Hear Paul Fromm --The Fighting Side of Me: Pastor Terry Jones & Terry Tremaine
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 16 November 2012 04:52
*Hear Paul Fromm --The Fighting Side of Me*: Pastor Terry Jones *&* Terry
Counter-Currents Radio <http://www.counter-currents.com/author/ccradio/>

/ 90 words

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*Join Paul Fromm as he discusses the travails of Pastor Terry Jones,
Canadian National Socialist Terry Tremaine, and many other topics.*

*Topics discussed*:

- Guilt-mongering and race preferences
- Politically-correct lies and misrepresentations in the obituaries for
Ontario’s black former Lt. Governor, Lincoln Alexander.
- Immigration Canada’s denial of Pastor Terry Jones’ entry into Canada
- Islam’s incompatibility with Western Civilization
- Free Speech update on Terry Tremaine and the demand that he remove his
website <http://nspcanada.nfshost.com/>

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“If we go down, it’s all over for Whites in the U.S.” Baum Tells CoCC Directors
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 15 November 2012 19:47
* *

*“If we go down, it’s all over for Whites in the U.S.” Baum Tells CoCC
*NASHVILLE, TN. November, 2012.* In the wake of the shocking re-election of
Barack Obama as President on November 6, Whites are frightened and worried
and see themselves are leaderless with no one speaking for their interests.
They see themselves under siege by rising Third World minorities and
cultural groups like the homosexual lobby, bitterly hostile to their
interests. At a tense Board of Directors here this weekend, the Council of
Conservative Citizens vowed to be the voice and champion of the
dispossessed White Majority.

The Council agreed on an urgent fundraising campaign and major
re-organization and formation of local chapters or councils, according to a
memo prepared by International Director Paul Fromm of Port Credit, Canada.

Many establishment and even conservative media pundits are urging the
Republicans to embrace Hispanics, welcome an amnesty for illegals, and
abandon opposition to a demographics changing immigration invasion that has
been under way since 1965.

CEO Gordon Lee Baum was having none of this surrender talk: “We’re the last
dog standing. If we go down, it’s all over for Whites,” the St. Louis, MO
lawyer said is a fighting CEO’s report.

“We have more opportunities now to reach people than ever before,” he said.
In light of the election results, “we can see that the economy isn’t
everything. It is all about race,” as Negroes and Hispanics and feminists
and homosexuals, overwhelmingly voted for their champion, Obama.

“Whites,” said Baum, whose organizing career goes back to 1961 in the old
Citizens’ Councils, “ are finally becoming racially aware. It’s a racial
genocide that is being planned for our people. We’re the people who created

The next four years will provide a great opportunity, Mr. Baum said. “We
have to reach out to the people who think like us.” He noted frightened
Whites are approaching the Council in large numbers. “There are more people
inquiring now from the North than from the South,” he explained.

Senior Field Co-ordinator Bill Lord of Mississippi admitted: “We took a
wupping in this election. The demographics of America has changed due to
immigration policy. White voters are still 72 per cent of the electorate.
We have to gather up the pieces and move on.”

Director Leonard Wilson of Alabama noted a political sea change in his own
lifetime. The once solid Democratic South, “is now, with the exception of
Florida, solid again, solid and Republican.”

Director John Casteel of Arkansas moved a motion that was adopted
unanimously, that U.S. companies who bring their manufacturing business
back to the United States, be given a five year tax break, and that the
U.S. invoke tariff protection to support American manufacturers against
unfair foreign competition. We need to protect American jobs, Mr. Casteel
Hear Paul Fromm on Mark Dankof's America Live
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 15 November 2012 06:26
*Hear Paul Fromm on Mark Dankof's America Live*

" Paul Fromm is a Canadian immigration and free speech activist. He has a
B.A., BEd., and M.A. in English Literature and Linguistics from the
University of Toronto and has taken post-graduate studies in Education and
literature at Waterloo University, Web" Respond to this post by replying
above this line
New post on *The Ugly Truth*
<http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/author/crescentandcross/> Mark Dankof’s
America Nov 14,
Paul Fromm is a Canadian immigration and free speech activist. He has a
B.A., BEd., and M.A. in English Literature and Linguistics from the
University of Toronto and has taken post-graduate studies in Education and
literature at Waterloo University, Webster College in Missouri, and the
University of San Francisco. He is a director of the Council of
Conservative Citizens. He is in demand as a speaker in Canada, Australia,
and the United States on immigration reform and the battle for free speech
on the Internet. He is the founder of the Citizens for Foreign Aid
Reform<http://www.populist.org/> (C-FAR),
the Canadian Association for Free
Expression<http://www.canadianfreespeech.com/> (CAFE),
and the Canada First Immigration Reform
Committee<http://www.canadafirst.net/> (CFIRC).

Mark Dankof's news analysis mentioned the Israeli angle to the Petraeus
scandal, with reference to the *Alison
* expose of Israeli asset Jane Harman and the latter's possible elevation
to the CIA job.

Mr. Fromm discussed:

* the Zionist-inspired rush for war with Iran

* the catastrophe of North America's changing demographics

* Canada's thought crimes victims
mark-dankofs-america.mp3 Download
* | November 14, 2012 at 10:48 pm | Categories: Mark Dankof's America
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listen live can do so by clicking here-- Those wishing to participate can
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