Michelle Erstikaitis Soon to be Released but Under 10 Year Onerous Conditions |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Saturday, 09 April 2011 04:35 |
*Michelle Erstikaitis Soon to be Released but Under 10 Year Onerous Conditions* *TORONTO. April 7, 2011*. Political prisoner Michelle Erstikaitis was sentenced to "time served" plus seven more days today by Judge Archibald in a Toronto Court. She will, thus have served 26 months for a domestic he shoved-she shoved, no one got hurt, assault and an assault, while in custody on a guard. The Attorney General, actually the Deputy Attorney General Murray Segal, did seek a "Dangerous Offender" (potential life imprisonment) designation for Mr. Erstikaitis. In the end, keeping in mind a psychiatric report, Crown Attorney David Boulet was granted, as part of Miss Erstikaitis's sentence, a "Long Term Offender" designation. This will mean 10 years of probation, beginning in a halfway house, and conditions still to be determined. CAFE Director Paul Fromm talked to Liz Viteck an official with Corrections Canada and learned that a supervision committee will meet some time in the next few weeks to work out the conditions. Meanwhile, "an Ontario woman who shaved her head and eyebrows to convince people she had cancer and then pocketed the donations they made to her bogus charity will not go to jail for the scam. Ashley Kirilow received a 15 month conditional sentence, Thursday, with 10 months to be served under house arrest. ... Ms Kirilow had already pleaded guilty to one count of fraud over $5,000 in November, and pleaded guilty to one count of fraud under $5,000 Thursday. ... Ms Kirilow, who was facing a maximum of 14 years in prison, admitted last year that she defrauded one woman of $7,400 at a fundraiser and even shaved her head and eyebrows and plucked her eyelashes to apear sick. Court heard Thursday that Ms Kirilow received about $12,000, but, because it was cash, the actual amount will never be known." (*Globe and Mail*, April 8, 2011) The difference in the cases. between the sweetheart sentence to a cold hearted fraudster and the 10 year probation shackled on to Miss Erstikaitis? "To the best of my knowledge, Miss Kirilow has expressed no dissident political opinons," says CAFE's Paul Fromm. "On the other hand, Miss Erstikaitis urged Timothy McVeigh to die bravely like a soldier and has been an outspoken White Nationalist. The Canadian justice system is very politicized and highly punitive to nationalist dissenters." |
Not Much "Diversity" With Ignatieff's Liberals: If You're Pro-White, You're Out! |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Friday, 08 April 2011 04:43 |
Not Much "Diversity" With Ignatieff's Liberals: If You're Pro-White, You're Out! The initial commentary here about screening candidates comes from a sleazy and anonymous -- typical cowards -- website called "Anti Racist Canada." They like to be the arbiters of political correctness -- whose views may be heard and whose may not. Until the advent of the Harper Tories, the federal Liberals were the champions of shameless sucking up up various minority groups to the detriment of Canada's founding/settler Majority. The Tories are giving them a serious run for the whoring championship. They've apologixzed to the Natives for the Dominion Government's trying to provide an education through the residential schools (megabucks followed); they apologized to the Chinese for the head tax which discouraged rapacious Chinese labour brokers (more bucks followed the apology); then, they've apologized to the Sikhs for Canada, in 1914, having expelled the *Komagata Maru*, a smuggler ship filled with mostly Sikh Illegals. (The "compensation" is still being squabbled over.) Of course, no apology to the Majority Canadians for 46 years of immigration policies designed to replace the European founding/settler people. The current date of our replacement and minority status is 2041. Now, the Liberals are striving to regain the whoring championship, lojudly egged on by the NDP. That party long ago turned its back on the Majority workingman, its one-time base. It, too, seeks to represent various minority interests and, in the last federal election, it went to far as recommending that Urdu or Punjabi be made Canada's third official language. "*Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has fired one of his Quebec candidates over disparaging remarks<>he made about aboriginal Canadians. **André Forbes had been the candidate in Manicougan, a community in northern Quebec. He was the founder and former spokesperson of l’Association des droits des blancs, or the Association for the Rights of Whites. **In a statement, Mr. Ignatieff said that Mr. Forbes 'has been informed he is no longer a candidate for the Liberal Party of Canada.'* *He added: 'Mr. Forbes’ comments have no place within the Liberal Party of Canada.'* *It was the NDP who revealed Mr. Forbes's past and his remarks, including calling native Canadians 'featherheads' and suggesting that governments recognized their rights over those of white people. The party sent out a release<>Wednesday morning questioning Mr. Ignatieff's judgment in having Mr. Forbes as a candidate. * *'As soon as I was apprised of past comments made by ... André Forbes, I immediately asked my staff to inquire about their validity,' Mr. Ignatieff said in his statement. 'We categorically condemn any comments that seek to divide Canadians on the basis of their culture or ethnicity.'” (Globe and Mail, April 6, 2011) What about anti-Majority "employment equity" policies, Iggy? Don't those divide Canadians on the basis of ethnicity: non-Whites get the jobs; people of European decent don't**?* Liberals Turf Candidate Forbes Due To Membership in Racist Group<> You know, after the debacle with the Reform Party back in the early 1990s<,1501285&dq=reform-party+racists&hl=en>, the Progressive Conservatives in the 1980s<,6664921&dq=progressive-conservatives+fromm&hl=en>, and the Socreds in the 1970s<,8031003&dq=social-credit+fromm&hl=en>, one would have thought that all the political parties would have learned that it might be a good idea to screen your members and candidates: *Liberals sack Quebec candidate who founded white-supremacist group<> * *JANE TABER COMPTON, QUE.— Globe and Mail Update Posted on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 3:25PM EDT* *Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff has fired one of his Quebec candidates over disparaging remarks<>he made about aboriginal Canadians. * *André Forbes had been the candidate in Manicougan, a community in northern Quebec. He was the founder and former spokesperson of l’Association des droits des blancs, or the Association for the Rights of Whites. * *In a statement, Mr. Ignatieff said that Mr. Forbes “has been informed he is no longer a candidate for the Liberal Party of Canada.” * *He added: “Mr. Forbes’ comments have no place within the Liberal Party of Canada.”* *It was the NDP who revealed Mr. Forbes's past and his remarks, including calling native Canadians “featherheads” and suggesting that governments recognized their rights over those of white people. The party sent out a release<>Wednesday morning questioning Mr. Ignatieff's judgment in having Mr. Forbes as a candidate. * *“As soon as I was apprised of past comments made by ... André Forbes, I immediately asked my staff to inquire about their validity,” Mr. Ignatieff said in his statement. “We categorically condemn any comments that seek to divide Canadians on the basis of their culture or ethnicity.” * *According to the NDP, Mr. Forbes was nominated as the Liberal candidate in August of 2009 and met in January with senior Liberal Quebec MP Denis Coderre. * *"The Liberal Party vets all candidates, but there's no doubt an error occurred in this particular process," Leslie Church, Mr. Ignatieff's director of communications, told The Globe. * *"We do criminal and financial background checks, plus social media and other online searches to cover the bases. What's important though is regardless of the thoroughness of the background check, if something does come to light at any point, as it did today with Mr. Forbes, we're willing to act swiftly and decisively to ensure that Liberal values are reflected in the team we're putting forward." * *At a campaign stop in Cranbrook, B.C., NDP Leader Jack Layton said he was pleased with Mr. Ignatieff's dismissal of his candidate. * *"It's unfortunate that they were not discovered earlier on," Mr. Layton said, adding that the Liberal candidate's affiliations were well known within Quebec.* |
Shame! Kenney Says Canada Has A "Sort-Of-Culture" |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Thursday, 07 April 2011 06:24 |
*Shame! Kenney Says Canada Has A "Sort-Of-Culture"* "This week, *Jason Kenney*, the federal minister of *Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism*, visited the *Edmonton Journal* to share some of his successes. He contrasted Canada with countries of Western Europe that struggle so miserably with integrating new citizens, encouraging them to live in ghettos and 'ethnic enclaves' in big-city suburbs. [According to Mr. Kenney], we have an advantage over France and Holland because, here in *Canada, we don't have a coherent culture. Multiculturalism is an essential part of our evolving sort-of-culture, and it's only controversial in some political science departments and certain regions of Quebec.*" (*Edmonton Journal*, March 19, 2011) Okay, first of all, as so-called minister of multiculturalism, Kenney owes Majority Canadians the same grovelling apology Minority Canadians expect from their servile ministers of the Crown. Secondly, Kenney's grasp of European *realpolitik* is either deeply flawed or deeply dishonest. Europe has rejected multiculturalism *precisely because* it is the principal driver leading to the formation of ethnic ghettos. With our excruciatingly indulgent policies, Canada is living proof that, given the freedom to choose, immigrants stampede into ethnic silos: "There were only six ethnic enclaves in Canada's three largest metropolitan cities in 1981, but the number jumped to 77 in 1991 and 254 in 2001. *Statistics Canada* defines a visible-minority neighbourhood as one where more than 30 per cent of the population is from a particular ethnic group." (*Toronto Star*, March 10, 2004) Note that with the 2006 census long since done and dusted, *StatsCan* has never entrusted Canadians with an update on the current number of ethnic enclaves. However, one indication that assimilation is increasingly elusive for an increasing number of newcomers would be tax dollars diverted to immigrant settlement funding -- according to *CIC* (2010-08-06), spending in that sector has* tripled* *since 2006*. Are we really doing better? Kenney is insulting Canada and distorting the truth. I grew up in the 50s amd 60s. I knew I was not a Chinaman or even an American. We had hockey, Maurice Richard, football with a longer field, curling, the maple leaf, amazing explorers (Champlain, Radisson. Mackenzie, Hudson), bravery in war (Vimy Ridge, etc.), bold inventors and pioneers (Bell, Banting and Best, "Wop" May) maple syrup and, over all, a country shaped and a consciousness shaped by a wild a varied environment -- the cold Atlantic, the huge Arctic expanses, the vast prairies, the magestic Rockies. We were very coherent. It is Kenney and the tribe of self serving multiculturalists who would have us believe that we are a blank slate for the world to write on. In fact, our young culture is one that works. People from failed cultures all over the world have flocked to us to feast on the benefits. We should strictly insist that they conform or leave. -- *Paul Fromm* |
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