Metropolitan Toronto Police Service: The Colour of Crime -- Is there a pattern here?
Written by Paul Fromm
Sunday, 22 July 2012 03:13
*Metropolitan Toronto Police Service: The Colour of Crime -- Is there a
pattern here?*
Thursday, July 19,
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*Robbery (Swarming) - 42 Division*

A 19 year old male reports that on July 18, 2012 at approximately 1740
hours he was in the area of McLevin Avenue and Sewells Road when he was
approached by three male suspects. The suspects made a demand for the
victim’s iPhone. The victim did not comply and the suspects knocked the
victim to the ground and kicked him about the head before removing the
contents of his pockets. The three suspects fled the scene in an unknown
direction. Toronto EMS attended and transported the victim to a hospital
where he was treated for his injuries and released. Police are requesting
the assistance of the public in identifying the following described persons
in connection with this offence. Description of Suspect #1: Male, black, 28
to 32 years, 200 to 216 pounds, shaved head. Suspect #2: Male, black, 26 to
30 years, 5’8” to 5’9”, heavy build, shaved head. Suspect #3: Male, black,
18 to 22 years, 5’8” to 5’9”, thin build, black hair in a ponytail.


*Robbery (Mugging) - 53 Division*

A 36 year old female reports that on July 17, 2012 at approximately 2330
hours she was in the area of Heath Street and Yonge Street when she was
approached from behind by two male suspects. One of the suspects made a
demand for the victim’s cellular phone and indicated that he was armed,
although no weapon was seen. The victim surrendered her phone and the
suspects fled the scene eastbound on Heath Street. No injuries were
sustained by the victim. Police are requesting the assistance of the public
in identifying the following described persons in connection with this
offence. Description of Suspect #1: Male, black, 19 to 25 years, 5’8”, thin
build. Suspect #2: Male, black, 19 to 25 years, 5’10”, thin build.


*Robbery (Purse Snatch) - 42 Division*

Two females ages 19 and 24 years report that on July 18, 2012 at
approximately 1650 hours, they were in the area of Finch Avenue East and
Sandhurst Circle when they were approached from behind by two male
suspects. One suspect grabbed one of the victim’s purses and she fell to
the ground. The suspects removed the victim’s Ipod and fled the scene in an
unknown direction. The victim sustained minor injuries and will seek her
own medical attention. Police are requesting the assistance of the public
in identifying the following described persons in connection with this
offence. Description of Suspect #1: Male, black, 20-23 years, 5’11”-6’0”,
thin build. Suspect #2: Male, black, 20-23 years, 5’8”-5’11”, thin build.


*Robbery (Mugging) - 31 Division*

A 20 year old male reports that on July 18, 2012 at approximately 2354
hours, he was in the area of Finch Avenue West and Sentinel Road when he
was approached from behind by a male suspect wearing a disguise. The
suspect indicated that he had a weapon but no weapon was seen. The suspect
grabbed the victim’s Ipad and fled the scene in an unknown direction. No
injuries were sustained by the victim. Police are requesting the assistance
of the public in identifying the following described person in connection
with this offence. Description of Suspect: Male, black, 18-23 years,
5’7”-5’9”, 141-154 pounds, thin build.


*Robbery (Business) - 22 Division*

A 49 year old male employee of Hasty Market, 452 Rathburn Rd, reports that
on July 19, 2012 at approximately 0332 hours, three male suspects wearing
disguises, one armed with a handgun entered the premises and approached the
counter. The victim was threatened and then struck about the body with the
handgun. The suspects made a demand for cash. The victim complied. The
suspects also removed a quantity of cigarettes and then fled the scene
westbound on Rathburn Road. The victim sustained minor injuries and was
transported to hospital by Toronto EMS where he was treated for his
injuries and released. Police are requesting the assistance of the public
in identifying the following described persons in connection with this
offence. Description of Suspect #1-2: Male, black, 25 to 30 years 5’6” to
5’7”, thin build. Suspect #3: 25 to 30 years, 5’8”, thin build.


*Robbery (Mugging) - 41 Division*

A 33 year old female reports that on July 19, 2012 at approximately 1513
hours she was in the area of Eglinton Avenue East and Midland Avenue when
she was approached by two male suspects. One of the suspects removed a
necklace from the victim’s person. Both suspects fled the scene in an
unknown direction. No injuries were sustained by the victim. Police are
requesting the assistance of the public in identifying the following
described persons in connection with this offence. Description of Suspect
#1: Male, black, 13 to 21 years, 5’6” to 6’, 161 to 180 pounds, medium
build. Suspect #2: Male, black, 5’ to 6’, 161 to 180 pounds, medium build.


*Break & Enter (Dwelling) - 55 Division*

A resident of Danforth Avenue reports that on July 19, 2012 between 0700
hours and 1200 hours entry was gained into the premises through a sliding
door. Removed was a quantity of cash, jewellery, sports equipment and
computer equipment.


*Break & Enter (Dwelling) - 33 Division*

A resident of Tudor Gate reports that on July 19, 2012 between 0904 hours
and 1000 hours entry was gained into the premises by forcing a door.
Removed was a quantity of jewellery and a laptop.

*By the way, Blacks constitute under 7 per cent of the population of
Metropolitan Toronto.*
Mass Third World Immigration is Killing the U.S.A. -- Frosty Wooldridge
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 03:33
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Mass Third World Immigration is Killing the U.S.A. -- Frosty

Losing our country slowly but surely
By Frosty Wooldridge

“The two greater dividers are religion and language.” Kant

Thousands of people write me monthly after reading the plain, simple
truth that I provide week in and week out, year in and year out as to
our beloved country—The United States of America.

With our entire U.S. Congress garnering a 9 percent approval rating
and our president running 54 percent disapproval—it doesn’t take a
New York lawyer to figure out that most Americans are not happy with
“hope and change” promised nearly four years ago. Congress
remains hopelessly gridlocked and our president resembles a six foot
tall man who can’t swim, but jumped into a 12 foot swimming pool
with no lifeguards. Result: our country is drowning.

After nearly four years, we still run 14 million unemployed Americans
and another 7 million underemployed. Our school systems suffer 7,000
high school drop outs every single day of the nine month school year.
We suffer an ongoing death and financial spiral in Afghanistan with no
end in sight. We run a $15 trillion national debt while the average
credit card carries a $9,644.00 balance (debt) according to NBC anchor
Brian Williams. The litany of ills grows daily.

“I am an 81 year old grandmother with an 80 year old husband who is
still working 12 hours a day to take care of us. We have 10 and 14
year old grandsons. Surely if I can read the hand writing on the
wall, those that are half my age should at least be able to do the
same. God bless you for the truths you speak. Don’t ask me how,
but God will find a way top honor you for your work.” Grandmother
in Texas

This week, CBS’s anchor Scott Pelley reported on Scranton,
Pennsylvania being flat broke. The town now pays its city workers,
fire and police minimum wage of $7.25 an hour because the city is $16
million in debt. Scranton represents one of dozens of municipalities
in financial hot water. Yet, Congress gives billions to other
countries in foreign aid.

Los Angeles schools dismissed 4,000 teachers this year. Their
classrooms skyrocketed from 28 kids to over 40 students per teacher.
Educational chaos reigns. They run a $16 billion state deficit in
California. Within 20 years, California schools dropped from the
highest class system in America to the bottom five states in the

Chicago schools, according to Mayor Rahm Emanuel, cut school days to
five hours because they lack enough money to pay for teachers and
staff. Last week, several little girls were shot and one died on the
streets of Chicago as they sold lemonade. Street gangs rule! Emanuel
said, “We can’t count on Washington DC because it is

ABC’s anchor Diane Sawyer reported on New York adding two to five
million more residents in the coming decades. She said that 300
square foot apartments would be the norm of the future. A 300 square
foot apartment equals the size of two car parking spaces. Humans in
big cities will be living like bees in a hive.

Last week in Detroit, Michigan, Muslims threw stones, bottles and cans
at Christians at a Muslim street festival.
Robert Muise, Co-Founder and Senior Counsel of AFLC, and formerly
counsel with the Thomas More Law Center of Ann Arbor Michigan,
commented, "Whether you agree or disagree with the Christians'
message, there is one issue to which there is no dispute: no citizen
should be stoned in a city street in America for exercising his
constitutional right to freedom of speech. And what makes this case so
egregious is that law enforcement officers were present and made the
conscious choice to allow the Muslim mob to silence the Christian
speakers through violence. Indeed, the video of the incident looks
like something you would see in the Middle East, not in the United

Through all those reports, none, I repeat, none of the big anchors
said a word about what is causing these massive problems. None spoke
a word about what we might do to change course. None of them
interviewed “upstream” leaders as to how to prevent the problems
by being proactive instead of reactive.

"Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain
growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can
overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot
be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett, ( ) , University of
Colorado, USA.

The great writer Edward Abbey said, “Unending growth is the modus
operandi of a cancer cell and we all know what happens to the host.”

Dear reader, every 30 days the U.S. Congress imports 100,000 foreign
immigrants with green cards into the United States. This has been
going on since 1965. They birth 900,000 children annually. Another
800,000 illegal migrants rush into our country because our employment
laws are not enforced. That equals to 3.1 million annually added to
our country—give or take a few thousand. (Sources: PEW Hispanic
Center, “US Population Projections” Fogel/Martin, US Census
Bureau) If not stopped, it will continue to “go on” until our
country adds 100 million immigrants within the next 38 years. Such
numbers cannot be sustained. Such numbers are and will destroy the
American way of life. Such importation of religions, cultures and
illiteracy are already manifesting in violence in the cities of

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem
the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the
planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their
horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans
packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham,
Unguarded Gates

In all the letters I receive, I encourage each writer to take action.
You cannot cry or whine. You must engage your congress-critters. Go
into their offices. Tell them what you want. This is a Republic and it
is up to you to take action by voting the bad ones out and/or running
for office yourself. The two top organizations for taking action and
making impact are ( )
and ( ) . Become a phone
caller and faxer of pre written letters. It’s up to you.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, “We have the wolf by the ears and we
can neither hold him or let him go.” I suggest we take destiny into
our hands by taking action in the logical direction by stopping mass
immigration and moving toward a stable population.

Because if you don’t, this is what your children face in an
overwhelmed and overpopulated United States of America:
In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video,
“Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of
www.numbersusa.ORG ( ), graphically
illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see
for yourself: ( )

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending
mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future
generations: in a word “Mind boggling!”
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the Arctic
to the South Pole - as well as eight times across the USA, coast to
coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic
Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. His latest book is: How to Live a
Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty
Wooldridge, copies at 1 888 280 7715 ( tel:1%20888%20280%207715 ).
Motivational program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of
Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, click:

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Hear Paul Fromm Fill in for Maggie Rodden on "The Unsolicited Opinion" Tuesday 10:00
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 03:28
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Hear Paul Fromm Fill in for Maggie Rodden on "The Unsolicited Opinion"
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. to Noon

People can listen on “The Unsolicited Opinion” via ( )
via studio “B”.

( RBN has two streams now playing simultaneously and both hours of my
show are heard via studio B.)

The call in number is 877-488-5350 ( tel:877-488-5350 ) for any


!* Immigration lies they tell you in Canada & the U.S.A.
* Introducing political prisoner and thought criminal, scholar, diver,
and writer, Terry Tremaine.

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