESENTS THE POSITION OF CANADIANS AND THEY EXPECT THAT WE SPEAK IN FAVOUR OF THESE RIGHTS,' HE ADDED DURING A SPEECH IN MIRAMICHI, NEW BRUNSWICK." TELL THAT TO ARTHUR TOPHAM. OF COURSE, CANADA SEEKS TO IMPRISON THOSE EXPRESSING POLITICAL POSITIONS STRONGLY CRITICAL OF PRIVILEGED MINORITIES. CAFE is proud to support this scrappy freethinker in his battle against thought control and state suppression of free speech, Paul Fromm Director CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION REGINA V THE RADICAL PRESS: LEGAL UPDATE #15 August 16, 2013 Regina v The Radical Press: LEGAL UPDATE #15 August 16, 2013 “There’s no such thing as ‘Hate Speech.’ You either have FREE speech or you don’t – it’s that simple.” ~Anonymous Dear Free Speech Advocates and Radical Press Supporters, Tuesday, August 13th, 2013 saw my return to Quesnel’s provincial courthouse for yet another appearance related to the matter of the Sec. 319(2) CCC charge and my arrest and incarceration May 16th, 2012 for the spurious crime of “willfully promoting hatred against ‘people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group.’ The previous time was back on July 9th, 2013 when the issue of CC Johnston’s attempt to go for a direct indictment failed. It was also then that further efforts were made to set dates for my Rowbotham application hearing, the Rowbotham being my only option at this stage of the proceedings that will literally afford me a lawyer in order to act in my defence. As well, a the date of August 13th was supposed to be when I would appear before Judge Morgan and speak to my application for particularization of the evidence which the Crown was planning to base its case on. At this point in the process where every appearance tends to hold unanticipated surprises it has become my practise not to get too bent out of shape trying to fathom what may or may not occur. That way of thinking appears to be best and so again I wasn’t disappointed to find that things didn’t go as planned. I was scheduled to also meet with the Trial Coordinator, Sherry Jasper, after dealing with the particularization issue in court but while waiting in the courtroom for Judge Morgan to appear CC Johnston approached me and said that she was sure that she had heard the Judge say during our previous appearance that I could postpone the Particularization application until such time as I knew whether or not my Rowbotham application was going to be approved and I could have counsel representation for the Particularization hearing. I didn’t recollect the judge telling me that but at the same time I also realized that given the option it would be best to wait until I knew if the Rowbotham application was going to be approved and a lawyer appointed for my defence. Knowing I was ill equipped to do so beyond just reading out the information to the court that my former lawyer Doug Christie had prepared in my defence I decided to heed what CC had just revealed to me and so I told her that I would opt for not proceeding with the application at this time. Johnston then suggested I let the Trial Coordinator know what had transpired and that was that for the courtroom side of things. I went to Jasper’s office and explained what had just taken place in the courtroom and she told me that she would strike the Application from today’s list and that once I knew the outcome of the Rowbotham application I could then bring it back before the Court to fix a hearing date. That taken care of we moved on to the Rowbotham application issue and she called Keith Evans the lawyer for the Attorney General’s office in order to fix a hearing date for that application. It should be mentioned here that prior to my appearance on August 13th I had spoken with Keith Evans via the telephone regarding all the additional documents which the AG’s office still required in order to process the application. Mr. Evans told me at that time that he would not likely be able to hold a hearing on the matter until after September of this year as he was already booked up for that month and that I still would have time to submit further materials to back up my application. I had already begun the process of putting together some of the documents requested and filling out forms allowing the AG’s office to access my bank accounts and contact Canada Revenue Services, etc. and had shipped these off to his office prior to my appearance on Tuesday so when Jasper contacted Evans he told her that the process was unfolding according to plan and that he expected the remaining documents from me would be forthcoming well in advance of the hearing date then to be set. Jasper then suggested November 18th, 2013 for the hearing date along with a time allotment of two hours. Evans responded by saying that he would rather see five hours set for the hearing as that was usually how long they took. Jasper expressed surprise at that but then agreed to set a longer period of time. The 18th was also a date when Judge Morgan would be able to preside over the hearing which is a good thing given that he has been overseeing the case to this point. I should add here with respect to this Rowbotham application that the expectations of the Attorney General’s office are the equivalent of having to perform a forensic audit of my financial situation since last November 5th of 2012 when the indictment was finally handed down. It’s intense and very time consuming having to justify every penny since that time period. That concluded the day’s events and my wife and I left the building. One other related issue that came up during the interval between August 13th and my previous appearance on July 9th was a Notice of Libel that I received from Richard Warman, one of the complainants in this case. Warman had taken issue with some prefatory remarks made by me in an article I had posted on the Radical Press website back on January 1st, 2013. He then hired the Ottawa law firm of Caza Saikaley to represent him and demanded that I remove the said article and commentary from the site and post an apology and retraction. After some reflection and knowing that I was ill equipped to take on another legal battle I had no option but to adhere to Warman’s wishes and do as requested. In addition to publishing the retraction and apology I also had to send Warman a money order for $500.00 to cover his legal expenses. That meant yet another frantic appeal for funds to those supporting my legal struggles. Thank God kind souls came to the rescue and I was able to pay the costs for which I am deeply grateful. So for now I must complete the task of sending all the required information to the AG’s office over the next month or so and await my next court date of November 18th, 2013. For Justice and Freedom of Speech for Everyone, Everywhere, Arthur Topham Publisher & Editor The Radical Press Canada’s Radical News Network “Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″ ——- P.S. I would once again please ask readers to consider helping me out financially with a donation if they can. Go to the top of the Home Page at and click on the “PLEASE DONATE TO THE RADICAL PRESS FREE SPEECH DEFENSE FUND ( )” link where you will find all the information necessary to send financial help. Thank you. _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Canada's New Immigration Minister Welcomes Russian Homosexuals As "Refugees" |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Friday, 16 August 2013 07:50 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada's New Immigration Minister Welcomes Russian Homosexuals As "Refugees" Chris Alexander, Canada's new Minister of Immigration is off to a bad start with an announcement that Canada will welcome Russian homosexuals who claim persecution. Canada's new Refugee Class LifeSite News (August 13, 2013) reports: "Canada's newly appointed immigration minister said that Russia is wrong in restricting homosexual propaganda aimed at youth and indicated that refugee claims by Russian homosexuals will be given serious consideration by the Conservative government. Speaking at a Canadian citizenship ceremony in Surrey, B.C. on August 12, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander said the Conservative government of Stephen Harper has made its position on the Russian laws against homosexual proselytizing known and that Russian refugee claims 'related to this particular issue will of course be looked at very seriously by our very generous system.' 'This is a rights issue and Canadian values… require us to speak up when those rights are violated in gross ways,” Alexander said according to a Global News report. 'We are going to speak out about Russia’s inappropriate actions in this area until the situation improves.' ... Campaign Life Coalition gives Alexander a "caution" status for his voting record on life and family issues. ... Alexander voted against Stephen Woodworth's Motion 312 to study whether a child in the womb is a human being based on the preponderance of evidence from modern medical science. He voted for Bill C279, the 'transgender & transsexual empowerment bill which added the radical concepts of "gender identity" and 'gender expression' as protected rights in the Human Rights Act and Criminal Code. Prime Minister Harper recently waded into the mainstream media frenzy surrounding the Russian law banning homosexual propaganda, suggesting that Russian authorities are cracking down on people because they are homosexual. “I think it’s important to recognize there are some controversies in this matter, but the reality is that our position is that we don’t imprison or kill people for acts committed freely between adults,” Harper said according to a Globe and Mail report. 'We don’t imprison people for their expressing political positions. I think our position in this regard represents the position of Canadians and they expect that we speak in favour of these rights,' he added during a speech in Miramichi, New Brunswick. However, homosexuality itself is not prosecuted in Russia. Instead the Russian government recently voted, 436 to 0, to ban homosexual propagandizing by foreign or domestic activists. The new law prohibits the promotion of homosexuality, and other deviant sexual behaviors, among minors by making it illegal to give children 'information aimed at forming non-traditional sexual behavior among children, suggesting this behavior is attractive, and making a false statement about the socially equal nature of traditional and non-traditional relationships.' Individuals using the Internet to spread homosexualist propaganda can be fined up to 5,000 roubles (US $155); officials can be fined up to 10 times that amount. The maximum fine is one million roubles (US $30,800). Foreigners found in violation of the law can be arrested and held for up to 15 days before being deported. The legislation will effectively outlaw 'gay pride' festivals and stop attempts by foreign homosexualist activist groups to normalize their lifestyles or campaign for same-sex legal recognition in Russia. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin defended the bill, saying that while it is 'necessary to defend the rights of sexual minorities,' Russian public opinion must also be respected. A state-sponsored poll found that 88 percent of Russians agree with the homosexual propaganda ban. Under the law, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, who is on record for promoting homosexual rights as a key component of Canada's foreign policy, could theoretically run afoul of Russian law. Last year Baird told the Montreal Council on Foreign Relations that he is 'aggressively' pursuing what he called Canada’s “principled, values-based” foreign policy. As part of that effort, Baird said that he is working with western countries to promote homosexual rights in countries around the world where 'violent mobs … seek to criminalize homosexuality,' and to make Canada "a welcoming haven for homosexual refugees." REAL Women of Canada recently blasted Baird for trying to impose what it describes as 'his own perspective on homosexuality' in foreign countries such as Uganda, Kenya, and Russia that have passed laws aimed at preserving the traditional family structure. “Just who does John Baird think he is, using taxpayers’ money to promote his own personal agenda and endeavouring to set standards for the laws of foreign countries?” asked Gwen Landolt, National Vice-President of REAL Women of Canada, in an August 8th press release. REAL women slammed Baird for 'working extensively behind the scenes to prevent Russia from passing legislation designated to protect Russian minors from homosexual propaganda.'” The Conservative government's militant adoption of a key lank in the Obama foreign policy -- promoting homosexual rights around the world is most peculiar. Many members of Harper's caucus and vast numbers of his supporters are social conservatives. The Prime Minister's assertion: "We don’t imprison people for their expressing political positions," is laughable. Brad Love is in prison today solely for the non-violent expression of his political views. Arthur Topham an anti-Zionist blogger may face the same fate in an upcoming trial under Sec. 319 of Canada's Criminal Code the notorious "hate law" which bans precisely that -- political opinion, if is harshly critical of privileged minorities. Let's be quite clear: Since the time of President Brois Yeltsin, homosexual activity among adults is not illegal in Russia. The news laws simply outlaw homosexual advocacy or recruitment. Has the Tory Government become a captive of the homosexual lobby? There are some disturbing signs it has. In the wakw od Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko warning athletes heading for the 2014 Winter Games at Sochi to refrain from "homosexual propaganda" spurred Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird to sputter: "This mean-spirited and hateful law will affect all Russians 365 days of the year. ... It is an incitement of intolerance, which breeds hate. And intolerance and hate breed violence." (Globe and Mail, August 2, 2013) The Globe and Mail editorial board, which is a virtual arm of the homosexual lobby, of course, approved. In an editorial entitled "Russia's curious pre-Sochi crackdown", The Globe (August 5, 2013) enthused: "Canadians should be encouraged by their government's vocal stance in defence of the gay, lebian and transgendered communities in other countries." Frustrated Conservative party supporters and backbenchers will note the absence of any comparable concern about countries where Christians are routinely massacred, like, say, India where Hindu extremists frequently murder of burn out Christian villagers. In an equally disturbing and related issue, the Tories have made a judicial reference to the Supreme Court of Canada asking for guidance as to how much the Senate can be reformed without seeking provincial consent. The Globe and Mail (August 1, 2013) reports the government's disturbing argument and train of thought: "The government asked the Supreme Court to adopt a flexible approach to determine how its Senate reform plans jibe with the Canadian constitution -- just like years ago when it ruled in favour of allowing same sex marriage. 'Slavish adherence to original intent has been rejected by this court ... in, for example, the Same Sex Marriage Reference, where the court held that the understanding of 'marriage that prevailed in 1867 should not be determinative of our present day understanding,' the government argued." That's right. The Constitution doesn't mean what its words mean; it is to be interpreted flexibly to mean whatever the cultural communists on the Supreme Court want it to mean. As we observe the triumph of the homosexual agenda in Ottawa, even under a nominally "conservative" government, we are revolted at the gall of the revolutionaries on the Supreme Court, who, in ruling that Christian traditionalist activist and homosexual critic Bill Whatcott should be gagged, insisted that homosexuals were a "vulnerable" minority, likely to be intimidated or silenced by Mr. Whatcott's few hundred pamphlets. Finally, the much persecuted Mr. Whatcott comments in his blog: "Hmmm, it just occurred to me, five months ago my so-called "hate speech" conviction, imposed by a kangaroo tribunal in Saskatchewan was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada. I was made liable for a big fine and all of the Kangaroo Commission's court costs. My so-called "hate speech" was actually accurate medical and social facts on the downside of homosexuality and the good news that God is able to set homosexuals free. From the point of view of logic, my speech on important moral and political issues related to homosexuality seems more meritorious to me than the right to show gay propaganda to children over their parent's objections. My speech was directed at the general public, not primary school children. Maybe, I could qualify as a refugee to Russia? God knows the Marxism being imposed on Canada is starting to feel stifling!" Contact Info: Immigration Minister Chris Alexander Constituency Office 100 Westney Road South, Unit E101, Ajax, Ontario L1S 7H3 Phone: 905-426-6808 ( tel:905-426-6808 ) Fax: 905-426-9564 ( tel:905-426-9564 ) Email: [email protected] Prime Minister Stephen Harper House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6 Phone: 613-992-4211 ( tel:613-992-4211 ) Fax: 613-941-6900 ( tel:613-941-6900 ) E-mail: [email protected] _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
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