Protest David Duke's Arrest & Deportation from Germany
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 01 December 2011 20:12
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Protest David Duke's Arrest & Deportation from Germany


David Duke was arrested before making a speech in Cologne, Germany,
November 25. He needs your help. Here too is a ringing appreciation of
Dr. Duke by U.S pastor, writer and lecturer Texe Marrs.

1. Protest to the German Embassy or Consulate near you. Write
(preferable), call or e-mail.

Throw "democratic" in their faces. Suggest that the "New" Germany is
just as opposed to political dissent and diversity as the "Old" one
supposedly was. Poor Germany doesn't even have a peace treaty. Still,
the Allies are technically at war. Thousands of American troops are
still based there two decades after the fall of the Soviet Union. The
German constitution was imposed by the allies. Ernst Zundel called his
homeland a "vassal state.| The liberties of German citizens are
severely circumscribed. Tens of thousands of dissidents, right and
left, are flung in jail for non violent dissent. Ernst Zundel got five
years for sending literature to Germany critical of the Hollywood
version of WW II.


1 Waverley Street Ottawa, ON K2P 0T8
(613) 232-1101 ( tel:%28613%29%20232-1101 )

You can e-mail but to do so you must go on the Embassy Website

GERMAN EMBASSY -- Washington
4645 Reservoir Rd NW Washington, DC 20007, United States
(202) 298-4000 ( tel:%28202%29%20298-4000 )

You can e-mail but to do so you must go on the Embassy Website

2. A legal fight will cost money. Mail your contribution to Dr. David
Duke at or go on his website and contribute on line.

The Duke Report,
PO Box 188,
Mandeville, LA 70470,


The Real David Duke
by Texe Marrs, Power of Prophecy
November 2011

“He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false
witness deceit.”

Proverbs 12:17

Dr. David Duke

Have you ever met David Duke? I refer, of course, to the real David
Duke, not the fake cardboard version. You see, there are two David
Dukes, and the David Duke you so often read about—the caricature and
mock-cutout, make-believe person—the one whom the controlled media
and the enemies of truth present to the world is not the actual living

I am sure you will agree that it is important we not allow the enemies
of truth, especially the powerful Zionist propagandists, to dictate
what is “real” and what is not. Unfortunately, some good and
perhaps well-meaning people have bought into the Zionist media version
of “David Duke.” This version paints a picture of a distasteful
man, a KKK Grand Wizard, a Jew hater, a black hater, and White
Supremacist practically drooling with venom against all but white
Euro-Americans. In other words, Duke is falsely smeared as an
uneducated “Southern Cracker.”


Now the David Duke that is described as this “Southern Cracker”
basically, is the one to whom most people are introduced. People like
Wolf Blitzer of CNN and Dan Rather of CBS told me of him. And
naturally, liberal, Jewish-owned newspapers and magazines like Time
and Newsweek were, over the years, instrumental in introducing you and
me to Duke and to many other evil and dangerous right-wing
“bigots” and “haters.”

Admittedly, being fed all this negative propaganda makes any
supposedly reasonable person stop and think: “Do I really want to
have anything at all to do with this stupid, uncouth, and unsavory
David Duke, the angry bigot from the swampy, underbelly of

If one believes the image being put out by the controlled media and by
such Zionist propaganda organs as the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law
Center (SPLC), and others, the only answer possible is, “No,

But the wise and the prudent learned many years ago not to trust the
swill that the media elite and the “Israel First” Zionist groups
serve to the masses. So, in the case of David Duke, I sallied forth to
investigate for myself who this man is—what he teaches, what he
believes, his life and background, and his character. May I please
share my findings, dear friend, about David Duke with you?


First, to my surprise, I discovered that David Duke is actually Dr.
David Duke. And that the “Dr.” is earned. Duke holds an impressive
earned Ph.D. from the highly accredited Louisiana State University.
This educated man has, moreover, taught university-level courses for
other institutions, including overseas.

David Duke was elected to the State legislature in Louisiana and
served for two years. He later ran for Governor of Louisiana and,
although he did not win that high position, Duke shook up the
establishment with the huge number of votes he received. Many
encouraged him to run for President of the United States, a fact which
was widely, if negatively, reported in the press and caused great
alarm among the elite who were fully aware of Duke’s widespread

Dr. Duke is author of two fascinating, high caliber books, an
entertaining and insightful autobiography, My Awakening; and the
scholarly, yet highly readable, reference book, Jewish Supremacism.
These two books give the reader insight into David Duke’s beliefs
and philosophy. You and I may have a few differences or take a
different approach in some respects than Duke, but then, how often do
you and I agree with everything a man writes and says?

Frankly, his books demonstrate Duke’s high intellectual thought
processes and leadership. The same is true of Duke’s many other
writings and essays, and is also true of his popular videos broadcast
on David Duke’s Youtube channel.
To be honest, David Duke’s legion of liberal, left-leaning critics
are nowhere near his intellectual equal. Perhaps that is why they so
desperately seek to smear and defame him.


I was especially interested to discover that Dr. Duke is not, as his
misinformed and often malevolent critics allege, a bigot or hater, nor
does he display any prejudice or ill feelings towards either
African-Americans or Jews. I find in his work a repeated insistence
that every person born is entitled to respect and dignity. He is,
however, very well-informed on the topics of the Jewish and Zionist
hatred and evil intentions toward Gentiles, and Duke opposes the
Zionist fueled agenda of multiculturalism, including the ongoing
scheme to flood America with illegal immigrants.

Duke’s writings and speeches make clear his view that the pursuit of
happiness and the blessings of freedom and liberty are the right of
every man and of all races and ethnic groups.


In a word, I can discern no traces of hate or racism in Duke’s
teachings. He does say that white people of original European heritage
who so desire should be allowed to exist and live together peacefully
and separate from other races, but he quickly adds that other races
also should have this right to be separate.

Jews, of course, claim exactly this same right. Their religion forbids
intermarriage with non-Jews. Jews even contend that it is God’s
design for their tribe and nation that they remain separate with no
tincture of mixture. Why, then, would the ADL and other Jews have a
problem with Duke saying that non-Jewish people may lay claim to this

Jews, we must admit, are extraordinary hypocrites and are devious in
their insistence that every European-white culture must recruit and
bring into its fold increasing legions of people of other
races—Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Hispanics, Africans, etc. In
other words, for these hypocrites, it’s “Do as I say, not what I

In contrast, while he rejects both their hypocrisy and their poisonous
racial ideology, David Duke finds it perfectly acceptable that Jews
wish to remain separate and be a distinct nation. Nor has he any
quarrel with black leaders like Dr. Louis Farrakhan, whose many
followers teach that blacks should be a separate and independent


The difference between the Jewish and extremist black racial views and
those of Dr. David Duke is that Duke, unlike, say, the ADL and the
NAACP, does not teach hatred and prejudice. The NAACP and most other
black groups demand affirmative action quotas and preferable treatment
for people who have black skin. The Jews’ most holy book, the
Talmud, teaches the preposterous and very bigoted doctrine that the
Jews are superior to all other races and that eventually, the Gentiles
(all non-Jews) will bow down to and serve their Jewish masters.

Moreover, the Jews, in their holy book, the Talmud, proclaim the Jews
to be so godlike they are literally another species, whereas Gentiles,
say the Talmud, are lesser beings: goyim (cattle).

There are, of course, a few Jews—but only a few—who do not ascribe
to these vile racist doctrines of Judaism. And there are, thankfully,
a growing number of blacks who do not agree with and therefore oppose
the racism of the NAACP. In any case, it is easy to see who the real
bigots are, and one of them is not named David Duke!


It is true that almost a half century ago, as a young college student,
David Duke foolishly became involved in the Ku Klux Klan, an
organization that, even then, was fast declining in numbers. Duke long
ago renounced the group and its views.

Still, today his critics love to smear and demean Duke by continually
bringing up this association, failing to explain that Duke was at the
time an impressionable youth and has long ago severed all ties to any
and all such groups.

Interesting isn’t it, that the media rarely, if ever, mention that
Bill Clinton was once a dope-smoking, long-haired pro-Communist
demonstrator, that Ronald Reagan once was a Hollywood liberal Democrat
before he switched parties, or that George W. Bush was once an
alcoholic and a cocaine abuser. And Barack Obama’s past associates
with Communist terrorists like Bill Ayers are conveniently overlooked.
In contrast to those public figures, the youthful David Duke was a


A few years ago I was privileged to speak before a patriot group, the
American Free Press, sponsoring a conference in Washington, D.C. Also
invited to speak was Dr. David Duke. Attendance was open to people of
all races, ethnic origins, and backgrounds.

It was the first time I had met David in person, and I can honestly
say that I genuinely liked the man. A trim, well-built and nice
looking fellow, David obviously has taken care of himself. He looks a
lot younger than his years.

David’s friendly smile, his sincerity, and his kindness were plainly
in evidence as was his soft-spoken, calm and professional demeanor.
Duke’s talk at the conference was well received, interesting, and
effective. And I might add, a blessing.

This was the real David Duke, the man the bigoted smear-peddlers
prefer you and I never get to know. This, the real David Duke, is most
definitely a gifted and intelligent fighter for truth and for
fairness. He is, in a powerful sense, a true Civil Rights leader,
defending the long-cherished concept all should ascribe to—of equal
opportunity and justice for all.
No wonder the foes and enemies of truth and equality are so doggedly
determined to damage his public persona, the better to hinder his
powerful, healing message.

Their goal, of course, is to maintain us all—black and white, Jew
and Gentile—in the vise of their unwholesome and dangerous demonic
control. David Duke is, therefore, as are you and I, their avowed
enemy. They despise and persecute men and women like us who refuse to
bow down to their self-proclaimed “New and better world” of
malevolent iniquity.


I do pray that what I write here will serve the cause of truth by
introducing the real David Duke to you. I know of few men so unfairly
lied about, hounded, and persecuted. Somehow, I feel an affinity with
those who, in spite of the cruel abuse so callously heaped against
them, like David, courageously soldier on. Perhaps, it is because I,
too, have long been the underdog and victim of lies, smears and

Thankfully, I find, however, that when wicked, pitiless men unfairly
revile the righteous, God is good and is our shield and comfort. Truth
will eventually prevail, of that we can be sure. As our Lord Jesus so
sagely advised, it is a blessing for you and me when we encounter such
persecution, for “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and
persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely,
for my sake.” (Matthew 5:11)


Since so many otherwise good and altruistic people are, unfortunately,
negatively influenced by the drumbeat of lies put out by the media, I
want to recommend to you the aforementioned two books of Dr. Duke’s,
The Awakening and Jewish Supremacism. The first, The Awakening, is
David’s own autobiography. It is an unusual, inspiring story, and I
am sure you will enjoy it.
The second book, Jewish Supremacism, is one of the best volumes ever
published outlining and documenting the fact about the Jews’ and
Israel’s ages-old quest for global domination. It effectively
pierces the veil of Zionist lies and treachery. It is a great
companion book to my own reference work, Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed
Star (

I do hope you will avail yourself of the facts by ordering one or both
of these books. Instead of relying on the deception and smears of the
enemies of truth, discover for yourself the real David Duke.
To order his books or to contact Dr. David Duke:
The Duke Report
PO Box 188
Mandeville, LA 70470
Webpage: ( )
Email: [email protected]

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Protest David Duke's Arrest & Deportation from Germany
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 01 December 2011 20:05
*Protest David Duke's Arrest & Deportation from Germany*
*David Duke was arrested before making a speech in Cologne, Germany,
November 25. He needs your help. Here too is a ringing appreciation of Dr.
Duke by U.S pastor, writer and lecturer Texe Marrs.*
*1. Protest to the German Embassy or Consulate near you. Write
(preferable), call or e-mail.*
* *
*Throw "democratic" in their faces. Suggest that the "New" Germany is just
as opposed to political dissent and diversity as the "Old" one supposedly
was. Poor Germany doesn't even have a peace treaty. Still, the Allies are
technically at war. Thousands of American troops are still based there two
decades after the fall of the Soviet Union. The German constitution was
imposed by the allies. Ernst Zundel called his homeland a "vassal state.|
The liberties of German citizens are severely circumscribed. Tens of
thousands of dissidents, right and left, are flung in jail for non violent
dissent. Ernst Zundel got five years for sending literature to Germany
critical of the Hollywood version of WW II.*
* *
* *
*1 Waverley Street Ottawa, ON K2P 0T8
(613) 232-1101 *
* *
*You can e-mail but to do so you must go on the Embassy Website*
* *

GERMAN EMBASSY -- Washington
4645 Reservoir Rd NW Washington, DC 20007, United States
(202) 298-4000
You can e-mail but to do so you must go on the Embassy Website

2. A legal fight will cost money. Mail your contribution to Dr. David Duke
at or go on his website and contribute on line.
The Duke Report,
PO Box 188,
Mandeville, LA 70470,

*The Real David Duke*
by Texe Marrs, Power of Prophecy
November 2011

“He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness

*Proverbs 12:17*

Dr. David Duke

Have you ever met David Duke? I refer, of course, to the *real* David Duke,
not the fake cardboard version. You see, there are *two* David Dukes, and
the David Duke you so often read about—the caricature and mock-cutout,
make-believe person—the one whom the controlled media and the enemies of
truth present to the world is *not* the actual living person.

I am sure you will agree that it is important we not allow the enemies of
truth, especially the powerful Zionist propagandists, to dictate what is
“real” and what is not. Unfortunately, some good and perhaps well-meaning
people have bought into the Zionist media version of “David Duke.” This
version paints a picture of a distasteful man, a KKK Grand Wizard, a Jew
hater, a black hater, and White Supremacist practically drooling with venom
against all but white Euro-Americans. In other words, Duke is falsely
smeared as an uneducated “Southern Cracker.”
The Zionist Media Version of Reality

Now the David Duke that is described as this “Southern Cracker” basically,
is the one to whom most people are introduced. People like Wolf Blitzer of
CNN and Dan Rather of CBS told me of him. And naturally, liberal,
Jewish-owned newspapers and magazines like *Time* and *Newsweek* were, over
the years, instrumental in introducing you and me to Duke and to many other
evil and dangerous right-wing “bigots” and “haters.”

Admittedly, being fed all this negative propaganda makes any supposedly
reasonable person stop and think: “Do I really want to have anything at all
to do with this stupid, uncouth, and unsavory David Duke, the angry bigot
from the swampy, underbelly of Louisiana?”

If one believes the image being put out by the controlled media and by such
Zionist propaganda organs as the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC), and others, the only answer possible is, *“No, indeed.”*

But the wise and the prudent learned many years ago not to trust the swill
that the media elite and the “Israel First” Zionist groups serve to the
masses. So, in the case of David Duke, I sallied forth to investigate for
myself *who* this man is—what he teaches, what he believes, his life and
background, and his character. May I please share my findings, dear friend,
about David Duke with you?
Sterling Credentials

First, to my surprise, I discovered that David Duke is actually *Dr.* David
Duke. And that the “Dr.” is earned. Duke holds an impressive *earned* Ph.D.
from the highly accredited Louisiana State University. This educated man
has, moreover, taught university-level courses for other institutions,
including overseas.

David Duke was elected to the State legislature in Louisiana and served for
two years. He later ran for Governor of Louisiana and, although he did not
win that high position, Duke shook up the establishment with the huge
number of votes he received. Many encouraged him to run for President of
the United States, a fact which was widely, if negatively, reported in the
press and caused great alarm among the elite who were fully aware of Duke’s
widespread popularity.

Dr. Duke is author of two fascinating, high caliber books, an entertaining
and insightful autobiography, *My Awakening*; and the scholarly, yet highly
readable, reference book, *Jewish Supremacism*. These two books give the
reader insight into David Duke’s beliefs and philosophy. You and I may have
a few differences or take a different approach in some respects than Duke,
but then, how often do you and I agree with *everything* a man writes and

Frankly, his books demonstrate Duke’s high intellectual thought processes
and leadership. The same is true of Duke’s many other writings and essays,
and is also true of his popular videos broadcast on David Duke’s

To be honest, David Duke’s legion of liberal, left-leaning critics are
nowhere near his intellectual equal. Perhaps that is why they so
desperately seek to smear and defame him.
Not a Racist

I was especially interested to discover that Dr. Duke is not, as his
misinformed and often malevolent critics allege, a bigot or hater, nor does
he display any prejudice or ill feelings towards either African-Americans
or Jews. I find in his work a repeated insistence that every person born is
entitled to respect and dignity. He is, however, very well-informed on the
topics of the Jewish and Zionist hatred and evil intentions toward
Gentiles, and Duke opposes the Zionist fueled agenda of multiculturalism,
including the ongoing scheme to flood America with illegal immigrants.

Duke’s writings and speeches make clear his view that the pursuit of
happiness and the blessings of freedom and liberty are the right of every
man and of all races and ethnic groups.
Races Free to Remain Separate

In a word, I can discern no traces of hate or racism in Duke’s teachings.
He does say that white people of original European heritage who so desire
should be allowed to exist and live together peacefully and separate from
other races, but he quickly adds that other races also should have this
right to be separate.

Jews, of course, claim exactly this same right. Their religion forbids
intermarriage with non-Jews. Jews even contend that it is God’s design for
their tribe and nation that they remain separate with no tincture of
mixture. Why, then, would the ADL and other Jews have a problem with Duke
saying that non-Jewish people may lay claim to this right?

Jews, we must admit, are extraordinary hypocrites and are devious in their
insistence that every European-white culture must recruit and bring into
its fold increasing legions of people of other races—Pakistanis, Indians,
Chinese, Hispanics, Africans, etc. In other words, for these hypocrites,
it’s “Do as I say, not what I do.”

In contrast, while he rejects both their hypocrisy and their poisonous
racial ideology, David Duke finds it perfectly acceptable that Jews wish to
remain separate and be a distinct nation. Nor has he any quarrel with black
leaders like Dr. Louis Farrakhan, whose many followers teach that blacks
should be a separate and independent nation.
Racism in Practice and Doctrine

The difference between the Jewish and extremist black racial views and
those of Dr. David Duke is that Duke, unlike, say, the ADL and the NAACP,
does not teach hatred and prejudice. The NAACP and most other black groups
demand affirmative action quotas and preferable treatment for people who
have black skin. The Jews’ most holy book, the Talmud, teaches the
preposterous and very bigoted doctrine that the Jews are superior to all
other races and that eventually, the Gentiles (all non-Jews) will bow down
to and serve their Jewish masters.

Moreover, the Jews, in their holy book, the Talmud, proclaim the Jews to be
so godlike they are literally another species, whereas Gentiles, say the
Talmud, are lesser beings: *goyim* (cattle).

There are, of course, a few Jews—but only a few—who do not ascribe to these
vile racist doctrines of Judaism. And there are, thankfully, a growing
number of blacks who do not agree with and therefore oppose the racism of
the NAACP. In any case, it is easy to see who the *real* bigots are, and
one of them is not named David Duke!
A Youthful Indiscretion

It is true that almost a half century ago, as a young college student,
David Duke foolishly became involved in the Ku Klux Klan, an organization
that, even then, was fast declining in numbers. Duke long ago renounced the
group and its views.

Still, today his critics love to smear and demean Duke by continually
bringing up this association, failing to explain that Duke was at the time
an impressionable youth and has long ago severed all ties to any and all
such groups.

Interesting isn’t it, that the media rarely, if ever, mention that Bill
Clinton was once a dope-smoking, long-haired pro-Communist demonstrator,
that Ronald Reagan once was a Hollywood liberal Democrat before he switched
parties, or that George W. Bush was once an alcoholic and a cocaine abuser.
And Barack Obama’s past associates with Communist terrorists like Bill
Ayers are conveniently overlooked. In contrast to those public figures, the
youthful David Duke was a saint.
My Personal Experience

A few years ago I was privileged to speak before a patriot group, the *American
Free Press*, sponsoring a conference in Washington, D.C. Also invited to
speak was Dr. David Duke. Attendance was open to people of all races,
ethnic origins, and backgrounds.

It was the first time I had met David in person, and I can honestly say
that I genuinely liked the man. A trim, well-built and nice looking fellow,
David obviously has taken care of himself. He looks a lot younger than his

David’s friendly smile, his sincerity, and his kindness were plainly in
evidence as was his soft-spoken, calm and professional demeanor. Duke’s
talk at the conference was well received, interesting, and effective. And I
might add, a blessing.

This was the *real* David Duke, the man the bigoted smear-peddlers prefer
you and I never get to know. This, the *real* David Duke, is most
definitely a gifted and intelligent fighter for truth and for fairness. He
is, in a powerful sense, a true Civil Rights leader, defending the
long-cherished concept all should ascribe to—of equal opportunity and
justice for all.

No wonder the foes and enemies of truth and equality are so doggedly
determined to damage his public persona, the better to hinder his powerful,
healing message.

Their goal, of course, is to maintain us all—black and white, Jew and
Gentile—in the vise of their unwholesome and dangerous demonic control.
David Duke is, therefore, as are you and I, their avowed enemy. They
despise and persecute men and women like us who refuse to bow down to their
self-proclaimed “New and better world” of malevolent iniquity.
Few Have Been So Persecuted and Lied About

I do pray that what I write here will serve the cause of truth by
introducing the real David Duke to you. I know of few men so unfairly lied
about, hounded, and persecuted. Somehow, I feel an affinity with those who,
in spite of the cruel abuse so callously heaped against them, like David,
courageously soldier on. Perhaps, it is because I, too, have long been the
underdog and victim of lies, smears and persecution.

Thankfully, I find, however, that when wicked, pitiless men unfairly revile
the righteous, God is good and is our shield and comfort. Truth
*will*eventually prevail, of that we can be sure. As our Lord Jesus so
advised, it is a blessing for you and me when we encounter such
persecution, for “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute
you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my
sake.” (*Matthew
An Opportunity For You to Discover the Truth for Yourself

Since so many otherwise good and altruistic people are, unfortunately,
negatively influenced by the drumbeat of lies put out by the media, I want
to recommend to you the aforementioned two books of Dr. Duke’s, *The
Awakening* and *Jewish Supremacism*. The first, *The Awakening*, is David’s
own autobiography. It is an unusual, inspiring story, and I am sure you
will enjoy it.

The second book, *Jewish Supremacism*, is one of the best volumes ever
published outlining and documenting the fact about the Jews’ and Israel’s
ages-old quest for global domination. It effectively pierces the veil of
Zionist lies and treachery. It is a great companion book to my own
reference work, *Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed

I do hope you will avail yourself of the facts by ordering one or both of
these books. Instead of relying on the deception and smears of the enemies
of truth, discover for yourself the *real* David Duke.

To order his books or to contact Dr. David Duke:
The Duke Report
PO Box 188
Mandeville, LA 70470
Email: [email protected]
David Duke Arrested in Germany: How You Can Help
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 30 November 2011 23:57
This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format.
If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails.
You can read the original version online:

David Duke Arrested in Germany: How You Can Help

David Duke was to address a meeting in Cologne Germany on Friday,
November 25. The police tried to pressure the owner of the meeting
hall to cancel the meeting. Police stopped people heading to the
meeting for long identity checks. Some were even told the meeting had
been cancelled. The meeting went ahead but without the guest speaker.
Dr. Duke was arrested and held for some hours. He has been ordered

The Association Press reported: "The Cologne police statement said
that Duke "was not entitled to stay in Germany" because of a travel
ban against him in another, unspecified European country."

The Associated Press also quoted Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (
), the German justice minister, as saying: "We all have a
responsibility to ensure that extreme-right, nationalistic and
anti-Semitic groups and networks are not able to again come together,"

So, the arrest was clearly political.

He intends to fight so that this obviously political persecution does
not set a precedent to deny him admission to all EU countries.

He explains: "I have to fight this improper action against me and our
brothers and sisters. I just can’t turn my back and run away, no
matter how comfortable it may be for me to do so. My duty is to stand
up for my rights and that of the European people. The truth is that I
and all who stand up for the heritage and freedom of the European and
American people truly stand up for the most basic of human rights. The
right of every people to be free, to freely speak and assemble, the
right to be independent and not live under a globalist tyranny, and
the right to preserve their identity and unique expressions of
humanity. This is a right of Europeans and a right possessed by all
people on Earth, but it is only Europeans who are condemned for even
speaking in defense of these precious human rights."

He needs your help:

1. Protest to the German Embassy or Consulate near you. Write
(preferable), call or e-mail.

Throw "democratic" in their faces. Suggest that the "New" Germany is
just as opposed to political dissent and diversity as the "Old" one
supposedly was. Poor Germany doesn't even have a peace treaty. Still,
the Allies are technically at war. Thousands of American troops are
still based there two decades after the fall of the Soviet Union. The
German constitution was imposed by the allies. Ernst Zundel called his
homeland a "vassal state.| The liberties of German citizens are
severely circumscribed. Tens of thousands of dissidents, right and
left, are flung in jail for non violent dissent. Ernst Zundel got five
years for sending literature to Germany critical of the Hollywood
version of WW II.


1 Waverley Street Ottawa, ON K2P 0T8
(613) 232-1101 ( tel:%28613%29%20232-1101 )

You can e-mail but to do so you must go on the Embassy Website ( )

GERMAN EMBASSY -- Washington
4645 Reservoir Rd NW Washington, DC 20007, United States
(202) 298-4000 ( tel:%28202%29%20298-4000 )

You can e-mail but to do so you must go on the Embassy Website ( )

2. A legal fight will cost money. Mail your contribution to Dr. David
Duke at or go on his website and contribute on line.

The Duke Report,
PO Box 188,
Mandeville, LA 70470,

Website: ( )

On my recent imprisonment and the fight for free speech and the
heritage of our people!

– Composed in a moving Car!
And to think there are politicians in the Western World who
criticize the lack of freedom of speech in Iran or China!
by Dr. David Duke
November 27, 2011 ( )

My Dear Friends,

I am free now, but a desperate fight is ahead of me for my rights and
the rights of the people of Europe to hear me. They truly do want to
hear me and they need to hear me and my message. Today videos of talks
and appearances are reaching tens of millions of people.

I think by now that you know my spirit, that I simply cannot back down
from aiding our brothers and sisters efforts for their heritage in our
ancient homelands of Europe any more than I could cease the fight for
America. This a global effort to destroy our people, and it requires a
global effort on our part to win it. We in America and Canada,
Australia, across Europe and even across Russia must help awaken each
other and aid each other.

I won’t go into to many details of my arrest at this moment as a
court case is yet to be fought, but I was imprisoned by a gross
twisting of travel laws in a blatant attempt by the government to
prevent a private and peaceful gathering of about a 100 German
citizens eager to hear my message of heritage and freedom. My arrest
and imprisonment was meant to silence my message and demoralize the
people who came to hear it.

For hours before my scheduled presentation at a private event, Police
under orders from the politicians stopped all of our cars, including a
couple over 90 years old who had driven over 75 kilometers to hear me.
They demanded ID from all, delaying them for a long time on the
street, and they told the people specifically that the meeting was
cancelled. There at the police checkpoint, after a number of people
had gone on to the private meeting site, they arrested me. Of course,
the claim that the meeting was cancelled was a huge lie. The meeting
was not cancelled. The owner of the hall honored the contract with the
group, and in fact the meeting went on without me, thanks to the brave
people who withstood all the intimidation, and who still persevered
and made their way to the hall.

As much as I would like to, I can’t just go back to Louisiana right
now as I have to fight this improper action against me and our
brothers and sisters. I just can’t turn my back and run away, no
matter how comfortable it may be for me to do so. My duty is to stand
up for my rights and that of the European people. The truth is that I
and all who stand up for the heritage and freedom of the European and
American people truly stand up for the most basic of human rights. The
right of every people to be free, to freely speak and assemble, the
right to be independent and not live under a globalist tyranny, and
the right to preserve their identity and unique expressions of
humanity. This is a right of Europeans and a right possessed by all
people on Earth, but it is only Europeans who are condemned for even
speaking in defense of these precious human rights.

To fight this case will cost a lot of money, time and effort. The
legal system is just as money-driven as it is in the U.S. and I must
support myself far from my home during this period, never knowing from
one minute to the next when shall come the proverbial knock upon the
door. For years I have had to put up with the thought of those knocks
in the night. But I have not bent, not run away, not bit my tongue in
servile cowardice while our people are being driven to an end of their

While most of you will be getting ready for the warmth and love and
friendship and family of Christmas, I will be far from home fighting
the good fight. I miss you all, and no matter how lonely it seems
sometimes in this fight, it is you, each of you reading this, that
gives me hope and peace. Please remember me and this sacred struggle
for our people at this beautiful time of year that is such an
expression of our exquisite culture and values.

But, my dear friends, I believe you will come through with great
generosity, even sacrifice at this time, even with all your personal
needs during the Christmas season.

Thanks so much for your dedication to this cause and your support and
encouragement to me personally.

It means so much to me and my work!

Perhaps you could copy this letter and post it on this and other
threads so my message is heard by all those who have the inclination
to help me in this pressing matter at this difficult time for me.


Dr. David Duke

If you would use this link and send something right away because you
are so much needed at this time.

I will not be able to post much in the coming few days, so please copy
this letter and see that it is widely circulated…Thanks.

By mail: The Duke Report, PO Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470
By phone: (985) 626-7714 ( tel:%28985%29%20626-7714 )

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