REMINDER: Urgent -- Speak Up: Fill in the Immigration Level Survey on-line
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 10 August 2012 07:56
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REMINDER: Urgent -- Speak Up: Fill in the Immigration Level Survey

The Department of Citizenship and Immigration is conducting a
consultation this summer as to immigration levels for 2013. If you
live in Canada, it is vital that you respond and speak up. You are
encouraged to read a background paper on-line before answering the
The CIC website explains:

The consultations will explore a number of issues related to three
main questions:

1 What is the appropriate level of immigration for Canada?
Should the number of immigrants per year change?
2 What is the appropriate distribution – or mix – between
the number of economic immigrants, family class immigrants and
3 Economic immigration is recognized as a key immigration
objective for Canada’s long-term economic growth. What role can
immigration play to support Canada’s economy?

Go on the CIC website, peruse the background report and fill in the

We strongly urge you to recommend zero immigration for 2013. With 7.2
per cent official unemployment -- real unemployment levels are much
higher as the official figure counts only those still receiving
Employment Insurance benefits -- there is no justification for any
immigration at all. A newcomer will do one of two things; take an
existing job that should go to a Canadian, thus throwing that person
on to EI or welfare, or be unable to find a job and become a charge
on the Canadian taxpayer. Either way, Canada loses.

The future "labour shortage" is speculative. Jobs should go to the
unemployed and only when we have full employment and should there
actually be a labour shortage in the future, ought there to be any
consideration of further immigration intake. Canada's founding/settler
people are being replaced by government policy. With present
immigration levels (85 per cent from the Third World), people of
European descent will be a minority by 2050. This ethnic replacement
is unacceptable. One way to slow it down is to demand that, at least
in this present era of high unemployment, no further immigration be
considered at this time.

The on-line consultation closes at the end of August. Fill out the
survey now at http (
):// ( )

Paul Fromm

Here’s what I wrote in the only part of the survey that does not
involve choosing options but actually lets you express your own
This survey does not adequately allow us to express ourselves. With
7.2% official unemployment -- the real figures are far higher -- there
should be NO immigration allowed into Canada at all. We need a
five-year moratorium. Only when the vast majority of the unemployed
have found work should we even consider any immigration intake.

Mass immigration keeps unemployment levels high and wages low. This is
a special burden on young people entering the work force. They are
faced with low wages and stiff competition from newcomers. For many,
these pressures and uncertainty make it difficult to set down roots
and begin family formation. The billions spent on immigrant vetting,
refugee processing and support and immigrant settlement programmes
should be directed toward young Canadians to assist them to have more

For instance, if women could draw the equivalent of EI until their
child was in full-time classes (about age 6), there would be a strong
incentive to have more children. Such incentives would also take many
women out of the work force and reduce our unemployment levels.

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Greece: 6,000 detained during raids on immigrants
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 10 August 2012 07:52
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Greece: 6,000 detained during raids on immigrants

When will Canada and the U.S. get serious? We should round up, detain
and then deport all illegals. Employers hiring illegals, an act which
deprives our citizens of jobs and screws down wages, should be
charged, fIned and jailed.

It's time to put OUR people and OUR countries first!

Paul Fromm

NICHOLAS PAPHITIS - The Associated Press

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Authorities in Greece are rounding up
thousands of suspected illegal immigrants in a large-scale deportation
drive to combat what a government official compared to a prehistoric

Greece has long been Europe's main entry point for illegal immigrants
from Asia and Africa seeking a better life in the West. But Greece's
severe economic problems and high unemployment are making the problem
worse than ever.

Police said Monday that 6,000 people were detained over the weekend in
Athens in a massive operation incongruously named after the ancient
Greek god of hospitality, Zeus Xenios.

Officers across the city were seen stopping mostly African and Asian
people in the street for identification checks. Most were only briefly
detained, but about 1,600 were arrested for illegally entering Greece
and sent to holding centers pending deportation.

Left-wing opposition parties criticized the crackdown, while the
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees voiced
concern that migrants from war-torn countries and genuine
asylum-seekers could be denied the right of protection.

Some 100,000 illegal immigrants are estimated to slip into Greece
every year, mostly from neighboring Turkey, and up to a million are
believed to live in Greece, which has an official population of about
10 million.

The uncontrolled influx, which coincided with a recent spike in crime,
contributed to the sharp rise of an extreme-right political party
which uses aggressive rhetoric against immigrants.

Once beyond the pale of Greek politics, the extreme right Golden Dawn
gained nearly 7 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections six
weeks ago. Mainstream parties also pledged to curtail immigrant flows.

Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias said Monday the rounding-up of
illegal immigrants would continue, arguing that their unchecked entry
has brought Greece "to the brink of collapse."

"The country is being lost," he told private Skai TV. "What is
happening now is (Greece's) greatest invasion ever. Since the Dorian
invasion some 3,000 years ago, the country has never received such a
flow of immigration."

Ancient tradition linked the invasion of Greek-speaking Dorian tribes
with the end of the heroic Mycenaean age, although historians believe
that the Mycenaean palatial civilization was brought down by financial
and social unrest.

Dendias said arrested immigrants will be temporarily held at police
academy buildings in northern Greece, which are closed for the summer,
and at a detention center outside Athens. He claimed that by the end
of the year Greece will be able to detain up to 10,000 people.

"Whoever is arrested will be held and then deported," he said.

The Greek office of the U.N. High Commission for refugees said that
while Greece has the right to carry out checks on immigrants, it
should ensure that vulnerable groups do not suffer. "People who truly
need protection must be able to request it," said Petros Mastakas,
associate protection officer at the UNHCR office in Athens.

"It is very difficult, practically impossible, for asylum seekers to
apply for protected status, and we are concerned that among those
arrested there may be people who want protection but were unable to
submit their requests because access to the relevant authorities is
practically impossible," he said.

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REMINDER: Urgent -- Speak Up: Fill in the Immigration Level Survey on-line
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 10 August 2012 07:42
*REMINDER: Urgent -- Speak Up: Fill in the Immigration Level Survey on-line

The *Department of Citizenship and Immigration* is conducting a
consultation this summer as to immigration levels for 2013. If you live in
Canada, it is vital that you respond and speak up. You are encouraged to
read a background paper on-line before answering the survey.

The *CIC* website explains:

*The consultations will explore a number of issues related to three main

1 *What is the appropriate level of immigration for Canada? Should
the number of immigrants per year change?*

2 *What is the appropriate distribution – or mix – between the
number of economic immigrants, family class immigrants and refugees?*

3 *Economic immigration is recognized as a key immigration objective
for Canada’s long-term economic growth. What role can immigration play to
support Canada’s economy?*

Go on the CIC website, peruse the background report and fill in the

We strongly urge you to recommend zero immigration for 2013. With 7.2 per
cent official unemployment -- real unemployment levels are much higher as
the official figure counts only those still receiving Employment Insurance
benefits -- there is no justification for any immigration at all. A
newcomer will do one of two things; take an existing job that should go to
a Canadian, thus throwing that person on to EI or welfare, or be unable to
find a job and become a charge on the Canadian taxpayer. Either way,
Canada loses.

The future "labour shortage" is speculative. Jobs should go to the
unemployed and only when we have full employment and should there actually
be a labour shortage in the future, ought there to be any consideration of
further immigration intake. Canada's founding/settler people are being
replaced by government policy. *With present immigration levels (85 per
cent from the Third World), people of European descent will be a minority
by 2050*. This ethnic replacement is unacceptable. One way to slow it down
is to demand that, at least in this present era of high unemployment, no
further immigration be considered at this time.

*The on-line consultation closes at the end of August*. Fill out the survey
now at http <>*://*

*Paul Fromm*



Here’s what I wrote in the only part of the survey that does not involve
choosing options but actually lets you express your own opinion.


* This survey does not adequately allow us to express ourselves. With 7.2%
official unemployment -- the real figures are far higher -- there should be
NO immigration allowed into Canada at all. We need a five-year moratorium.
Only when the vast majority of the unemployed have found work should we
even consider any immigration intake.*

* *

*Mass immigration keeps unemployment levels high and wages low. This is a
special burden on young people entering the work force. They are faced with
low wages and stiff competition from newcomers. For many, these pressures
and uncertainty make it difficult to set down roots and begin family
formation. The billions spent on immigrant vetting, refugee processing and
support and immigrant settlement programmes should be directed toward young
Canadians to assist them to have more children.*

* *

*For instance, if women could draw the equivalent of EI until their child
was in full-time classes (about age 6), there would be a strong incentive
to have more children. Such incentives would also take many women out of
the work force and reduce our unemployment levels.*
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