Former Canadian Diplomat Ian Macdonald Skewers Claim Iran is a Nuclear Threat: Anothe |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 08:04 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Former Canadian Diplomat Ian Macdonald Skewers Claim Iran is a Nuclear Threat: Another Literate Letter-to-the-Editor That Won't Get Printed in the Poodle Press The mainline (Zionist) media are trying to bring the public on side for the destruction and looting of Iran (just as with the campaign of lies against Hussein and Ghadafy) although they could ignore Gentile opinion with impunity now that they own the U.S. Government and own or control almost everything else that matters - except China, which could prove to be their ultimate undoing. I.V. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: 2/4/2012 4:07:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Nuclear Threat in the Middle East February 4, 2012 Editor NATIONAL POST Toronto Dear Sir, Re: "Iran an 'urgent nuclear threat: CSIS" NP February 3, 2012 The bold announcement by CSIS, (the oxymoronic Canadian Intelligence Service, who are fed, dutifully swallow and disgorge false information from Israel via the CIA) that Iran could and would launch a nuclear strike against Israel, is rubbish. It is an insult to your readers to give it front page coverage as "news". Obviously, Iran is very far from achieving the capacity to employ nuclear weapons against Israel, so there is no "urgent threat". Furthermore, if Iran ever were to obtain nuclear weapons, they would be used only in self-defence, not to prompt a counter-strike from Israel and America that would annihilate the country. Had your correspondent Stewart Bell chosen candor over career concerns, he would have pointed his finger at the war-crazy, expansionist Israeli Government who not only have a massive stockpile of nuclear warheads and effective delivery system but also hint that they are ready to use them even against European capital cities, if sufficiently provoked. Since the present paranoid Israeli government combines world Supremacist ambitions with unconstrained hubris, such threats cannot be ignored. It is unfortunate that the world community has not already devised measures to ensure that nuclear blackmail has painful consequences for its practicioners. Just as the WMD were invented to justify the destruction of Iraq, so the "nuclear threat" was invented to justify the bombing of Iran. CSIS should keep its subversive, alien-imposed opinions on such issues to themselves, and let people think they are a hopelessly incompetent, politicized bureaucracy, rather than express them and remove all doubt! As ever, Ian Macdonald _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Former Canadian Diplomat Ian Macdonald Skewers Claim Iran is a Nuclear Threat: Anothe |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Tuesday, 07 February 2012 07:59 |
*Former Canadian Diplomat Ian Macdonald Skewers Claim Iran is a Nuclear Threat: Another Literate Letter-to-the-Editor That Won't Get Printed in the Poodle Press* *The mainline (Zionist) media are trying to bring the public on side for the destruction and looting of Iran (just as with the campaign of lies against Hussein and Ghadafy) although they could ignore Gentile opinion with impunity now that they own the U.S. Government and own or control almost everything else that matters - except China, which could prove to be their ultimate undoing. I.V. * From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: 2/4/2012 4:07:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Nuclear Threat in the Middle East February 4, 2012 Editor *NATIONAL POST *Toronto Dear Sir, Re: "Iran an 'urgent nuclear threat: CSIS" *NP* February 3, 2012 The bold announcement by CSIS, (the oxymoronic Canadian Intelligence Service, who are fed, dutifully swallow and disgorge false information from Israel via the CIA) that Iran could and would launch a nuclear strike against Israel, is rubbish. It is an insult to your readers to give it front page coverage as "news". Obviously, Iran is very far from achieving the capacity to employ nuclear weapons against Israel, so there is no "urgent threat". Furthermore, if Iran ever were to obtain nuclear weapons, they would be used only in self-defence, not to prompt a counter-strike from Israel and America that would annihilate the country. Had your correspondent Stewart Bell chosen candor over career concerns, he would have pointed his finger at the war-crazy, expansionist Israeli Government who not only have a massive stockpile of nuclear warheads and effective delivery system but also hint that they are ready to use them even against European capital cities, if sufficiently provoked. Since the present paranoid Israeli government combines world Supremacist ambitions with unconstrained hubris, such threats cannot be ignored. It is unfortunate that the world community has not already devised measures to ensure that nuclear blackmail has painful consequences for its practicioners. Just as the WMD were invented to justify the destruction of Iraq, so the "nuclear threat" was invented to justify the bombing of Iran. CSIS should keep its subversive, alien-imposed opinions on such issues to themselves, and let people think they are a hopelessly incompetent, politicized bureaucracy, rather than express them and remove all doubt! As ever, Ian Macdonald |
Brad Love Back in Court, March 12-13: Why Not Cover My Case, He Challenges Christie B |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Monday, 06 February 2012 05:00 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brad Love Back in Court, March 12-13: Why Not Cover My Case, He Challenges Christie Blatchford Former political prisoner Brad Love has challenged ace courtroom reporter, Christie Blatchford, now with the National Post, to cover the resumption of his “breach of undertaking” (parole conditions) trial set to resume in Toronto, March 12-13. Blatchford is Canada’s best courtroom reporter. Her reports, for instance, on the recently concluded Shafia honour killing trial are classics. She’s incisive, fearless and hard-hitting. Brad Love, who has written reporters repeatedly over several decades, has been all but ignored. Here’s the case of an opinionated man jailed for writing non-threatening letters. Had this case been in China or Syria, the Canadian press would have been in full howl about freedom of speech. For nearly 20 years construction worker Brad Love would look at his morning paper and, on seeing an article that raised his blood pressure – usually about immigrant crime or other immigration related outrages – would fire off a letter-to-the-editor or a letter or two to relevant politicians. He reckons he penned more than 10,000 such letters. In 2003, he was arrested and convicted for violating Sec. 319 of Canada’s Criminal Code, the notorious “hate law.” As these were private communications – exempt under Sec. 319 – he very well may not have been guilty. Having served 11 months of his 18 months sentence, the stiffest ever imposed under Sec. 319,-- remember that’s for writing non-violent letters – he was released. On his release, he was saddled with several probation conditions, one of which was that he could not write to any of the 20 officials that were subject of the original complaint. Fine, he wrote letters to other elected officials. It wasn't long before the police again came calling. Having been held for nearly a month -- he was unable to get bail (not being a Jamaican gunman or drug dealer, Brad, the letter writer, was seen as REAL threat to public safety) -- Brad ill-advisedly pleaded guilty in return for time served. In the end, he was hobbled with conditions that would make the Red Chinese blush. He was not allowed to write to ANY public officials. Eventually, this gag was tightened so that he could not write to ANYONE without their permission. Thus, even a written complaint to VISA about an improper charge could land him back in jail. In 2009, he allegedly wrote a number of letters to Jewish groups and the York University Students Union in regards to an anti-Israeli Apartheid Week. On March 9, eight burly Metro detectives, with a Globe and Mail photographer skulking in the background, burst into a meeting of the Alternative Forum in Toronto and hauled Brad off in handcuffs. Oh, yes, he had just delivered a talk on, get this, “free speech.” The Crown originally opposed release of this dangerous letter writer. He eventually had to post $22,000 cash bond in additional to a $110,000 surety posted by his brother and sister-in-law against the value of their house in order for him to return to his job in the oil patch in Alberta. Brad says that when court resumes, “it will have been over three years. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees, taking time off, and flying back and forth from Fort McMurray to Toronto” for a day or two here and a day or two there of court proceedings, Often, he says, with late starts and breaks, only 90 minutes worth of testimony actually gets heard in a court “day.” There’s at least a day and a half of testimony left plus summations. So, this may not be the end of it yet. The Crown is bent on sending the letter writer back to mail. “We have a 53 year old defendant,” Mr. Love says. “Every time the police show up in force. The Crown won’t bend an inch. It seems every time I write about Moslem crime, some Jewish group gets me arrested.” However, he said to Christie Blatchford, when you or Ezra [Levant] do so, it’s okay.” What about it, Christie? Perhaps, it’s time to expose how Canadian courts deal with politically incorrect dissidents! __________________________ The fight for free speech in Canada is costly. Supporting the dissidents and those under attack is CAFE's mission, BUT, we need your help.Please consider a donation to support the fight for free speech. Paul FrommDirector CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3 __ Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s campaign for free speech across Canada. __ Here's my special donation of _____ to help CAFE pay off its legal bills in the Warman libel suit. ___Please renew my subscription for 2012 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15). 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