Terry Tremaine: Canada's Least Wanted Political Prisoner |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Friday, 23 November 2012 04:45 |
*Terry Tremaine: Canada's Least Wanted Political Prisoner* *REGINA*. Canada's latest political prisoner, former university lecturer and Internet blogger Terry Tremaine presented himself both to the Regina Police and the courts to turn himself in pursuant to a November 7 sentence handed down by Federal Judge Sean Harrington. Mr. Tremaine was to begin a one month sentence, 15 days after being served notice of his sentence. On his lawyer Doug Christie's instructions, Mr. Tremaine tried to surrender himself to begin his sentence today. So, despite the vitriol poured on him by Judge Harrington, Mr. Tremaine is the ultimate law-abiding citizen, except that he believes in freedom of speech. He turned himself in but none of the servants of the Beast knew anything about him or wanted him! At the police station, Mr. Tremaine recounts, "the officer on the desk checked his data base and the RCMP data base for warrants. There were none." The officer suggested that the warrant would not be issued until tomorrow and it might take a week or more to execute. Mr. Tremaine was not unhappy about another night of freedom. "Then I went to the provincial court and talked to the desk clerk and sheriff deputies. They too searched for a warrant with my name on it," he explains. Here things were grimmer. "Although I had turned myself in and they had no record of me," says soon-to-be political prisoner Terry Tremaine, "I was put in detention. The processing took longer than their search for a warrant." After about 20 minutes, Mr. Tremaine was released. Tyrannies can often be comical in a bizarre way. Mr. Tremaine was given a receipt for his property while he was detained. "The date on the receipt," he reports, "is October 29, 2012 -- nine days before sentence was even passed!" Pursuant to the judge's thought-gagging order, Mr. Tremaine has removed a number of postings from his website and written to STORMFRONT.ORG<>, where he posted as *"mathdoktor99"* and asked them to remove certain posts that upset Canada's thought police. Mr. Tremaine expresses cautious optimism that he may not have to be in jail over Christmas. His lawyer Douglas Christie is filing notice of appeal against both the conviction and the sentence. "My lawyer will argue a bail application in Federal Court next Wednesday," Mr. Tremaine told CAFE tonight. Mr. Tremaine is outraged at being sent to jail. The system is vindictive and treats a thought dissident far more harshly than a thug. "If you're convicted of drunk driving, you don't do time until after your third or fourth conviction," says the writer and webmaster who has never been convicted of any crime in Canada. He notes that, as in most totalitarian states, the thought criminals are treated worst of all. Judge Harrington admitted the tyrannical anti-free speech bias of the Canadian judicial system when he warned Terry Tremaine in his sentence: "He must remember that freedom has its price." |
Mediation in the Lemire Case: The Federal Court gets it all wrong |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Thursday, 22 November 2012 08:05 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Marc Lemire Internet Free Speech Case -- Part 2 Mediation in the Lemire Case: The Federal Court gets it all wrong The FreedomSite Blog: Mediation in the Lemire Case: The Federal Court gets it all wrong ( ) In the recent bizarre ruling of the Federal Court in the Marc Lemire case ( ) – where a Justice of the Federal Court upheld the completely discredited Section 13 of the Canadian “Human Rights” Act ( ) – The Justice also further claimed that the Tribunal’s clear and decisive ruling ( ) was incorrect with respect to mediation. Since the ruling, Richard Warman has taken to one of the websites he posts on to claim he was ‘extremely pleased’ with the courts finding that “repeated efforts were made by the Commission and Richard Warman to engage Marc Lemire in mediation or negotiation but these were always refused by Lemire because he would not accept a cease and desist order as part of any settlement. (para 60)” Senior adjudicator Athanasios Hadjis of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal looked at the mediation quite extensively in the Lemire case, and found that ( ): “Mr. Lemire repeatedly asked formally through his legal counsel for an opportunity to mediate or conciliate a settlement to the complaint, to no avail…” [para 284] and further that “As I have pointed out several times in this decision, Mr. Lemire had not only “amended” his conduct by removing the impugned material, but sought conciliation and mediation as soon as he learned of the complaint against him. The process understood by the Supreme Court was not what Mr. Lemire experienced.” [para 289] The Federal Court said that: “In this instance, the Member accepted Mr. Lemire’s contention that the complainant and the Commission declined to mediate or conciliate a settlement to the complaint. This is not borne out by the record of the Tribunal proceedings. Repeated efforts were made to engage Mr. Lemire in mediating or negotiating a settlement of the complaint. However, they were conditional on Lemire’s acceptance of a cease and desist order, which he refused to accept.” [para 60] But who is correct, the Federal Court who reviewed the matter [in a ONE DAY hearing], or the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal who reviewed the Lemire case for close to four years, across close to 30 days of evidence and hearings? Here is just one of the many documents I have on the mediation issue. I have plenty more, but these documents really underline how the entire process worked against me. It was a punitive process which in itself was the real punishment ( ) of the entire hearing. On September 20, 2005, when the Marc Lemire case was referred to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for a hearing, one of the very first letters the Tribunal sent was to request mediation of the case. The Tribunal stated: “Before planning the actual inquiry, the Tribunal is offering mediation, on consent of all parties, in an attempt to achieve a settle of this matter. If the parties are of the view that mediation would be of assistance, the Tribunal Chairperson will designate a member of the Canadian human Rights Tribunal to meet with the parties to help in negotiations to resolve the complaints. As Counsel for the respondent [Marc Lemire] in these proceedings, our Mediation Procedures are enclosed for your review, to assist you in making this decision.” A mere three days later, Marc Lemire’s lawyer – Barbara Kulaszka – immediately responded by saying “Mr. Lemire agrees to mediation in the above-noted complaints by Mr. Warman in English. I propose that the mediation take place in the cities of Bellville, Kingston and Toronto, listed in order of preference.” Unlike the questionable ruling by the Federal Court, or any other claims, there was NO “precondition” of anything. Marc Lemire agreed to mediation before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, immediately and unreserved. The quote above is the entire letter from Marc Lemire’s courageous lawyer, Barbara Kulaszaka. There was no precondition, or any refusal to accept a “cease and desist” order. And who turned down the mediation before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal? On September 30, 2005, Gregory Smith, Registrar of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal sent us a letter, wherein he stated: “In response to our letter dated September 20, 2005, inquiring whether the parties were interested in having the above-noted case mediation, I am now writing to confirm that mediation has been declined by the Complainant[Richard Warman]. Therefore, this case will now proceed to hearing.” Here is the entire letter, in case you think I might have left something out. Just click on each image to enlarge it: The Federal Court was totally wrong. I did not put preconditions on the mediation, and for those that wish to praise the Federal Court for this incorrect ruling, should really review the documents posted in this email, and think again about who turned down mediation from day one. Can you say … “Maximum Disruption ( )”? -Marc Lemire ------------------------------------ Can I count on you to support the cause of freedom and rid Canada of this disgusting though control legislation? My courageous lawyer Barbara Kulaszka and I have demonstrated what two dedicated freedom fighters can accomplish against overwhelming odds. We have single-handedly and doggedly fought the system and exposed the corrupt underbelly of the "Human Rights" Commission's racket. Nothing ever comes easy when you are fighting such fanatical censors. This case is a seminal one, where the outcome will have serious implications on our right to think and speak freely in this country for generations to come. All Canadians will benefit when we manage to get this shameful law expunged from our legal books. I cannot carry on this important fight alone. Your donations literally equal the survival of this case. You can contact me here: Marc Lemire 762 Upper James St Suite 384 Hamilton, Ontario L9C 3A2 Email: [email protected] Web: ( ) ( ) Twitter: @marc_lemire ( ) _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Radical Press Legal Update #3 -- Another Adjournment |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Thursday, 22 November 2012 08:02 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radical Press Legal Update #3 ( ) -- Another Adjournment Dear Reader, In my last update I erroneously informed people that my next appearance scheduled for Tuesday, November 20th, 2012 would be an actual court appearance. In fact, as it turned out, it wasn’t. Instead I went to the Judicial Case Manager’s office next to the court room and there met with a Justice of the Peace who, upon my arrival, proceeded to telephone my lawyer Doug Christie in Victoria, B.C. in order to discuss setting up some dates in the future when a Preliminary hearing would occur. In my previous appearance on November 11, 2012 Doug Christie advised Judge Morgan that it would likely take at least one week in order for him to question those who had produced the Information to obtain a search warrant which resulted in the seizure of all my computers and my firearms. The people responsible for this are Det-Cst Terry Wilson and his partner Cst Normandie Levas of the BC Hate Crime Team located in Surrey, B.C. Doug is of course contesting this document as he has already stated to the court that it is illegal under the Criminal Code for the RCMP to gain a search warrant for such purposes in the case of a Section 319(2) CC charge. As discussions began it quickly became apparent to the Justice that the file on this case which she had was not fully complete and that missing documents were preventing the Justice from being able to get a clear picture of precisely what was happening and what was expected in terms of times required. As a result the Justice was forced to adjourn the setting of dates for another week (to November 27, 2012) by which time she hoped to be able to discuss the situation with Judge Morgan and then provide direction to both Crown and Defence as to what was required in terms of documentation prior to going ahead with setting any dates for the upcoming proceedings. One point of interest though was the fact that the Justice indicated that because of the length of time required by defence to challenge the validity of the search warrant that it would not be possible for it to take place until at least July of 2013. The additional issue of Crown Council wishing to impose the original gag order on me regarding bail conditions also wasn’t addressed nor times set because of missing documentation which the Justice required. There will likely be more on this after the November 27th meeting. That’s all folks! (for now) Arthur Topham Pub/Ed ( ) ---------------------- Please consider helping me in this battle if you can by sending a financial donation my way either by PayPal ( see my PayPal button on my blog ( ) ) or else by snail mail to: Arthur Topham 4633 Barkerville Highway Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6T8 Canada The outcome of this case will have repercussions that go far beyond just my own situation with respect to our collective right to Freedom of Speech on the Internet. _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
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