National Post Grovels to the Homosexual Lobby
Written by Paul Fromm
Sunday, 09 October 2011 06:50
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National Post Grovels to the Homosexual Lobby

The last week of September, the usually pro-free speech National Post
ran a paid ad sponsored by the Canadian Values Institute. The ad
criticized the policies of the Ontario Liberal Government and the
Toronto District School Board mandating outright pro
homosexual/lesbian/transgender/transsexed (what is it? Don't ask.)
propaganda being forced on JK-grade 3 students. Those are children 4
to 8 years of age, Most have little interest in sex at that tender
age, let alone the twisted esoteria of the transgendered and the
transsexed. Under Board policies, parents cannot withdraw their
children from such brainwashing. Teachers whose religious or just
common sense views are revolted by such material cannot refuse to
teach it. Certainly, this would seem a fit subject for discussion by
taxpayers. Their education system, one they pay for, has been
hijacked by the homosexual lobby.

The National Post seems to agree that this is a fit subject for
debate. However, having said that free speech may involve offending or
hurting people's feelings, the Post amazingly adds: "Where the ad
exceeded the bounds of civil discourse was in its tone and
manipulative use of a picture of a young girl; in the suggestion that
such teaching 'corrupts' children, with everything that such a charge
implies; and in its singling out of groups of people with whose
sexuality the group disagrees." So, the criticism of the ad is that
the picture of the wide-eyed cute little girl and the language is
"manipulative." How absurd! Having said that, the Post's craven
editors have said nothing! All advocacy advertizing, whether selling
beer or autos or ideas, is "manipulative": it seeks to move the
reader's emotions to favour what is being promoted by the ad.

The link provided by the ad quotes from the Toronto District School
Board's curriculum. It urges children in these junior grades to have a
Gay Pride Parade in their own school and to take traditional stories
and "gender-bend" them turnoing female characters into males and vice

Most children are fairly confident about who they are. This sort of
child abuse might well get otherwise healthy children needlessly
questioning their gender or eventual sexuality.

One wonders what threats were made against the Post. If such were
made, that would make a great story. Instead, the apology ends
ignominiously advising that some homosexual lobby group apparently is
about to pick up a bucket load of cash: " The Post will also be
donating the proceeds from the advertisement to an organization that
promotes the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered

Paul Fromm

Squirming in the Dirt: The National Post's Apology (word for pathetic

Earlier this week the National Post ran an advertisement that has
caused some controversy. The ad, bought by the Institute for Canadian
Values, argued against aspects of the Ontario school curriculum that
include instruction about certain aspects of human sexuality.
Specifically, it objected to teaching young children — those between
junior kindergarten and Grade 3 — about
transsexual/transgender/intersexed/two-spirited issues.

The National Post has procedures in place for vetting the content of
advertising, especially advocacy advertising. The procedures are
intended to ensure that such ads meet a standard of tone and respect
that is consistent with furthering constructive dialogue about
important public policy issues.
In this case, those procedures were not followed. An ad that should
not have run in its proposed form was allowed to run.

This ad will not run in the National Post again.
The National Post believes strongly in the principles of free speech
and open, unhindered debate. We believe unpopular points of view
should not be censored simply because some readers may find them
disturbing, or even offensive. Free speech does not apply only to
views that will not offend anyone.
The ad in question was attempting to make the case that the Ontario
curriculum was teaching very young children about issues that, at that
age, should be the domain of parents. In addition, it made the case
that even when parents or teachers may object to the material being
taught, they did not have the right, in the case of parents, to remove
their children from the class, or in the case of teachers, to decline
to teach the material on the grounds that they objected to it.
In an open society, these positions are worthy of being part of a
debate on this issue. They are also legitimate arguments to make in a
paid advertisement in a media outlet.
Where the ad exceeded the bounds of civil discourse was in its tone
and manipulative use of a picture of a young girl; in the suggestion
that such teaching “corrupts” children, with everything that such
a charge implies; and in its singling out of groups of people with
whose sexuality the group disagrees.
The fact that we will not be publishing this ad again represents a
recognition on our part that publishing it in the first place was a
mistake. The National Post would like to apologize unreservedly to
anyone who was offended by it. We will be taking steps to ensure that
in future our procedures for vetting the content of advertising will
be strictly adhered to.
The Post will also be donating the proceeds from the advertisement to
an organization that promotes the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgendered people.

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National Post Grovels to the Homosexual Lobby
Written by Paul Fromm
Sunday, 09 October 2011 05:21

*National Post Grovels to the Homosexual Lobby*
The last week of September, the usually pro-free speech *National Post* ran
a paid ad sponsored by the Canadian Values Institute. The ad criticized the
policies of the Ontario Liberal Government and the Toronto District
School Board mandating outright pro
homosexual/lesbian/transgender/transsexed (what is it? Don't ask.)
propaganda being forced on JK-grade 3 students. Those are children 4 to 8
years of age, Most have little interest in sex at that tender age, let alone
the twisted esoteria of the transgendered and the transsexed. Under Board
policies, parents cannot withdraw their children from such brainwashing.
Teachers whose religious or just common sense views are revolted by such
material cannot refuse to teach it. Certainly, this would seem a fit subject
for discussion by taxpayers. Their education system, one they pay for, has
been hijacked by the homosexual lobby.

The *National Post* seems to agree that this is a fit subject for debate.
However, having said that free speechmay involve offending or hurting
people's feelings, the *Post *amazingly adds: "*Where the ad exceeded the
bounds of civil discourse was in its tone and manipulative use of a picture
of a young girl; in the suggestion that such teaching 'corrupts' children,
with everything that such a charge implies; and in its singling out of
groups of people with whose sexuality the group disagrees."* So, the
criticism of the ad is that the picture of the wide-eyed cute little girl
and the language is "manipulative." How absurd! Having said that, the *
Post's* craven editors have said nothing! All advocacy advertizing, whether
selling beer or autos or ideas, is "manipulative": it seeks to move the
reader's emotions to favour what is being promoted by the ad.

The link provided by the ad quotes from the Toronto District School Board's
curriculum. It urges children in these junior grades to have a Gay Pride
Parade in their own school and to take traditional stories and "gender-bend"
them turnoing female characters into males and vice versa.

Most children are fairly confident about who they are. This sort of child
abuse might well get otherwise healthy children needlessly questioning their
gender or eventual sexuality.

One wonders what threats were made against the *Post.* If such were made,
that would make a great story. Instead, the apology ends
ignominiously advising that some homosexual lobby group apparently is about
to pick up a bucket load of cash: " *The Post will also be donating the
proceeds from the advertisement to an organization that promotes the rights
of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people."*

*Paul Fromm*

*Squirming in the Dirt: The National Post's Apology (word for pathetic word)

*Earlier this week the National Post ran an advertisement that has caused
some controversy. The ad, bought by the Institute for Canadian Values,
argued against aspects of the Ontario school curriculum that include
instruction about certain aspects of human sexuality. Specifically, it
objected to teaching young children — those between junior kindergarten and
Grade 3 — about transsexual/transgender/intersexed/two-spirited issues.*

*The National Post has procedures in place for vetting the content of
advertising, especially advocacy advertising. The procedures are intended to
ensure that such ads meet a standard of tone and respect that is consistent
with furthering constructive dialogue about important public policy issues.*

*In this case, those procedures were not followed. An ad that should not
have run in its proposed form was allowed to run.*

*This ad will not run in the National Post again.*

*The National Post believes strongly in the principles of free speech and
open, unhindered debate. We believe unpopular points of view should not be
censored simply because some readers may find them disturbing, or even
offensive. Free speech does not apply only to views that will not offend

*The ad in question was attempting to make the case that the Ontario
curriculum was teaching very young children about issues that, at that age,
should be the domain of parents. In addition, it made the case that even
when parents or teachers may object to the material being taught, they did
not have the right, in the case of parents, to remove their children from
the class, or in the case of teachers, to decline to teach the material on
the grounds that they objected to it.*

*In an open society, these positions are worthy of being part of a debate on
this issue. They are also legitimate arguments to make in a paid
advertisement in a media outlet.*

*Where the ad exceeded the bounds of civil discourse was in its tone and
manipulative use of a picture of a young girl; in the suggestion that such
teaching “corrupts” children, with everything that such a charge implies;
and in its singling out of groups of people with whose sexuality the group

*The fact that we will not be publishing this ad again represents a
recognition on our part that publishing it in the first place was a mistake.
The National Post would like to apologize unreservedly to anyone who was
offended by it. We will be taking steps to ensure that in future our
procedures for vetting the content of advertising will be strictly adhered

*The Post will also be donating the proceeds from the advertisement to an
organization that promotes the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgendered people.*
Dysfunctional Family Values
Written by Paul Fromm
Saturday, 08 October 2011 05:05
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Dysfunctional Family Values The obverse of a cultural family dynamic
where daughters are treated like inconvenient sweated labour is a son
raised like a pampered prince. Such indulgence is not likely to
deliver up grounded or grateful young men: "A man was killed Thursday
night in southwest Edmonton when he was run over by a relative outside
a home, police say. The two family members had pulled up to the house,
in the swanky Magrath Heights area [hereinafter to be known as a
'run-down' area], in a car when they got into an argument. 'It was
instant. The argument erupted as soon as the one gentleman left the
vehicle and ended when he was struck by the vehicle,' Insp. Brian
Nowlan of the Edmonton police said. The 29 year-old driver then got
into a 2011 BMW and fled the scene, police said. A neighbour who lives
just down the street from where the confrontation occurred said she
stepped out of her house moments after the man was hit. 'It just
didn't seem like it was an accident,' Tess Minor said. The incident
happened around 9 p.m. near the intersection of Massey Way and Massey
Landing. Police said they arrested a man in connection with the case
about two hours later near the legislature. Homicide detectives are
investigating. It would be Edmonton's 35th homicide of the year —
the highest in the country." (CBC, August 19, 2011)Neighbours said a
multi-generational Sikh family lived in the house. "'For sure, he ran
him over on purpose,' said neighbour Stephane Beauchemin, referring to
the victim's son. 'He ran his dad over in the door of his garage,
broke both his legs and I didn't see it, but my wife told me he
actually went, ran over him again.' Beauchemin, a radiation therapist,
and his wife, a nurse in the ICU, performed CPR on the 59-year-old
while the victim's wife and daughter watched. Despite the efforts, the
man died on scene. ... A relative who asked not to be identified says
the father and son had recently started working together in the family
business, which some sources say was the construction company MNH
Homes. ... The victim is identified as Mohan Heer." (CTV, August 19,
2011)Edmonton had matched last year's record high number of homicides,
39, by the end of September – most committed by immigrants!.[This
article appears in the October, 2011 issue of the CANADIAN IMMIGRATION
available by subscription for $30 per year. You can subscribe by
sending a cheque or VISA number and expiry date to CANADIAN
IMMIGRATION HOTLINE, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3.]

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