Terry Tremaine Update: Crown Requests a Delay in a Hearing About Delay
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 05:13
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Terry Tremaine Update: Crown Requests a Delay in a Hearing About Delay

Terry Tremaine another of Richard Warman's victims -- a Sec. 13
(Internet censorship) complaint about his postings on STORMFRONT,
Criminal Code Sec. 319 ("hate law") complaint for these and other
postings, and a complaint to the University of Saskatchewan which cost
him his job as a math instructor and left him penniless facing the
human rights hearing -- has spent several years mired in a Richard
Warman-instigated charge of hate. The Crown has had this complaint now
for over four years.

Douglas Christie, Mr. Tremaine's lawyer, on September 2, got the
Saskatchewan Court of Queen's Bench to set December 16 as a date to
hear his motion seeking that the charges be dropped due to the
unconscionable delay. Proceedings have repeatedly been delayed as
Crowns were changed, as if this file had been passed around like a hot
potato. Saskatchewan's only previous adventure in the rarefied world
of Sec. 319 thought control ended in their ignominious defeat in the
Chief David Ahenakew case. Mr. Christie was also the Chief's lawyer.

The motion for yet another delay will be heard December 9.

This issue of delay is serious. A person is entitled to a speedy
trial. Terry Tremaine has suffered a severe curtailment of his rights
ever since he was charged. Initially, he was banned from using or
owning a computer or accessing the Internet. These Stalinist
conditions which would all but have denied him the ability to find a
job or to work in his chosen career -- math and computer science --
were modified somewhat through four separate applications by Mr.
Tremaine as his own counsel in court. He may now own a computer and
access the Internet but many not post on White Nationalist sites. In
other words, he's been stripped of his political rights without/before
a trial. [Remember that, Stephen Harper, next time you criticize
curtailment of the rights of dissidents in Red China or Iran.]

In fact, Mr. Tremaine has been under these gag rules longer than the
maximum jail time that could have been imposed after a conviction --
two years in prison. Truly, this is abuse BY process!

It's widely known that Mr. Christie has had health issues of late. One
wouldn't want to entertain the thought that this latest request for a
delay might have anything to do with the Crown's calculations about
his health.

Paul Fromm

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Terry Tremaine Update: Crown Requests a Delay in a Hearing About Delay
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 05:09
*Terry Tremaine Update: Crown Requests a Delay in a Hearing About Delay*

Terry Tremaine another of Richard Warman's victims -- a Sec. 13 (Internet
censorship) complaint about his postings on STORMFRONT, Criminal Code Sec.
319 ("hate law") complaint for these and other postings, and a complaint to
the University of Saskatchewan which cost him his job as a math instructor
and left him penniless facing the human rights hearing -- has spent several
years mired in a Richard Warman-instigated charge of hate. The Crown has
had this complaint now for over four years.

Douglas Christie, Mr. Tremaine's lawyer, on September 2, got the
Saskatchewan Court of Queen's Bench to set December 16 as a date to hear
his motion seeking that the charges be dropped due to the unconscionable
delay. Proceedings have repeatedly been delayed as Crowns were changed, as
if this file had been passed around like a hot potato. Saskatchewan's only
previous adventure in the rarefied world of Sec. 319 thought control ended
in their ignominious defeat in the Chief David Ahenakew case. Mr. Christie
was also the Chief's lawyer.

The motion for yet another delay will be heard December 9.

This issue of delay is serious. A person is entitled to a speedy trial.
Terry Tremaine has suffered a severe curtailment of his rights ever since
he was charged. Initially, he was banned from using or owning a computer or
accessing the Internet. These Stalinist conditions which would all but have
denied him the ability to find a job or to work in his chosen career --
math and computer science -- were modified somewhat through four separate
applications by Mr. Tremaine as his own counsel in court. He may now own a
computer and access the Internet but many not post on White Nationalist
sites. In other words, he's been stripped of his political rights
without/before a trial. [Remember that, Stephen Harper, next time
youcriticize curtailment of the rights of dissidents in Red China or

In fact, Mr. Tremaine has been under these gag rules longer than the
maximum jail time that could have been imposed after a conviction -- two
years in prison. Truly, this is abuse BY process!

It's widely known that Mr. Christie has had health issues of late. One
wouldn't want to entertain the thought that this latest request for a delay
might have anything to do with the Crown's calculations about his health.

Paul Fromm
How do you tell the difference between a Canadian Police Officer, an Australian Polic
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 05 December 2011 07:40
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How do you tell the difference between a Canadian Police Officer, an
Australian Police Officer and an American Police Officer?

QUESTION:You're on duty by yourself walking on a deserted street late
at night. Suddenly, an armed man with a huge knife comes around the
corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife,
and lunges at you.

You are carrying a Glock 40 and you are an expert shot, however you
have only a split second to react before he reaches you.

What do you do?



Firstly the officer must consider the man's Human Rights.
1) Does the man look poor or oppressed?
2) Is he newly arrived in this country and does not yet understand the
3) Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
4) Am I dressed provocatively?
5) Could I run away?
6) Could I possibly swing my gun like a club and knock the knife out
of his hand?
7) Should I try and negotiate with him to discuss his wrong doings?
8) Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?

9) Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message
does this send to society?
10) Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to
wound me?
11) If I were to grab his knees and hold on, would he still want to
stab and kill me?
12) If I raise my gun and he turns and runs away, do I get blamed if
he falls over, knocks his head and kills himself? .
13) If I shoot and wound him, and lose the subsequent court case, does
he have the opportunity to sue me, cost me my job, my credibility and
the loss of my family home?




BANG! 'click'...Reload...BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!
(Sergeant arrives at scene later and remarks: 'Nice grouping!').

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