Facebook Censors Remove Post About Canadian Political Prisoner Arthur Topham & Shut D
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 13 November 2012 01:54
*Facebook Censors Remove Post About Canadian Political Prisoner Arthur
Topham & Shut Down Poster's Account*
*Facebook is a social medium that offers free access to some 500 million
people to keep in touch with their friends, to post information about
themselves and to involve themselves in discussions and debates.*
*It was founded by Zionist Mark Zukerberg who has become a billionaire
from this operation. Facebook invokes it's loosey-goosey politically
correct policy.*
Censorship is an ugly thing. Facebook restricts people and bans and
deletes people all the time for their political or racial views, all
according to their bogus "community standards" policy which is so open
ended as to mean anything and nothing.

*It's mission statement proclaims: "*
*Facebook gives people around the world the power to publish their own
stories, see the world through the eyes of many other people, and connect
and share wherever they go. The conversation that happens on Facebook – and
the opinions expressed here – mirror the diversity of the people using

To balance the needs and interests of a global population, Facebook
protects expression that meets the community standards outlined on this

*So, free speech protected? Not a chance! *"Facebook does not permit hate
speech. While we encourage you to challenge ideas, institutions, events,
and practices, it is a serious violation to attack a person based on their
race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual
orientation, disability or medical condition."*

"Communiy Standards"! Bollocks! It's politically correct censorship. The
"standards" can mean whatever some censor wants them to mean.

In the past few weeks, dozens of White nationalists have been banned.
Almost never is a reason given. It is impossible to challenge or debate the
banning. One person of my acquaintance has been banned 57 times this year.
Creating new accounts involves an ongoing battle with the thought police.

I've been banned four times thus far this year. Last night, I posted a copy
of a report written by Canadian political prisoner and dissident Arthur
Topham. I include it here.

Shortly after I posted it, my account was disabled. They ask me to identify
pictures of some of my friends. One picture is of the Hindenburg over New
York City. Another is a long shot of students holding some sort of placards
on some school stage. Now, which of my friends might that be: Sue, John,
Kevin, Sam, Alice?

When one of my contacts tried to click on my page, this is what she was
told. "*." This message was deleted automatically because it contained
content that has been flagged as abusive or marked as spam."*

Clearly, the message has nothing to do with "spam" or "hate". Facebook is
up to its billionaire nerdy eyeballs in censorship.

Paul Fromm

*Thought Criminal Arthur Topham: The Story Thus Far*

> *"There’s no such thing as 'Hate Speech.' *
> *You either have FREE speech or you don’t - it’s that simple."*
> *~Anonymous (as posted on ZionCrimeFactory.com<http://zioncrimefactory.com/>)
> *
> Dear Radical Readers & Free Speech Supporters,
> The plan is to provide readers with legal updates on my court case
> involving B'nai Brith Canada and Richard Warman and Harry Abrams versus
> Arthur Topham Owner, Publisher and Editor of RadicalPress.com<http://radicalpress.com/>
> .
> A brief recap of the issue will be given here for those unaware of the
> case but will not be republished with subsequent updates.
> On May 16, 2012 I was arrested while on my way to work by Det-Cst Terry
> Wilson and members of his BC HATE CRIME TEAM as well as some local RCMP
> officers who assisted in the attack. I was read out a charge Sec. 319(2) of
> the Criminal Code of Canada which states, "Willful promotion of hatred" and
> then handcuffed and taken to the Quesnel City RCMP jail where I was
> incarcerated for twelve hours.
> During my incarceration Det-Cst Terry Wilson obtained an illegal search
> warrant and then proceeded to enter my home and remove all of my computers
> and electronic files plus four of my firearms, two of which were kept
> upstairs unloaded and two of which were kept loaded downstairs. One was a
> 30-30 Winchester and the other was a Marlin 22. calibre rifle. The two
> loaded rifles have been kept loaded and in my place of residence for the
> past 35 years without incident and are there to protect both my family and
> myself from predators of all types. I live approximately thirty kilometres
> (20 miles) out of Quesnel in an isolated area where there is no police
> station and no possibility of assistance in the case of emergency.
> Prior to being put in jail Det-Cst Wilson asked me if I had any firearms
> in my home and I told him exactly what I stated above.
> While in jail I was able to contact my lawyer Douglas Christie who lives
> in Victoria, B.C. and he was instrumental in assisting me until such time
> that I was released at approximately 11:00 p.m. on the same day.
> Before being released I was given a number of documents which I was asked
> to sign but didn't on advise of my lawyer.
> The first document was called a PROMISE TO APPEAR and included a second
> document called an Undertaking Given to a Peace Officer or Officer in
> Charge.
> The PROMISE TO APPEAR document stated the date of the alleged offence, the
> place, a Description of the Offence and the Section of the Criminal Code
> Act where it was to be found.
> The Offence Date was given as: April 28, 2011 to May 14, 2012.
> The Place was: Quesnel, B.C.
> The Offence is described as "Willful Promotion of Hatred"
> The Section of the Act: CC 319(2)
> I was ordered to appear in Quesnel Provincial Court on the 9th of October
> at 9:00 pm.
> The second document called an Undertaking Given to a Peace Officer
> (basically the bail conditions for my release) stated:
> 1. That I would appear at the time and place stated in the first document.
> 2. That I abstain from possessing a firearm and surrender any to Det-Cst
> Terry Wilson.
> 3.That I would abstain from communicating directly or indirectly with *Richard
> Warman* and *Harry Abrams*.
> 4. That I *Can not access the internet or be in possession of a device
> that would be capable of accessing the internet except in the course of
> lawful employment.*
> The third document was a copy of the illegal Search Warrant which Det-Cst
> Terry Wilson used to steal my computers from my home.
> This document was submitted by Det-Cst Terry Wilson's second in command,
> Cst. Normandie Levas, who provided a Justice of the Peace down on the lower
> mainland of B.C. with all the purported "proof" that I had committed said
> offence of "Wilful Promotion of Hatred contrary to Section 319(2) of the
> Criminal Code".
> The Search Warrant stated that there were "reasonable grounds" to believe
> that the following items will afford evidence of the Offences:
> 1. Computer, laptop, Smartphone or device that accesses the internet and
> is capable of uploading and downloading information, and all their
> peripheral equipment, computer discs, drives or storage devices which could
> be used to store information; and
> 2. Billing records, receipts and correspondence with ABC Communications
> and Netfirms, and any correspondence in the form of mail or physical
> documents directly related to Radical Press.
> The Search Warrant authorized the thought police to enter my home from
> 1700 hrs (5 pm) until 2100 hours (11 pm) on May 16, 2012 and was finally
> approved at 1655 hours (4:55 pm) by F.D. Hodge a Judicial Justice from
> Burnaby, B.C. I had been placed in jail for close to 6 hours while the Hate
> Crime Team waited to enter my residence and steal all of my computer
> equipment.
> Over the course of the spring and summer I worked placer mining and my
> lawyer assisted me in trying to have the original conditions of my release
> changed so that I could email friends and associates and browse the
> Internet and write and post articles on my website.
> It was not until the date of my first appearance on October 9, 2012 that
> things changed. After over five months of holding my computers and
> reapplying for extensions to detain them further Det-Cst Wilson still
> hadn't been able to discover whatever additional "evidence" was required in
> order for the provincial Attorney General's office to issue a formal
> Information or what is better know as an Indictment. When the Appearance
> date arrived there was still no "Information" as the legal beagles word it,
> so on that day the Order to not go on the Internet and post articles, etc.
> ended and I was then free to write and post to my website RadicalPress.com<http://radicalpress.com/>.
> The unfortunate thing was that neither the Crown Council nor my lawyer
> informed me of this fact and so it wasn't until November 1, 2012 that I
> finally realized I was free to use the Internet once again. Since that date
> I have been attempting to put out as much information regarding my case as
> possible because I knew that the Crown was still pressing to have charges
> laid and that when a formal charge did occur that the Crown would once
> again try to impose the same (or worse) conditions on my Charter Rights to
> access and use the Internet.
> After receiving word of the Indictment I once again appeared in Quesnel
> court on Thursday, November 8, 2012 in order to hear Crown Council Jennifer
> Johnston notify Judge Morgan that an Indictment had indeed been issued on
> November 5, 2012. My lawyer Doug Christie was in Winnipeg, Manitoba at the
> time and appeared via telephone to address any concerns. It was just as
> well as it became clearly evident that CC Johnston was aggressively
> pursuing the same agenda as before in that she wanted these same extreme
> conditions imposed upon my new bail conditions that were to be issued that
> same day by Judge Morgan.
> CC Johnston was fully aware that my lawyer Doug Christie was opposed to
> this as he had already submitted applications prior to that date attempting
> to have the terms of my initial release lessened. The Judge ended up
> deciding to issue a new Undertaking because of the Indictment but one that
> would only include the first 3 conditions of the first Undertaking and *
> not* the one dealing with my former restricted right to access the
> Internet, post to my website or other websites or write emails to whomever
> I chose (apart from the two complainants). He gave Crown Council until
> November 13, 2012 (Tuesday) to furnish my lawyer with the Disclosure
> documents or the Particulars explaining the actual postings on my website
> that the Crown was alleging violated sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code and
> that at 1:30 pm on the 13th we would meet again in court before Judge
> Morgan to argue against the Crown's outrageous attempt to silence me while
> this court case is being staged.
> That was the last legal event to date but what followed in the mainstream
> media regarding my case is of utmost importance with respect to both my
> pending trial and the critical necessity of retaining my right to use my
> website to both defend myself and to present MY side of the story as to
> what is and will be transpiring over the course of my court trial, one that
> will be held before a Judge and a Jury. It's evident from what took place
> on the SunTVNew Network's, The Source<http://canadianhumanrightscommission.blogspot.ca/2012/11/muslim-hate-speech-and-authur-topham.html>with host Zionist Jew Ezra Levant, that the mainstream media is not about
> to give this case any fair, unbiased coverage.
> While on the surface of the six and a half minute interview with my lawyer
> Doug Christie Ezra Levant was spouting off platitudes about freedom of
> speech in rapid succession at the same time he was spreading across the
> television network and the nation as well as globally a number of lies
> concerning my character and my motives and my writings and website.
> Allow me to quote some of the epithets and defamatory remarks Ezra Levant
> used to describe my person on his tv show:
> *"I call him an anti-Semite"*
> *"I call Arthur Topham offensive"*
> *"I don't care much for Arthur Topham. He's anti-Zionist. I think that's
> code for anti-Semitic"*
> *"We're showing you some screen shots from his website. I disagree with
> them. I find them gross. I find some of his comments repulsive."*
> *"I'm sure that Arthur Topham is motivated by a form of malice."*
> *"I see hate everywhere in Canada, especially in B.C." [where Arthur
> Topham just happens to reside. Ed.]*
> *"He's a nobody"*
> *"I think he's an idiot. An anti-Semitic idiot"*
> *"…right wing wackos like Topham"*
> If this is the sort of coverage that I can expect from the mainstream
> media when it comes to unbiased reporting is it that strange that I would
> not want to be prohibited from publishing my side of events when it comes
> to my defence?
> Let us see what happens on November 13, 2012 and whether or not our
> justice system will treat an innocent man fairly or else side with the
> traitors who now are in control of this nation's media and money.
> For Truth, Justice and Freedom of the Internet
> I remain,
> Sincerely
> Arthur Topham
> Pub/Ed
> *RadicalPress.com <http://radicalpress.com/>
> "Digging to the root of the issues since 1998"*
Thought Criminal Arthur Topham: The Story Thus Far
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 12 November 2012 07:18
*Thought Criminal Arthur Topham: The Story Thus Far*

> *"There’s no such thing as 'Hate Speech.' *
> *You either have FREE speech or you don’t - it’s that simple."*
> *~Anonymous (as posted on ZionCrimeFactory.com<http://zioncrimefactory.com/>)
> *
> Dear Radical Readers & Free Speech Supporters,
> The plan is to provide readers with legal updates on my court case
> involving B'nai Brith Canada and Richard Warman and Harry Abrams versus
> Arthur Topham Owner, Publisher and Editor of RadicalPress.com<http://radicalpress.com/>
> .
> A brief recap of the issue will be given here for those unaware of the
> case but will not be republished with subsequent updates.
> On May 16, 2012 I was arrested while on my way to work by Det-Cst Terry
> Wilson and members of his BC HATE CRIME TEAM as well as some local RCMP
> officers who assisted in the attack. I was read out a charge Sec. 319(2) of
> the Criminal Code of Canada which states, "Willful promotion of hatred" and
> then handcuffed and taken to the Quesnel City RCMP jail where I was
> incarcerated for twelve hours.
> During my incarceration Det-Cst Terry Wilson obtained an illegal search
> warrant and then proceeded to enter my home and remove all of my computers
> and electronic files plus four of my firearms, two of which were kept
> upstairs unloaded and two of which were kept loaded downstairs. One was a
> 30-30 Winchester and the other was a Marlin 22. calibre rifle. The two
> loaded rifles have been kept loaded and in my place of residence for the
> past 35 years without incident and are there to protect both my family and
> myself from predators of all types. I live approximately thirty kilometres
> (20 miles) out of Quesnel in an isolated area where there is no police
> station and no possibility of assistance in the case of emergency.
> Prior to being put in jail Det-Cst Wilson asked me if I had any firearms
> in my home and I told him exactly what I stated above.
> While in jail I was able to contact my lawyer Douglas Christie who lives
> in Victoria, B.C. and he was instrumental in assisting me until such time
> that I was released at approximately 11:00 p.m. on the same day.
> Before being released I was given a number of documents which I was asked
> to sign but didn't on advise of my lawyer.
> The first document was called a PROMISE TO APPEAR and included a second
> document called an Undertaking Given to a Peace Officer or Officer in
> Charge.
> The PROMISE TO APPEAR document stated the date of the alleged offence, the
> place, a Description of the Offence and the Section of the Criminal Code
> Act where it was to be found.
> The Offence Date was given as: April 28, 2011 to May 14, 2012.
> The Place was: Quesnel, B.C.
> The Offence is described as "Willful Promotion of Hatred"
> The Section of the Act: CC 319(2)
> I was ordered to appear in Quesnel Provincial Court on the 9th of October
> at 9:00 pm.
> The second document called an Undertaking Given to a Peace Officer
> (basically the bail conditions for my release) stated:
> 1. That I would appear at the time and place stated in the first document.
> 2. That I abstain from possessing a firearm and surrender any to Det-Cst
> Terry Wilson.
> 3.That I would abstain from communicating directly or indirectly with *Richard
> Warman* and *Harry Abrams*.
> 4. That I *Can not access the internet or be in possession of a device
> that would be capable of accessing the internet except in the course of
> lawful employment.*
> The third document was a copy of the illegal Search Warrant which Det-Cst
> Terry Wilson used to steal my computers from my home.
> This document was submitted by Det-Cst Terry Wilson's second in command,
> Cst. Normandie Levas, who provided a Justice of the Peace down on the lower
> mainland of B.C. with all the purported "proof" that I had committed said
> offence of "Wilful Promotion of Hatred contrary to Section 319(2) of the
> Criminal Code".
> The Search Warrant stated that there were "reasonable grounds" to believe
> that the following items will afford evidence of the Offences:
> 1. Computer, laptop, Smartphone or device that accesses the internet and
> is capable of uploading and downloading information, and all their
> peripheral equipment, computer discs, drives or storage devices which could
> be used to store information; and
> 2. Billing records, receipts and correspondence with ABC Communications
> and Netfirms, and any correspondence in the form of mail or physical
> documents directly related to Radical Press.
> The Search Warrant authorized the thought police to enter my home from
> 1700 hrs (5 pm) until 2100 hours (11 pm) on May 16, 2012 and was finally
> approved at 1655 hours (4:55 pm) by F.D. Hodge a Judicial Justice from
> Burnaby, B.C. I had been placed in jail for close to 6 hours while the Hate
> Crime Team waited to enter my residence and steal all of my computer
> equipment.
> Over the course of the spring and summer I worked placer mining and my
> lawyer assisted me in trying to have the original conditions of my release
> changed so that I could email friends and associates and browse the
> Internet and write and post articles on my website.
> It was not until the date of my first appearance on October 9, 2012 that
> things changed. After over five months of holding my computers and
> reapplying for extensions to detain them further Det-Cst Wilson still
> hadn't been able to discover whatever additional "evidence" was required in
> order for the provincial Attorney General's office to issue a formal
> Information or what is better know as an Indictment. When the Appearance
> date arrived there was still no "Information" as the legal beagles word it,
> so on that day the Order to not go on the Internet and post articles, etc.
> ended and I was then free to write and post to my website RadicalPress.com<http://radicalpress.com/>.
> The unfortunate thing was that neither the Crown Council nor my lawyer
> informed me of this fact and so it wasn't until November 1, 2012 that I
> finally realized I was free to use the Internet once again. Since that date
> I have been attempting to put out as much information regarding my case as
> possible because I knew that the Crown was still pressing to have charges
> laid and that when a formal charge did occur that the Crown would once
> again try to impose the same (or worse) conditions on my Charter Rights to
> access and use the Internet.
> After receiving word of the Indictment I once again appeared in Quesnel
> court on Thursday, November 8, 2012 in order to hear Crown Council Jennifer
> Johnston notify Judge Morgan that an Indictment had indeed been issued on
> November 5, 2012. My lawyer Doug Christie was in Winnipeg, Manitoba at the
> time and appeared via telephone to address any concerns. It was just as
> well as it became clearly evident that CC Johnston was aggressively
> pursuing the same agenda as before in that she wanted these same extreme
> conditions imposed upon my new bail conditions that were to be issued that
> same day by Judge Morgan.
> CC Johnston was fully aware that my lawyer Doug Christie was opposed to
> this as he had already submitted applications prior to that date attempting
> to have the terms of my initial release lessened. The Judge ended up
> deciding to issue a new Undertaking because of the Indictment but one that
> would only include the first 3 conditions of the first Undertaking and *
> not* the one dealing with my former restricted right to access the
> Internet, post to my website or other websites or write emails to whomever
> I chose (apart from the two complainants). He gave Crown Council until
> November 13, 2012 (Tuesday) to furnish my lawyer with the Disclosure
> documents or the Particulars explaining the actual postings on my website
> that the Crown was alleging violated sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code and
> that at 1:30 pm on the 13th we would meet again in court before Judge
> Morgan to argue against the Crown's outrageous attempt to silence me while
> this court case is being staged.
> That was the last legal event to date but what followed in the mainstream
> media regarding my case is of utmost importance with respect to both my
> pending trial and the critical necessity of retaining my right to use my
> website to both defend myself and to present MY side of the story as to
> what is and will be transpiring over the course of my court trial, one that
> will be held before a Judge and a Jury. It's evident from what took place
> on the SunTVNew Network's, The Source<http://canadianhumanrightscommission.blogspot.ca/2012/11/muslim-hate-speech-and-authur-topham.html>with host Zionist Jew Ezra Levant, that the mainstream media is not about
> to give this case any fair, unbiased coverage.
> While on the surface of the six and a half minute interview with my lawyer
> Doug Christie Ezra Levant was spouting off platitudes about freedom of
> speech in rapid succession at the same time he was spreading across the
> television network and the nation as well as globally a number of lies
> concerning my character and my motives and my writings and website.
> Allow me to quote some of the epithets and defamatory remarks Ezra Levant
> used to describe my person on his tv show:
> *"I call him an anti-Semite"*
> *"I call Arthur Topham offensive"*
> *"I don't care much for Arthur Topham. He's anti-Zionist. I think that's
> code for anti-Semitic"*
> *"We're showing you some screen shots from his website. I disagree with
> them. I find them gross. I find some of his comments repulsive."*
> *"I'm sure that Arthur Topham is motivated by a form of malice."*
> *"I see hate everywhere in Canada, especially in B.C." [where Arthur
> Topham just happens to reside. Ed.]*
> *"He's a nobody"*
> *"I think he's an idiot. An anti-Semitic idiot"*
> *"…right wing wackos like Topham"*
> If this is the sort of coverage that I can expect from the mainstream
> media when it comes to unbiased reporting is it that strange that I would
> not want to be prohibited from publishing my side of events when it comes
> to my defence?
> Let us see what happens on November 13, 2012 and whether or not our
> justice system will treat an innocent man fairly or else side with the
> traitors who now are in control of this nation's media and money.
> For Truth, Justice and Freedom of the Internet
> I remain,
> Sincerely
> Arthur Topham
> Pub/Ed
> *RadicalPress.com <http://radicalpress.com/>
> "Digging to the root of the issues since 1998"*
Former RCAF Warrior & Diplomat Ian Macdonald Rebuts Bernie Farber's Remembrance Day P
Written by Paul Fromm
Saturday, 10 November 2012 23:34
Former RCAF Warrior & Diplomat Ian Macdonald Rebuts Bernie Farber's
Remembrance Day Piece in the *National Post*

> *HP - Bernie Farber was to be the CBC's principal witness in the recent
> trial where I sued the Corporation for allowing Warren Kinsella to state on
> a National TV programme that I was one of the main sources of finance for
> terrorism in Canada. Bernie wisely pulled out at the last moment and was
> replaced by another employee of the Canadian Jewish Congress, a former CSIS
> agent and professional liar by the name of Grant Bristow. He accused me of
> being involved in a plot to commit genocide on Americans by using bats and
> fruit flies among other ludicrous testimony. The judge however found that
> the offending broadcast was not defamatory in even the slightest degree, in
> a "Reasons for judgement" that would have been no different had it been
> written by the Canadian Jewish Congress itself. I appealed the verdict to
> the Ontario Court of Appeal (Rosenberg) who dismissed it, then applied to
> the Supreme Court (Fish and Abella) who refused to hear it. I then turned
> to the Canadian Judicial Council since the Jewish Judges faced a conflict
> of interest and should have stepped down rather than sit in judgement of an
> alleged "anti-Semite" as required by the Rules of Judicial Conduct", but
> failed to do so. They say that "Only God can save him who is judged by his
> accusers", but I decided not to impose upon Him for such a mundane purpose,
> and the Judicial Council decided not to go where angels fear to tread by
> challenging Jewish authority. The trial judge added insult to injury by
> ordering me to pay the CBC's legal costs of over 200K, prompting an attempt
> by the high-priced lawyers to seize my house, which I was able to thwart
> only at the last moment by putting myself even farther in debt. No wonder
> Canada is rated below Nigeria in terms of judicial integrity. IV *
> **
> ------------------------------
> *Dear Paul - I trust you will see fit to publish this latest rebuttal to
> Bernie's propaganda. There were plenty of heroes in WWII, most died at the
> scene. As I point out, not many were Jews. A very high number were Scots
> who, tragically, died in a war from which Stalin and the Zionists were the
> sole beneficiaries and which sealed the fate of Western Civilization. Ian
> *
> **
> **
> *November 9, 2012
> *
> **
> *Editor*
> *Toronto
> *
> **
> *Dear Sir
> *
> **
> *Jews in combat in WWII
> *
> **
> *Bernie Farber tells an inspiring tale about the exploits of F/L Louis
> Roseburgh DFC, in WWII (NP 9.11.12) but misleads the reader by implying
> that Canadian Jews played a disproportionate role in the fighting.
> *
> **
> *A notable exception was infantry Capt. Leo Jack Heaps M.C., a true hero
> who was wounded in combat (as distinct from taking part in the wholesale
> slaughter of German women and children in which Roseburgh was engaged). Far
> from being honoured by the Jewish community, however, Capt. Heaps was
> viciously discredited and ostracized when late in his literary career he
> again showed his courage by writing an account of the treacherous, but
> immensely lucrative, wartime collaboration of the "highly respected"
> Reichmann family with the Nazis.
> *
> **
> *Whether Roseburgh's feat was an act of valour or simply a desperate
> instinctive struggle for survival, he certainly was no more courageous than
> any other Canadian who volunteered for RCAF Aircrew and faced the high
> probability of incineration in the sky over Germany or a long term as a POW
> - much higher risks than in any other branch of the Services.
> *
> **
> *Other claims in the article must be seen as specious, at best. The
> Junkers 88 Stuka was a ground-support dive bomber, not a fighter plane and
> therefore can not be credited with "bringing down large numbers of British
> flyers" who faced instead high performance **German night-fighters fitted
> for the task. The bombs used for destruction of the Ruhr dams were
> specially designed to skip on the surface of the water, not "12,000 lb
> blockbusters". Also, the account of what happened to Roseburgh's bomber and
> crew appears to be highly self-serving, containing obvious anomalies and
> embellishments.
> *
> **
> *More importantly, Bernie cites no authority for his statement that 16883
> Canadian Jews enlisted...and "close to 700 were killed in action". The
> correct number of casualties, verified by the Canadian Jewish Congress, is
> 420, including killed, died and presumed dead. The number of Jews wounded
> is 335. POWs numbered 85.
> *
> **
> *Bernie has struggled for many years to create the image of the "Fightin'
> Jew" but in fact the few Jews in actual combat in WWII were not noted for
> their heroism, earning only 70 "Mentioned in Despatches" (the most common
> award for valour) of a total of 9666 awarded - a stunningly small number
> considering that the war was instigated to a very large extent by Jews to
> avenge the restrictions imposed on their co-religionists in Germany - and
> to enable seizure of a "Homeland" in Palestine.
> *
> **
> *As ever,
> *
> **
> *Ian V. Macdonald (ex-RCAF, RNFAA)*
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