Time To Protest: Another Case of Out-of-Control Bureaucracy Spying on Canadians Aug
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 16 August 2012 05:59
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Time To Protest: Another Case of Out-of-Control Bureaucracy Spying on
Canadians August 11, 2012

Graham Fraser has decided that he wants to finish his term with a
blast (before he’s kicked off his well-paid position next October)
and spend whatever money he can lay his hands on. So, as per his
usual style, he’s going to unleash his army of spies on eight
airports across the country.

Lorne Gunter on Charles Adler’s show, SunTV, decided to use the
opportunity to talk about the bilingualism fiasco being launched by
our Language Commissar at the cost of $90,000. Graham Fraser must
have a very generous budget to be able to be so free with our
hard-earned tax dollars. Here’s the link to that fabulous show:

http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/1780459813001 (
http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/1780459813001 )

After listening to Lorne Gunter and Brigette Pellerin, maybe you’ll
be angry enough to write to the esteemed Language Commissar at the
following address:

Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Head Office
344 Slater Street, 3rd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T8

Tel: 1-800-880-1990 ( tel:1-800-880-1990 ) or 613-996-6368 (
tel:613-996-6368 )
Fax: 613-993-5082 ( tel:613-993-5082 )
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


While you’re at it, also send a note to PM Harper, Min. James Harper
and your own MP in the Conservative government that you will NO longer
be sending them any more money if the Office of the Official Languages
Commissioner is not cut back drastically!!!


http://www.edmontonsun.com/2012/08/09/bilingualism-cops-what-a-waste (
http://www.edmontonsun.com/2012/08/09/bilingualism-cops-what-a-waste )

Bilingualism cops: What a waste!

AUGUST 10, 2012
Edmonton Sun

Graham Fraser is sending spies to eight Canadian airports.

Fraser is the Official Languages Commissioner. And he is not sending
agents to thwart an al Qaeda plot or crack down on international drug
smugglers. He's sending undercover bureaucrats to Halifax, Quebec
City, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Vancouver to
ensure airport bookstores have enough French titles on their shelves
and TV screens in departure lounges and that baggage carousels are
tuned equally to French and English channels.

Seriously. We are recovering from one of the worst recessions in 80
years. Unemployment isn't as high as it is in the United States, but
it's still too high. And yet the official languages commissioner
thinks spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to check
to see whether airport greeters use both French and English is a
worthwhile expenditure.

The real farce here is that bilingualism has been an expensive failure
— a very expensive failure. Nearly 45 years after Pierre Trudeau's
government imposed the Official Languages Act on the country there
aren't many more fluently bilingual Canadians than there were in 1969.

According to a study by Vancouver's Fraser Institute released this
past January, Ottawa spends $1.5 billion a year ensuring federal
government offices, federal courts and federally regulated industries
such as airlines, banks and telecoms are sufficiently bilingual. The
provinces spend nearly another $1 billion despite the fact that only
two provinces — New Brunswick and Quebec — have unilingual
minorities that make up more than 1% of their populations.

When bilingualism became the law of the land, nearly all fluently
bilingual Canadians lived in a thin ribbon of land known as the
"bilingual belt" – a strip that began in Ottawa, followed the St.
Lawrence through Montreal and Quebec City and ended in northern New

Most still do.

Official bilingualism may have succeeded in getting more federal
services provided in both French and English, but it has not moved the
needle more than a few notches in making individual Canadians
bilingual. Thirty-five percent of Canadians speak two languages, but
only about 17% speak both French and English. The other 18% speak
either French or English and a non-official language, such as Mandarin
or Punjabi.

And the claim by 17% of Canadians that they are fluent in French and
English is widely believed to be inflated since language skills are
self-reported on the census. No one comes to your home to test your
competence. Statistics Canada merely takes your word for it.

To illustrate how little personal bilingualism has penetrated ordinary
Canadian society, consider that in Ontario 97% of workers claim to use
English nearly all the time at work. That is down from 98% when the
Official Languages Act was passed and that includes the tens of
thousands of federal workers in the nation's capital whose jobs demand
two-language proficiency.

Even in Manitoba, which has the largest francophone population outside
the bilingual belt, 97% of workers claim to use English almost
exclusively in their daily lives.

The biggest change in the past 40 years has been in Quebec, where the
percentage of employees using English "most often" at work has dropped
from nearly one-quarter to just over 17%. But even those numbers mask
the fact that nearly a quarter of Quebec workers admit to using
English "regularly" — basically unchanged from the heady days of the
late 1960s.

Clinging to the notion that bilingualism is a valuable common goal is
an expensive parlour game. It is one of those national-identity myths
our cultural and political elites have convinced themselves is vital
to our survival.

Mr. Fraser, keep your spies at home and save working Canadians the
cost of your "investigation."


Lowell Green spent most of his two-hour show yesterday talking about
the failure of the Official Languages Act, which after over 40 years
and many billions of dollars, has not increased bilingualism in any
substantial amount but has totally failed in its primary function of
creating a more united country. The initial reason for this policy
was to make French-speaking Quebecers feel more at home right across
the country but we have seen that this has not happened. Many callers
to Lowell’s show referred to the fact that this policy has done more
to create animosity between the two language groups than anything
else. In Quebec, the Separatists are just as determined as ever to
push for more autonomy, more power, as well as more financial
“compensation” from English-speaking Canada, while showing them
how much they resent & hate the English-speakers for having dominated
them a long, long time ago.

To listen to Lowell talk to the callers on his show, link to: :
http://devel.autopod.ca/chum/43/podcasts/ (
http://devel.autopod.ca/chum/43/podcasts/ ) and download the show
dated August 10, 2012.


On Sunday at 10:40 am, Beth Trudeau will be on the air!!! Here’s
her message:

Hi all,

I will be on SUN NEWS at 10:40 AM on Sunday, live, talking about how
Official Languages Commissar Graham Fraser doesn't get enough
complaints to sustain his job so he has to waste MORE of our tax
dollars hiring spies to report on any FRENCH problems at airports. He
refuses to meet with Canadians for Language Fairness, who represent
the VICTIMS of forced bilingualism.

Make sure to tune in...just for 5 minutes, though, then back to
Sunnyside Nick's show on CFRA.


Beth Trudeau
Official Spokesperson for Canadians for Language Fairness
Embrun, Ontario
BUT STILL WANT TO COME, CALL HOWARD AT 613-347-7775 ( tel:613-347-7775

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China's Rent-A-Wives And Delegates
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 16 August 2012 05:55
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China's Rent-A-Wives And Delegates

"Federal officials say they've intercepted a smuggling ring whose
members would sneak Chinese nationals into Canada through rent-a-wife
and fake tourist delegation schemes. Phoney visitors from China are
placed by smugglers in delegations of tourists, performers or martial
artists who visit Canada, Canadian diplomats in Beijing claim. Once
here, the fake visitors, who can pay up to $70,000 for the trip, file
refugee claims to remain in Canada. The intelligence is part of a
'Fraud in China' report that was released last April through an Access
to Information request. The document was prepared for Ottawa by the
Canadian embassy in Beijing, with input from other consulates in
China. The report is being circulated to help border officials ahead
of the Toronto 2015 Pan/Parapan Am Games. [The Parapan Am Games are a
showcase for disabled athletes and follow the Pan American Games].

It said frontline officers are also on the lookout for men in
delegations who may be trying to sneak women into the country posing
as their wives. 'One applicant obtained visas to travel abroad on five
occasions, each time with a different wife until he was detected,' the
diplomats said. 'The 'wives' all made refugee claims.' The report said
smugglers' require a legitimate invitation from Canadian companies to
bring a delegation here. 'Accompanying delegates are added to the
group for a fee and subsequently make refugee claims upon arrival in
Canada,' officers said in the report. 'Non-genuine individuals are
added to groups of tourists, performers and martial artists.' The
diplomats claim unscrupulous agents create biographies for students to
travel to Canada. They are sold to students, who only have to
substitute their photographs when they apply to come to Canada. 'The
same profile may be used for many cases until the fraud is
discovered,' the document stated. 'Two applications were submitted in
the same name with the same dates of births and the same parents but
with different photos.' An immigration survey showed that 27% of the
applications of students contained some sort of fraud. [That would be
27% in which some sort of fraud was detected!] Canadian officers also
found 'substitutes' [that's ringers to you] being paid to take English
language tests required for some immigrants to travel here.

'To facilitate the use of substitutes, the agents recruit individuals
with good English language skills who resemble the applicant,' said
the report. The report noted fake marriages are common and attributes
one such marriage to 30 alleged family members being sponsored to
Canada. Immigration lawyer Richard Kurland, who obtained the document,
said the scams are quite likely still ongoing." (QMI Agency, May 21,
2012) No doubt! We have certainly seen identical stories for the last

[This article appears in the July, 2012 issue of the CANADIAN
HOTLINE is available by subscription for $30 per year. You can
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China's Rent-A-Wives And Delegates
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 16 August 2012 05:51
*China's Rent-A-Wives And Delegates*

"Federal officials say they've intercepted a smuggling ring whose members
would sneak Chinese nationals into Canada through rent-a-wife and fake
tourist delegation schemes. Phoney visitors from China are placed by
smugglers in delegations of tourists, performers or martial artists who
visit Canada, Canadian diplomats in Beijing claim. Once here, the fake
visitors, who can pay up to $70,000 for the trip, file refugee claims to
remain in Canada. The intelligence is part of a *'Fraud in China'* report
that was released last April through an *Access to Information* request.
The document was prepared for Ottawa by the Canadian embassy in Beijing,
with input from other consulates in China. The report is being circulated
to help border officials ahead of the *Toronto 2015 Pan/Parapan Am Games.
[The Parapan Am Games* are a showcase for disabled athletes and follow the *Pan
American Games*].

It said frontline officers are also on the lookout for men in delegations
who may be trying to sneak women into the country posing as their wives.
'One applicant obtained visas to travel abroad on five occasions, each time
with a different wife until he was detected,' the diplomats said. 'The
'wives' all made refugee claims.' The report said smugglers' require a
legitimate invitation from Canadian companies to bring a delegation here.
'Accompanying delegates are added to the group for a fee and subsequently
make refugee claims upon arrival in Canada,' officers said in the report.
'Non-genuine individuals are added to groups of tourists, performers and
martial artists.' The diplomats claim unscrupulous agents create
biographies for students to travel to Canada. They are sold to students,
who only have to substitute their photographs when they apply to come to
Canada. 'The same profile may be used for many cases until the fraud is
discovered,' the document stated. 'Two applications were submitted in the
same name with the same dates of births and the same parents but with
different photos.' An immigration survey showed that 27% of the
applications of students contained some sort of fraud. [That would be 27%
in which some sort of fraud was detected!] Canadian officers also found
'substitutes' [that's ringers to you] being paid to take English language
tests required for some immigrants to travel here.

'To facilitate the use of substitutes, the agents recruit individuals with
good English language skills who resemble the applicant,' said the report.
The report noted fake marriages are common and attributes one such marriage
to 30 alleged family members being sponsored to Canada. Immigration
lawyer *Richard
Kurland*, who obtained the document, said the scams are quite likely still
ongoing." (*QMI Agency*, May 21, 2012) No doubt! We have certainly seen
identical stories for the last decade.

[This article appears in the July, 2012 issue of the *CANADIAN IMMIGRATION
available by subscription for $30 per year. You can subscribe by sending a
cheque or VISA number and expiry date to *CANADIAN IMMIGRATION HOTLINE*,
P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3.]
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