BREAKING NEWS: Over 20 Conservative MPs Endorse Repeal of Section 13
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 18 November 2011 07:03
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BREAKING NEWS: Over 20 Conservative MPs Endorse Repeal of Section 13
Dear Free Speech Supporter:

Political support is growing for Brian Storseth's private member's
bill (Bill C-304) to repeal Sec. 13 (Internet censorship) of the
Canadian Human Rights Act. Have you called or written your MP to urge
him/her to support this important piece of legislation? Here's Marc
Lemire's report on the issue. Public pressure is urgent.

Paul Fromm
Canadian Association for Free Expression

Back on September 30th, 2011 Conservative MP Brian Storseth
(Westlock—St. Paul) introduced Private Members Bill C-304 (
) “An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (protecting
freedom)”. This bill would repeal the notorious Section 13 ( ) of the Canadian Human Rights Actand
strip the censorship powers from the fanatical Canadian Human Rights
Commission and remove their ability to censor content on the Internet.
At the time Mr. Storseth introduced his bill (
); he received a very warm welcome from freedom lovers all over Canada
and also received very supportive editorials in the mainstream media.
(here (
)), (here (
)), (here (
)), (here (
)), (here (
)). Even Calgary’s Catholic Bishop came out to support the bill (

Unfortunately Bill C-304 is not a government bill, so it has a limited
chance to even pass. According to the Parliament of Canada Website,
since 1910 only 235 private members bills have ever passed. (789
private members’ bills were introduced during the last Parliament
alone, and only four received Royal Assent). But this private members
bill is a bit different! Earlier today, Bill C-304 was to receive
second reading (
) before the House of Commonsin Ottawa. It appears to have been bumped
from today’s agenda due to the jobs Act, but as part of the
introduction of the private members bill, a list of “seconders (
)”(supporters) was attached to Bill C-304. The “seconders” are
Members of Parliament who have read the act and publically declared
their support for it. Such a lengthy list of seconders is literally
unheard of for a private members bill.

Private member’s Bill C-304 has the announced support (
) of:

* Mr. Lemieux (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell)
* Mr. Sorenson (Crowfoot),
* Mr. Toet (Elmwood—Transcona),
* Mr. Shipley (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex),
* Mr. Clarke (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River)
* Mr. Miller (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound)
* Mr. Richards (Wild Rose), (…more (
* Mr. Trost (Saskatoon—Humboldt),
* Mr. Bruinooge (Winnipeg South),
* Mr. Lunney (Nanaimo—Alberni)
* Mr. Calkins (Wetaskiwin)
* Mr. Chisu (Pickering—Scarborough East), (…more (
* Mrs. Smith (Kildonan—St. Paul),
* Mr. Bezan (Selkirk—Interlake),
* Mr. Payne (Medicine Hat)
* Mr. Hiebert (South Surrey—White Rock—Cloverdale)
* Mr. Kramp (Prince Edward—Hastings)
* Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton—Melville)
* Mr. Tweed (Brandon—Souris)
* Mr. Sweet (Ancaster—Dundas—Flamborough—Westdale)

(The Journals Branch of the House of Commons limits the number of
seconders for a bill to 20 members .. so dozens more may support this
Bill, but are not listed)

Conservative MPs from coast to coast are lining up to support the
repeal of radical censorship by the “Human Rights”Commission using
Section 13 ( ). With so many
Conservative MPs speaking out for freedom, and the base of the
Conservative Party overwhelmingly supporting the repeal of Section 13
), why is the Prime Minister Stephen Harper not taking on Bill C-304
and making it a government bill?

While Harper might be speaking out, his MPs certainly are. Wild Rose
MP Blake Richards ( ) issued a great
press release on November 11, 2011 where he denounced Section 13 (
) and it’s danger to freedom of expression. He wrote that: “A
section of Trudeau-era legislation that purports to defend human
rights but which actually undermines one of those basic liberties –
the freedom of expression …I support the bill by my Conservative
colleague Brian Storseth, the M.P. for Westlock-St. Paul, to repeal
Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. Section 13 is as flawed
as it is subjective on the very issue of hate that it claims to
combat, and it needs to go.”

Richards continues: “Section 13 subjects citizens’ Charter
freedoms of thought, belief, opinion and expression to the whims of
those who want to suppress ideas they disagree with or find personally
distasteful or offensive, but which do not necessarily constitute
hate. The Supreme Court of Canada has indicated that Section 13 does
not target expression that some may find offensive, but that hasn’t
stopped Human Rights tribunals from accepting aggrieved persons’
sense of being offended as a basis for convictions.”

Conservative MP Blake Richards sums up his press release (
) with “Section 13 of the CHRA needs to be done away with and I will
be voting in favour of repeal”

Bravo to Richards and to the other Members of Parliament who are
standing up for freedom and seeking to dismantle the tyranny of
censorship, which Section 13 ( )

-Marc Lemire
November 16, 2011

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American Free Press Potomac Cruise, With David Irving & Texe Marrs, A Huge Success
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 18 November 2011 07:00
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American Free Press Potomac Cruise, With David Irving & Texe Marrs, A
Huge Success

ALEXANDRIA, VA. November 16, 2011. The weather was rainy on the oily,
inky Potomac, but the warm air inside the river cruise boat crackled
with controversy and good fellowship, as over 100 people from Florida,
Texas, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, Illinois and, of course the
Maryland/Virgina/DC area, gathered for an evening of good food and
politically incorrect ideas.

Hosted by American Free Press founder and publisher Willis Carto, the
evening featured a blockbuster talk by revisionist historian David
Irving and an incisive talk by Pastor Texe Marrs.

Prolific author and lecturer Michael Collins Piper hosted the evening.
He said: "We are gathered here because we believe in telling the truth
as we see it," no matter whose sacred cows may be gored.

He introduced Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for
Free Expression, who gave a short summary of the battle in America's
Northern neighbour to tear off the state's minority-inspired Internet
censorship tentacles. He described the Marc Lemire case which heads to
Federal Court, December 13-14. Mr. Lemire was the only victim in the
sorry 33 year history of the notorious Sec. 13 (first it censored
telephone messages and later the Internet) to win. A September 2, 2009
decision declared the law unconstitutional. The Canadian Human Rights
Commission, egged on by the usual censorship minded lobby groups, has
appealed to Federal Court to retain it's censorship powers, Mr. Fromm
explained. "A 100% conviction rate (prior to Lemire) is the sort of
kangaroo court law you'd expect in North Korea," Mr. Fromm said. "But
then truth is not defence, intent is no defence."

Picking up the theme set by Mr. Piper, Fromm concluded by saying: "Can
you imagine a system more degraded and perverse than one that does not
allow truth as a defence?"

David Irving began his talk by reflecting on his life after the
devastating verdict when he sued Jewish writer Deborah Lipstadt for
libel and lost. The costs in the millions of pounds sterling forced
him into bankruptcy. "Knowledge," said the imposing British historian
of World War II, "is happiness. I had the chance to start my life over
again. At first, I was in a small flat with a black and white TV. AS
my circumstances improved, I upgraded to a colour set. This was the
happiest year of my life with the ones I love." I know this is "sour
grapes in the mouths" of Deborah Lipstadt and company.

Mr. Irving, author of dozens of best selling books, Churchill's War,
Dresden, Hitler's War, to name a few, explained "How America Was
Dragged intro Churchill and Stalin's War Against Germany." Mr. Irving
referenced correspondence between Chaim Weizmann, a powerful Zionist
leader, then Chairman of the Jewish Agency and later first President
of Israel. Mr, Irving explained that Weizmann told Churchill, who was
an ardent Zionist: "As you are aware Jews are the most powerful
pressure group in America," especially with their extensive control of
the media. It was put to Churchill that if he supported Zionist goals
in Palestine, "we can drag America into the war. We did it once before
and we can do it again."

Another little known fact, said Mr. Irving, is that in the crucial
year of 1940, the British secret service had bought up the Gallup Poll
int he U.S.A Even President Roosevelt had trouble reconciling the
thousands of letters he got from mothers urging him not to send their
sons off to war. Yet, he marvelled, the Gallup Poll showed about 85%
approval of entering the war.

In the run-up to America's entry into the war, the British Prime
Minister was writing to and phoning President Roosevelt, behind the
backs of his own cabinet and the foreign office, urging America to
enter the war. This correspondence was revealed by Tyler Kent, a
cipher clerk at the American Embassy in London, who leaked some of
this information to a Conservative Member of Parliament.

In July, 1941, America was going to toughen its sanctions against
Imperial Japan as punishment for its actions in China. Winston
Churchill secretly lobbies the American president to include oil in
the new sanctions. Japan had a three month supply of oil. Sanctions
involving oil would surely lead to war. Japan would have to invade the
Dutch East Indies to secure a supply of oil.

Mr. Irving's painstaking study of millions of pages of code intercepts
have shown him that the British were better code decrypters than the
Americans. The British had cracked both the Japanese and naval codes
before Pearl Harbour. America's code breaking was divided between
teams at the Navy and Army. There was rivalry and little co-operation.
Britain kept America in the dark about Japanese plans to attack Pearl
Harbour, knowing that such an attack would spur America into the war.

On November 25, the British were monitoring Japanese communications to
determine who they'd attack. In early December, the Japanese sent an
order in code to their embassies in London and Washington ordering
them to destroy their coding machines, "meaning that war was

On the morning of the attack on Pearl Harbour, British listening posts
in Hong Kong picked up a "wind message." The direction of the wind
would indicate the attack target. The message indicated a "West"
wind. A few hours later, waves of Japanese torpedo bombers decimated
the U.S. Pacific fleet and the war was on.

"We did the dirty on America to bring you into the war," Mr Irving
concluded. "But, in the end, you cost us our Empire."

Pastor Texe Marrs, a with speaker with an easy manner, spoke about
psychopaths in politics. Modern psychiatric studies suggest that
perhaps five per cent of the population are psychopaths; that is,
people with no feeling or empathy for others. Many of these people are
in politics, he warned.

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American Free Press Potomac Cruise, With David Irving & Texe Marrs, A Huge Success
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 18 November 2011 06:53
*American Free Press Potomac Cruise, With David Irving & Texe Marrs, A Huge

*ALEXANDRIA, VA*. November 16, 2011. The weather was rainy on the oily,
inky Potomac, but the warm air inside the river cruise boat crackled with
controversy and good fellowship, as over 100 people from Florida, Texas,
Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, Illinois and, of course the
Maryland/Virgina/DC area, gathered for an evening of good food and
politically incorrect ideas.

Hosted by *American Free Press *founder and publisher Willis Carto, the
evening featured a blockbuster talk by revisionist historian David Irving
and an incisive talk by Pastor Texe Marrs.

Prolific author and lecturer Michael Collins Piper hosted the evening. He
said: "We are gathered here because we believe in telling the truth as we
see it," no matter whose sacred cows may be gored.

He introduced Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free
Expression, who gave a short summary of the battle in America's Northern
neighbour to tear off the state's minority-inspired Internet censorship
tentacles. He described the Marc Lemire case which heads to Federal Court,
December 13-14. Mr. Lemire was the only victim in the sorry 33 year history
of the notorious Sec. 13 (first it censored telephone messages and later
the Internet) to win. A September 2, 2009 decision declared the law
unconstitutional. The Canadian Human Rights Commission, egged on by the
usual censorship minded lobby groups, has appealed to Federal Court to
retain it's censorship powers, Mr. Fromm explained. "A 100% conviction
rate (prior to *Lemire*) is the sort of kangaroo court law you'd expect in
North Korea," Mr. Fromm said. "But then truth is not defence, intent is no

Picking up the theme set by Mr. Piper, Fromm concluded by saying: "Can you
imagine a system more degraded and perverse than one that does not allow
truth as a defence?"

David Irving began his talk by reflecting on his life after the devastating
verdict when he sued Jewish writer Deborah Lipstadt for libel and lost. The
costs in the millions of pounds sterling forced him into bankruptcy.
"Knowledge," said the imposing British historian of World War II, "is
happiness. I had the chance to start my life over again. At first, I was in
a small flat with a black and white TV. AS my circumstances improved, I
upgraded to a colour set. This was the happiest year of my life with the
ones I love." I know this is "sour grapes in the mouths" of Deborah
Lipstadtand company.

Mr. Irving, author of dozens of best selling books, *Churchill's War,
Dresden, Hitler's War*, to name a few, explained "How America Was Dragged
intro Churchill and Stalin's War Against Germany." Mr. Irving referenced
correspondence between Chaim Weizmann, a powerful Zionist leader, then
Chairman of the Jewish Agency and later first President of Israel. Mr,
Irving explained that Weizmann told Churchill, who was an ardent Zionist:
"As you are aware Jews are the most powerful pressure group in America,"
especially with their extensive control of the media. It was put to
Churchill that if he supported Zionist goals in Palestine, "we can drag
America into the war. We did it once before and we can do it again."

Another little known fact, said Mr. Irving, is that in the crucial year of
1940, the British secret service had bought up the Gallup Poll int he U.S.A
Even President Roosevelt had trouble reconciling the thousands of letters
he got from mothers urging him not to send their sons off to war. Yet, he
marvelled, the Gallup Poll showed about 85% approval of entering the war.

In the run-up to America's entry into the war, the British Prime Minister
was writing to and phoning President Roosevelt, behind the backs of his own
cabinet and the foreign office, urging America to enter the war. This
correspondence was revealed by Tyler Kent, a cipher clerk at the American
Embassy in London, who leaked some of this information to a Conservative
Member of Parliament.

In July, 1941, America was going to toughen its sanctions against Imperial
Japan as punishment for its actions in China. Winston Churchill secretly
lobbies the American president to include oil in the new sanctions. Japan
had a three month supply of oil. Sanctions involving oil would surely lead
to war. Japan would have to invade the Dutch East Indies to secure a supply
of oil.

Mr. Irving's painstaking study of millions of pages of code intercepts have
shown him that the British were better code decrypters than the Americans.
The British had cracked both the Japanese and naval codes before Pearl
Harbour. America's code breaking was divided between teams at the Navy and
Army. There was rivalry and little co-operation. Britain kept America in
the dark about Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbour, knowing that such an
attack would spur America into the war.

On November 25, the British were monitoring Japanese communications to
determine who they'd attack. In early December, the Japanese sent an order
in code to their embassies in London and Washington ordering them to
destroy their coding machines, "meaning that war was imminent."

On the morning of the attack on Pearl Harbour, British listening posts in
Hong Kong picked up a "wind message." The direction of the wind would
indicate the attack target. The message indicated a "West" wind. A few
hours later, waves of Japanese torpedo bombers decimated the U.S.
Pacificfleet and the war was on.

"We did the dirty on America to bring you into the war," Mr Irving
concluded. "But, in the end, you cost us our Empire."

Pastor Texe Marrs, a with speaker with an easy manner, spoke about
psychopaths in politics. Modern psychiatric studies suggest that perhaps
five per cent of the population are psychopaths; that is, people with no
feeling or empathy for others. Many of these people are in politics, he
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