Paul Fromm to Speak at Texas Free Speech Conference
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 08 November 2013 07:46
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Paul Fromm to Speak at Texas Free Speech Conference

Free Speech Conference—You Are Invited
What could be more satisfying than to come to Austin, Texas on
Veterans Day, November 9th for our Free Speech Rally and Conference.
It’s presented by Power of Prophecy Ministries in cooperation with
the American Free Press newspaper of Washington, D.C., our nation’s

Texe Marrs, is, of course, a retired U.S. Air Force officer and a
Vietnam vet, while Willis Carto, distinguished publisher of the
American Free Press, is a World War II veteran. If you’re a veteran,
or even if you are not, come on out and be treated to six great
speakers (there may be more!).

Veterans across America deserve to be honored for their sacrifices in
keeping our nation’s freedoms and liberties, especially the First
Amendment, which guarantees you and me the freedom of speech, freedom
of press, and freedom of religion. So please, phone Julia now, at
202-544-5977 ( tel:202-544-5977 ).
We will see you in Austin on Veterans Day!

Among the speakers will be Mark Dankof, pastor and host of The Mark
Dankof Show; Bishop Williamson, the priest recently punished by the
Vatican for publicly stating his views on the holocaust and other
topics; Paul Fromm; Paul Topete, popular leader of the band, Poker
Face; and Texe Marrs. Texe will discuss his ground breaking new book,
DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline. There will be a dinner with Phil
Turney, survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty, as the speaker.

$200 per couple, dinner and conference
Hotel Reservations—can be made by calling Julia at American Free
Press (AFP). Hotel cost is a very reasonable $109 per night (or
approx. $130 including taxes).

$125 per person, dinner and conference

$75 per person to attend dinner only

$50 per person to attend conference, no dinner

Register by calling Julia at AFP: Phone Number: (202) 544-5977 (
tel:%28202%29%20544-5977 )
Texe and Wanda will be thrilled to meet you personally, so make plans
to come now!

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Chinese Media Broadcasts Plans for Nuke Strike on U.S. Cities
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 08 November 2013 03:27
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Pay close attention: America's two most mortal enemies are Israel
(for its infiltration, subversion and control of American politics)
and Red China for its plans of conquest and control of North America.
And, duh, like Israel., they already have a huge fifth column inside
our borders. Canada's Canadian Security and Intelligence Service
(CSIS) has exposed extensive Red Chinese espionage and attempts to
infiltrate Canadian politics and steal Canadian commercial
information. -- Paul Fromm

This past Monday the government-controlled Chinese media aired a
detailed nuclear attack plan on major U.S. cities and military bases.
Outlets on which it appeared included China Central TV, the
People’s Daily, the Global Times, the PLA Daily, the China Youth
Daily and the Guangmin Daily.

This Image Shows The Chinese Damage Projections And Radiation Fallout
After A Nuclear Strike On The West Coast Of America. The Radiation
Fallout Stretches All The Way To Chicago.

Image from Yu column Inside China, Source: Global Times

The stories run were identical and displayed over 30 images
demonstrating the destructive capabilities of the People’s
Liberation Army navy’s submarine force.

“In 2010, a new class of missile sub, the Type 094 Jin class,
entered the service. It is capable of launching 12 to 16 JL-2 missiles
with a range of about 8,700 miles, covering much of the continental
U.S. with single or multiple, independently targetable re-entry
vehicle warheads,” the Washington Times (
) reported.


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Another German-Bashing Lie Exposed
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 08 November 2013 03:25
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Another German-Bashing Lie Exposed

NY Times: Report of Nazi-Looted Trove Puts Art World in an Uproar


The discovery in Munich of what are said to be artworks confiscated or
banned by the Nazis has prompted criticism of why Germany did not
disclose the find more than two years ago


The Fairy Tale of "Nazi looted art" was originated by the strategic
propaganda masters of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services),
forerunner of the CIA. It has been kept alive by blind repitition ever
since. The reality of the "looting" is not what it seems.

During the first World War, the highly cultured Germans systematically
protected works of art located in enemy territory or near combat
areas. The works were meticuously inventoried and returned after the
war. The German word to describe this principal of saving Europe's
cultural and artistic treasures during wartime is "Kunstschutz" (art

During World War II, the ferocious Allied bombing of civilians and
cultural areas again necessitated this policy in 1943. German art
units gathered 1000's of priceless works from Italy, France, Belgium
and other nations. They were stored for safe keeping, not "looted."

After Germany's unconditional surrender in 1945, the OSS accused the
Germans of every imaginary crime that their mendacious marketing men
could dream up. The "Nazis" were also accused of using dead Jews to
make shrunken heads, bars of soap, and lamp shades. Though these
fantastic OSS lies have since collapsed under their own weight, the
myth of the "looted art" persists, thanks to The Times and other
propaganda outlets.

Hitler and Goring were men of culture who sought to protect the great
artworks of Europe from Barbarian Allied bombing.

Rescued from Naples: 'Danaë' by Titian (l) and "The Blind Leading The
Blind" by Pieter Bruegel The Elder

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