Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 04 February 2010 04:41
*Even the Globe and Mail Admits Aid to Haiti Has Failed*
*Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results?*
*Foreign aid to Haiti has been an utter failure. In 1965, Haiti had a
population of 4.5 million people, most desperately poor. It was the
basketcase of the Americas. Now, 45 years later, Haiti's degraded
environment groans under 9.1 million people, most desperately poor. The West
had poured billions of dollars of foreign aid into this disaster. Canada,
even before committing tens of millions to disaster relief, was four fifths
of the way through a $555-million aid handout (2006-2011). Yet, before the
earthquake Haiti with its 67 average IQ and history of demonic voodoo,
anti-White violence and lawlessness was a disaster. Its government was
*The Globe and Mail (January 26, 2010) noted: "Haiti was the poorest country
in the Western Hemisphere even before the most recent disaster. Years of
assistance from partner nations, including Canada, failed to significantly
ameliorate the situation or raise the people from their despair." "Partner
nations" is foreign aid jargon for suckers whose aid dollas enable Haitians
to go on wildly overpopulating their island and destroying their
*Now, the aid lobby is chattering about huge outlays over the next decade to
"rebuild" Haiti to pre-earthquake disaster situation; that is, to the
incompetent, corrupt mess it was before the recent earthquake. "Leonel
Fernandez, President of the Dominican Republic, has estimated it will take
$10-billion (U.S.) over five years to put his neighbour back on its
feet." (Globe
and Mail, January 21, 2010)*
*Ten billion more, no way!*
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 04 February 2010 03:40
*Blacks Massacred White Farmer/Settlers 200 Years Ago & Haiti Has Been Poor
Ever Since*
*Slaves and Slaughter
Haiti's horrible history*
David S. Landes
Slaves and Slaughter
March 10, 1986
*The New Republic
... Meanwhile there is Haiti--a crowded piece of badly deforested and eroded
land with the lowest income per head in the Western hemisphere. We hear talk
of a new era: the institution of popular government; a resumption of foreign
investment; a restoration of infrastructure; employment-creating
enterprises--onward and upward. The program and goals are standard and
unexceptionable. Getting there is the problem. After all, this is not
Haiti's first chance. By 20th-century measures, it is an old country. Like
the United States, Haiti won its freedom by driving out a European power in
what Robert Palmer has called the age of democratic revolution. Haiti was
known then as Saint-Domingue and was France's richest colonial possession.
Its wealth came from sugar and coffee, above all from sugar, cultivated on
large and middling plantations by slave labor. These blacks made up more
than 90 percent of the population. Saint-Domingue was in effect a piece of
Africa transported to the New World.
The rest of the population was about evenly divided between mulatto freemen
(the "yellows") and the whites. Color was class. The yellows constituted an
intermediate group between whites and blacks, serving as overseers, agents,
shop clerks, craftsmen. The whites were planters, soldiers, merchants,
technicians, doctors, clergy. Some of these had brought families from
Europe. But Haiti was not a healthful place, and the wiser whites left wives
and children at home in France. That was another reason for the creation of
a Creole population.
The official religion--officially the only religion--was Roman Catholicism.
But this moved only the whites, their households, and to a lesser extent the
yellows. The blacks in the huts and fields, though touched by the white
man's faith, retained a mix of African beliefs and practices that we still
know as voodoo, with a strong component of sorcery. Whites and yellows spoke
French. Blacks spoke a Creole mix of French and various west African
tongues. Two worlds cohabited, both of them brutalized and terrorized by a
relationship of power and exploitation. The great mass of sullen, smoldering
slaves had to be kept in line by whip and fire. Their white masters, quick
to punish, had nightmares of slave revolt. The hills were filled with
marrons, rogue slaves gone over to plunder. The sugar estates and refineries
were plagued by sabotage.It was not the blacks, though, who were the most
immediate enemies of the slave order. It was the yellows, nominally free but
deprived of civic rights. They read the new literature of freedom put out by
enlightened French opinion (the Society des Amis des Noirs was founded in
1788), and the outbreak of revolution in the mother country led them to
demand immediate rather than gradual reform. In 1791 Paris granted them
citizenship. The whites on the island, infuriated, sought to block
enforcement. The yellows agitated, conspired, fomented resistance. And then
in 1792 the blacks rose in revolt.

It took more than a decade to end the conflict. An initial period of anarchy
and warlordism drove the French from the countryside into the cities, where
they could shelter under the protection of military garrisons and naval
guns. When they sought help from the home country, they found that the new
revolutionary government was too busy fighting a coalition of European
enemies to divert resources to the colony. Instead it sent out commissars,
who in 1793 proclaimed freedom for the slaves. This no more ended the
struggle than Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation would end the Civil

Toussaint's successor, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, was filled with an immense,
unappeasable bitterness. He drove out the rest of the French forces, and on
January 1, 1804, proclaimed independence in terms that evoked the crimes of
the past and promised more blood to come: "Citizens, look about you for your
wives, husbands, brothers, sisters. Look for your children, your nursing
babies. Where have they gone?" And then Dessalines personally led a massacre
of every remaining French man, woman, and child in the country, excepting
only a handful of doctors and clergy.
Haiti has cherished the memory of Toussaint, pupil of the Enlightenment,
believer (and victim) of the hopes and illusions of a revolutionary era. But
it also has remembered and honored Dessalines, savage in his hates, a man
who turned his country in upon itself, the better to confront a hostile
world. It is a mixed and bloody heritage, with the disappointed hopes of the
one reinforcing and justifying the angry withdrawal of the other.
The effect of these barbarities is still being felt. The legacy of fire and
blood was a population reduced almost by half and an economy in ruins.
Fields and cities were laid waste; the sugar mills were a rusting mass of
scrap iron and ashes. The houses were gone, the huts were empty. Nor were
reconstruction and resumption possible, because the freed slaves wanted
nothing to do with employment. No one wanted to work for another, because
that was what slavery was all about. Instead, each wanted his own plot, to
grow food for consumption and perhaps coffee for market.
But Dessalines needed sugar, because sugar was money and money was needed to
pay for those forts and inland towns (away from the vulnerable coast) and a
standing army consisting of up to ten percent of the population. So, in what
was surely one of the most ironic betrayals in history, within two weeks of
exhorting the Haitian people "to accept death in preference to the yoke,"
Dessalines proposed to open his ports to slave ships that would bring adult
males for purchase by the Haitian government. And he offered a price for
every Haitian refugee returned to the island. Neither measure helped, so
Dessalines conducted a raid on the Spanish-speaking eastern part of the
island. It was a raid to kill whites and capture blacks. It brought back
some thousands of conscripts. Like the peasants assigned to forced labor in
the fields, they were not called slaves, because slavery was forbidden by
law. Whips were also prohibited, but adequate substitutes were found in
vines (often with thorns) and sticks. The cocomacac, a heavy cane, could be
very persuasive when it did not kill. Laborers, Dessalines pointed out,
could be controlled "only by fear of punishment and even death," The
Haitians had to kill Dessalines to get rid of him.
In the meantime, neither force nor fear could overcome a population schooled
in resistance. Many of the plantations were now owned by mulattoes, who
found themselves targeted as the new enemy. Like the French before them,
they retreated into the cities, creating a color line between rural and
urban. Sugar was finished. Even coffee exports dwindled, from 77 million
pounds in 1789, at the peak of colonial prosperity, to 43 million in 1801,
32 million in 1832. As foreign earnings shrank, Haiti found it ever harder
to make up domestic food shortages by imports. In the end, the government
had to give up its hope of restoring cash crops and had to encourage
subsistence farming. As the population increased, plots grew smaller, the
earth poorer, people hungrier--a downward spiral of squalor and

It was a poor basis for a democratic polity. This was a country with an
elective presidential regime, but it quickly acquired the characteristics of
pillage politics. Poor as Haiti was, there was always some surplus to be
appropriated. The property of the ruling elite was there for the taking by
any coterie strong enough to seize the reins. So in 150 years, Haiti ran
through some 30 heads of state, almost none of whom finished his term or got
out at the end of it.
Many of them died to leave office, and their departures were followed by
bloody, racist massacres--blacks revenging themselves on yellows, the
yellows getting theirs back. In the long run, the blacks had the best of it,
if only because there were more of them and they were the standard-bearers
of unconditional negritude. The yellows were always suspected of being too
French, in language, dress, and manners
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 02 February 2010 21:29
*Lessons in Terrorism - Must read for everyone in North America*

Let's stop kidding ourselves that our Governments have terrorism "under

Juval Aviv was the Israeli Agent upon whom the movie ' Munich ' was based.
He was Golda Meir's bodyguard -- she appointed him to bring to justice the
Palestinian terrorists who took the Israeli athletes hostage during the
Munich Olympic Games.

In a lecture in New York City he shared information every North American
needs to know - but that our government has not shared with us.

He predicted the London subway bombing on the Bill O'Reilly show on Fox
News, stating publicly that it would happen within a week. O'Reilly
laughed, saying that in a week he wanted him back on the show.

But, unfortunately, within a week the terrorist attack had already

Juval Aviv gave intelligence (gathered in Israel and Middle East ) to the
Bush Administration about 9/11, a month before it occurred. His report
specifically said Muslims would use planes as bombs and target high profile
buildings and monuments.

Congress has since hired him as a security consultant.

Now for his future predictions.

He claims the next terrorist attack on the U.S. will occur within the next
few months.

Forget airplanes;he says terrorists will NEVER try to hijack a plane again
as they know people onboard will never go down quietly again. Aviv says our
airport security is a joke.

We've been reactionary rather than using strategies that are truly

For example:

1) Our airport technology is outdated. We look for metal; new explosives
are plastic.

2) He talked about how a terrorist tried to light his shoe on fire; now
everyone has to take off their shoes. A group tried to bring aboard liquid
explosives. Now we can't bring liquids on board. He says he's waiting for
some suicidal maniac to pour liquid explosive on his underwear; at which
point, security will have us all traveling naked!

Every strategy we have is reactionary and after the fact.

3) We only focus on security when people are heading to the gates. Aviv
says that if a terrorist attack targets airports in the future, they will
target busy times on the front end of the airport when/where people are
checking in.

It's easy to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy check-in
line, ask a person next to him to watch his bags for a minute while he runs
to the restroom and detonate the bags BEFORE security gets involved.

In Israel, security checks your bags BEFORE people even ENTER the airport
property. Aviv says the next terrorist attack here in America is imminent
and will involve suicide bombers in places where large groups of people
congregate. (Disneyland, Las Vegas casinos, New York , San Francisco ,
Chicago, shopping malls, subways in rush hour, train stations, as well as
rural America this time ( Wyoming , Montana , etc.).

The attack will be characterized by simultaneous detonations around the
country involving 5-8 cities and rural areas.

Aviv says terrorists won't need to use suicide bombers in larger cities,
because at places like MGM Grand in Las Vegas ,
they can valet park a car loaded with explosives and walk away.

Aviv says all of the above is well known in intelligence circles, but that
our Government does not want to 'alarm American citizens' with facts.

The world is quickly going to become a different place; issues like 'global
warming' and political correctness will
become irrelevant.

On an encouraging note, he says that Americans don't have to be concerned
about being nuked. Aviv says terrorists who want to destroy America will
not use sophisticated weapons. They like to use suicide as a front-line
approach. It's cheap, easy, effective; they have an abundance of young
militants willing to 'meet their destiny'.

He says the next level of terrorists which should concern America will not
be coming from abroad, but will be 'homegrown' - having been educated in our
schools and universities here in North America.

He says to look for 'students' who frequently travel to the Middle East .
These young terrorists are dangerous because they know our language and our
habits. However, Americans won't know much about them.

Aviv says that Americans are uneducated about the terrorist threats we will
inevitably face.

America still only has a handful of Arabic and Farsi speaking people in our
intelligence networks. Aviv says it is critical that we change that SOON.

So, what can America do to protect itself? From an intelligence
perspective, Aviv says the U.S. needs to stop relying on satellites and

We need to follow Israel,I reland, and England's hands-on examples of human
intelligence, as well as to trust 'aware' citizens to help. We need to
educate ourselves as citizens; however, our government continues to treat
its citizens 'like babies'.
Our government thinks we 'can't handle the truth'; they're concerned we'll
panic if we understand the realities of terrorism. Aviv says this is a
deadly mistake.

Aviv recently executed a security test for Congress by placing empty
briefcases in five well-traveled spots in five major cities. results? Not
one person called 911 or sought a policeman to check it out. In
Chicago,someone tried to steal the briefcase!

In comparison, Aviv says that citizens of Israel are so well 'trained'
that an unattended bag or package would be reported in seconds by citizens
who know to publicly shout, 'Unattended Bag!' The area would be quickly &
calmly cleared by the citizens themselves.

America hasn't been 'hurt enough' for government to understand the need to
educate its citizensor to understand that it's their citizens who are the
best first-line of defense against terrorism.

Aviv was concerned about the number of children in kindergarten after 9/11
who were 'lost' without parents being able to pick them up. Our schools had
no plan to care for the students until parents could get there.

He stresses having a plan agreed upon within your family to respond to in
the event of an emergency. He urges parents to demand the schools develop
plans of action.

Does your family know what to do if you can't contact one another by
phone? Where would you gather in an emergency? He says we should all have
a plan easy enough for even our youngest children to remember and follow..

Aviv says that the government has in force a plan that, in the event of
another terrorist attack, will immediately cut-off EVERYONE's ability to use
cell phones, blackberries, etc., as this is the preferred communication
source used by terrorists and is often the way their bombs are detonated...

So....How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot
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