Anti-Zionist Publisher Arthur Topham Still Gagged After Five Months, Still No Charges |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Sunday, 21 October 2012 16:09 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti-Zionist Publisher Arthur Topham Still Gagged After Five Months, Still No Charges Laid We do things a little differently in Canada. We don't shoot dissidents in the streets or send them off to torture chambers. Still our political establishment, the police who serve (not you, silly, but) their political masters and protect (not you, silly, but) their pension plans, and the Zionist lobbyists who have pressed for and defended our anti-free speech laws find ways to throttle dissidents just the same. Last week Canada Border Service Agency stopped Rev. Terry Jones who was on his way to Toronto to participate in a debate on Islam. Yes, he'd threatened to burn the Koran in protest against Islamic terrorism several years ago. CBSA resorted to goonery and legal knit-picking to send him packing. They tore his car apart for four hours -- perhaps, the Reverend Sir had hidden a Bible. They invaded his laptop and cellphone. They then alleged he'd committed fraud fraud in Germany claiming to be a PH.D. The charge was later cleared when he explained to the German authorities that his doctorate was honourary. In a country where politicians routinely lie -- remember the B.C. Liberals promising no HST before the last election, then promptly doing a deal with the feds and bringing the HST in -- this slight confusion seems remarkably petty. But, whatever, It served their purposes and Rev. Jones was kept out of the country, Arthur Topham is a freethinker who for years published The Radical Press as a newspaper and, for the past few years, as a website. One of his key concerns has been Zionism. B'nai Brith activist Harry Abrams of Victoria brought a complaint under Sec. 13 (Internet censorship) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. However, with Marc Lemire's stunning Victoria in September 2, 2009, get Sec. 13 declared effectively unconstitutional, the charges have been adjourned. Still, Abrams and, apparently, arch complainer Richard Warman filed a complaint under Sec. 319 of Canada's Criminal Code., the notorious "hate law." In May, Arthur Topham's home was raided, he was jailed, and his computer taken. He was forced to sign an undertaking -- although no charges had been laid -- not to write his views on the Internet, not to communicate directly or indirectly with Harry Abrams or Richard Warman, and to surrender his hunting rifles, even though he lives in and pursues placer mining in an area with a large bear population. Mr. Topham reports that he has succeeded in getting his conditions modified a little. He needs your help. Here is a recent message slightly edited from Mr. Topham. Paul Fromm Director CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION Arthur Topham, Publisher, ( ) October 17, 2012 Now that the censors have lost their opportunity to jail Terry Tremaine for "hate crimes" it's likely that they'll be trying to nail me to the cross for this same phony, anti-democratic charge. -------- I was arrested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) back in May of this year. The charge that was alleged against me was what has now become the Zionist's standard fare around the world for gaining control of free speech on the Internet - committing a "hate" crime. As a result of these trumped up charges laid by two of Canada's most notorious serial complainers - Richard Warman and Harry Abrams - I was put in jail and my home later invaded by the "BC Hate Crime Team" set up to track and destroy any dissidents who criticize either the Zionist ideology or the policies of the state of Israel) and all of my computers and electronic files taken by the said "Hate Crime Team" led by Det. Cst. Terry Wilson and his second in command , Cst. Normandie Levas. BC "HATE CRIME TEAM" Cst. Normandie Levas & Cst. Terry Wilson Given that I was never formally charged by the Crown that didn't stop "Captain Hate Crime" Wilson from arbitrarily imposing extremely severe restrictions on me before releasing me from prison. I was ordered not to go on the Internet or e-mail anyone other than those few individuals who I was working with in a private business venture. Foremost was the order not to post any more articles on the web. The reason for this? Why, according to the police, to stop me from committing further offences. In other words I was already guilty of "crime" and, so, I had to be prohibited from committing more offences! But the real reason was to keep me quiet while the police were busy going through all of my private communications with friends and associates from around the world. I had thousands upon thousands of letters stored in my machine that the police were desperate to get a hold of and snoop into. So desperate in fact that they were willing to obtain an search warrant from a Judge based upon erroneous evidence in order to justify their actions. After 911 the Zionist insiders were further able to have an additional clause added Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Right Act,that draconian law, stating that it was a hate crime to post anything on the Internet that might hurt the feelings of the Zionists. It was that section of legislation, known as sec. 13, that was first used against me and my website ( ) back in the year 2007. What followed was a five year quasi-legal battle with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and its Tribunal. They wanted my website shut down in the worst way and heavy fines imposed on me and an order to prevent me from writing anything further on this criminal cartel that's destroying world harmony. Eventually, because of public outcry, the federal government of Canada on June 7th, 2012, voted to scrap this specious piece of Zionist legislation and the case against me was finally thrown out. However,with the pending repeal of Sec. 13,I was not the victim of a complaint under the Canadian Criminal Code using Section 319(2) which states, "Wilful promotion of hatred". It was this charge that landed me in jail back in May and was responsible for the theft of all of my computers and files and the state (Crown) order to not post or go on the Internet. Eventually my lawyer Doug Christie was able to have the conditions of my Undertaking altered so that now I can send e-mails to friends and associates but I am still not allowed to write articles and post them anywhere on the web. This is why I can now send you a letter explaining why I have not posted on my website or written to people for the last 6 months. Now the most outlandish and scary aspect of this ordeal is that to date, one hundred and fifty-five days after my arrest, I still have not been charged formally with this offence! Yet, the police and the state have effectively silenced me and prohibited me from publishing anything at all. Free speech: only in Canada you say? NOT BY A LONG SHOT! I'm a senior citizen (65 years old) living on a very small pension). Anyone wishing to donate to help with my legal expenses can send funds to: Arthur Topham 4633 Barkerville Hwy Quesnel, B.C. Canada V2J 6T8 "Digging to the root of the issues since 1998" To donate via PayPal please go to the following website ( ) and click on the PayPal button on the top right corner of the home page. _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Terry Tremaine Wins Another One & the CBC Can't Get Its Facts Right |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Sunday, 21 October 2012 16:08 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERRY TREMAINE WINS ANOTHER ONE & THE CBC CAN'T GET ITS FACTS RIGHT The Truth: On Tuesday October 16, 2012 a breach (of bail conitions) charge dating from August 5, 2009 was stayed by a judge in Regina. Terry Tremaine was allegedly in breach of a bail undertaking because of a posting on which supposedly was made on July 22, 2009. Under his bail conditions, Mr. Tremaine was not then to access the Internet, except to seek help in preparing his case. The night before he was to appear on a contempt of court charge in Regina, based on a complaint by Richard Warman, he posted his proposed statement of defence, seeking last minute advice from the STORMFRONT community. Because the Commission had never notified Mr. Tremaine that the Tribunal order had been registered in Federal Court and, thus, was now a Federal Court Order), they adjourned the proceedings sine die, without letting Mr. Tremaine know, the day before. Mr. Tremaine's bail conditions, however, stemmed from a "hate law" charge under section 319(2) of the Criminal Code. dating from January 23, 2008. This charge, too, has been instigated by Richard Warman. Mr. Tremaine was charged with "breech of undertaking and jailed for 22 days in August, 2009, before he could obtain bail. The breech charge was to be heard, October 16. However, on September 6, Court of Queen's Bench Judge Frederick Kovach stayed the Sec. 319 "hate" charges. Thus, the "breech" charge became irrelevant. The CBC story is a mine of bias and misinformation. It states: "A Regina judge has stayed a charge against Terry Tremaine, who was accused of continuing to post hate speech online in defiance of an order from the Canadian Human Rights Commission. In 2007, the commission ordered Tremaine to stop posting anti-Jewish material on the internet." As already explained, the Regina judge didn't clear Mr. Tremaine of defiance of a 2007 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (not Commission) order. The CBC's garbled version understates the full ruthlessness of the bail condition. Mr. Tremaine was not enjoined from posting "hate speech"; he wasn't allowed to post ANYTHING, except to seek assistance with his defence. While we wish it were true, it is not, when the CBC reports: "With a stay of proceedings, Tremaine is no longer before the courts over the allegation of disobeying the commission's order." The CBC rightly identifies Richard Warman as the complainant behind the charge of contempt of court, or, as they put it, "disobeying a tribunal order." That charged has not been stayed. Mr. Tremaine was acquitted in November 2010 of criminal contempt (against a Federal Court order) at the divisional level of Federal Court but was found guilty in September 2011 of civil contempt (against the Human Rights Tribunal's order) at the Federal Appeals Court. The Canadian Human Rights Commission and Richard Warman had appealed Federal Court Judge Sean Harrington's decision acquitting Mr. Tremaine.The Supreme Court did not grant leave to appeal. So, the matter was returned to the divisional court for sentencing. The sentencing hearing on that matter occurred in Vasncouver, October 9 and 10, and the presiding judge, Sean Harrington, has reserved judgment. Paul Fromm Director CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION Help CAFE Support The Victims of Canada's Anti-Free Speech Laws CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3 __ Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s Fall campaign for free speech across Canada. __ Please activate my subscription for 2012 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15). Please charge ______myVISA#________________________________________________________________ Expiry date: __________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________Email______________________________ TERRY TREMAINE NO LONGER FACING CHARGES OVER ALLEGED ONLINE ACTIVITY CBC News ( ) Posted: Oct 16, 2012 6:05 PM CST Last Updated: Oct 16, 2012 7:58 PM CST A Regina judge has stayed a charge against Terry Tremaine, who was accused of continuing to post hate speech online in defiance of an order from the Canadian Human Rights Commission. In 2007, the commission ordered Tremaine to stop posting anti-Jewish material on the internet. In 2009, Richard Warman — who initiated the complaint against Tremaine — said in an affidavit that Tremaine is disobeying the order ( ) and was, at that time, continuing to post material that advocates the extermination of the Jewish community and also attacks blacks and other non-whites. With a stay of proceedings, Tremaine is no longer before the courts over the allegation of disobeying the commission's order. It is the second time this fall that a charge against Tremaine has been stayed. In September a charge of promoting hatred was discontinued ( ) because the judge said the case took too long to get to trial. Tremaine is a former math instructor for the University of Saskatchewan _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Terry Tremaine Wins Another One & the CBC Can't Get Its Facts Right |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Sunday, 21 October 2012 07:03 |
Terry Tremaine Wins Another One & the CBC Can't Get Its Facts Right The Truth: On Tuesday October 16, 2012 a breach (of bail conditions) charge dating from August 5, 2009 was stayed by a judge in Regina. Terry Tremaine was allegedly in breach of a bail undertaking because of a posting on which supposedly was made on July 22, 2009. Under his bail conditions, Mr. Tremaine was not then to access the Internet, except to seek help in preparing his case. The night before he was to appear on a contempt of court charge in Regina, based on a complaint by Richard Warman, he posted his proposed statement of defence, seeking last minute advice from the STORMFRONT community. Because the Commission had never notified Mr. Tremaine that the Tribunal order had been registered in Federal Court and, thus, was now a Federal Court Order), they adjourned the proceedings *sine die*, without letting Mr. Tremaine know, the day before. Mr. Tremaine's bail conditions, however, stemmed from a "hate law" charge under section 319(2) of the Criminal Code. dating from January 23, 2008. This charge, too, has been instigated by Richard Warman. Mr. Tremaine was charged with "breach of undertaking and jailed for 22 days in August, 2009, before he could obtain bail. The breech charge was to be heard, October 16. However, on September 6, Court of Queen's Bench Judge Frederick Kovach stayed the Sec. 319 "hate" charges. Thus, the "breech" charge became irrelevant. The CBC story is a mine of bias and misinformation. It states: "A Regina judge has stayed a charge against Terry Tremaine, who was accused of continuing to post hate speech online in defiance of an order from the Canadian Human Rights Commission. In 2007, the commission ordered Tremaine to stop posting anti-Jewish material on the Internet." As already explained, the Regina judge didn't clear Mr. Tremaine of defiance of a 2007 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (not Commission) order. The CBC's garbled version understates the full ruthlessness of the bail condition. Mr. Tremaine was not enjoined from posting "hate speech"; he wasn't allowed to post ANYTHING, except to seek assistance with his defence. While we wish it were true, it is not, when the CBC reports: "With a stay of proceedings, Tremaine is no longer before the courts over the allegation of disobeying the commission's order." The CBC rightly identifies Richard Warman as the complainant behind the charge of contempt of court, or, as they put it, "disobeying a tribunal order." That charged has not been stayed. Mr. Tremaine was acquitted in November 2010 of criminal contempt (against a Federal Court order) at the divisional level of Federal Court but was found guilty in September 2011 of civil contempt (against the Human Rights Tribunal's order) at the Federal Appeals Court. The Canadian Human Rights Commission and Richard Warman had appealed Federal Court Judge Sean Harrington's decision acquitting Mr. Tremaine.The Supreme Court did not grant leave to appeal. So, the matter was returned to the divisional court for sentencing. The sentencing hearing on that matter occurred in Vancouver, October 9 and 10, and the presiding judge, Sean Harrington, has reserved judgment. *Paul Fromm* *Director* *CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION* *Help CAFE Support The Victims of Canada's Anti-Free Speech Laws* *CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3* ** *__ Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s Fall campaign for free speech across Canada.* __ *Please activate my subscription for 2012 *to the *Free Speech Monitor * ($15). Please charge ______my VISA#________________________________________________________________ Expiry date: __________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________Email______________________________ [image: Photo: Terry Tremaine Win Another One & the CBC Can't Get Its Facts Right The Truth: On Tuesday October 16, 2012 a breach (of bail conitions) charge dating from August 5, 2009 was stayed by a judge in Regina. Terry Tremaine was allegedly in breach of a bail undertaking because of a posting on which supposedly was made on July 22, 2009. Under his bail conditions, Mr. Tremaine was not then to access the Internet, except to seek help in preparing his case. The night before he was to appear on a contempt of court charge in Regina, based on a complaint by Richard Warman, he posted his proposed statement of defence, seeking last minute advice from the STORMFRONT community. Because the Commission had never notified Mr. Tremaine that the Tribunal order had been registered in Federal Court and, thus, was now a Federal Court Order), they adjourned the proceedings sine die, without letting Mr. Tremaine know, the day before. Mr. Tremaine's bail conditions, however, stemmed from a "hate law" charge under section 319(2) of the Criminal Code. dating from January 23, 2008. This charge, too, has been instigated by Richard Warman. Mr. Tremaine was charged with "breech of undertaking and jailed for 22 days in August, 2009, before he could obtain bail. The breech charge was to be heard, October 16. However, on September 6, Court of Queen's Bench Judge Frederick Kovach stayed the Sec. 319 "hate" charges. Thus, the "breech" charge became irrelevant. The CBC story is a mine of bias and misinformation. It states: "A Regina judge has stayed a charge against Terry Tremaine, who was accused of continuing to post hate speech online in defiance of an order from the Canadian Human Rights Commission. In 2007, the commission ordered Tremaine to stop posting anti-Jewish material on the internet." As already explained, the Regina judge didn't clear Mr. Tremaine of defiance of a 2007 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (not Commission) order. The CBC's garbled version understates the full ruthlessness of the bail condition. Mr. Tremaine was not enjoined from posting "hate speech"; he wasn't allowed to post ANYTHING, except to seek assistance with his defence. While we wish it were true, it is not, when the CBC reports: "With a stay of proceedings, Tremaine is no longer before the courts over the allegation of disobeying the commission's order." The CBC rightly identifies Richard Warman as the complainant behind the charge of contempt of court, or, as they put it, "disobeying a tribunal order." That charged has not been stayed. Mr. Tremaine was acquitted in November 2010 of criminal contempt (against a Federal Court order) at the divisional level of Federal Court but was found guilty in September 2011 of civil contempt (against the Human Rights Tribunal's order) at the Federal Appeals Court. The Canadian Human Rights Commission and Richard Warman had appealed Federal Court Judge Sean Harrington's decision acquitting Mr. Tremaine.The Supreme Court did not grant leave to appeal. So, the matter was returned to the divisional court for sentencing. The sentencing hearing on that matter occurred in Vasncouver, October 9 and 10, and the presiding judge, Sean Harrington, has reserved judgment. Paul Fromm Director CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION Help CAFE Support The Victims of Canada's Anti-Free Spech Laws CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3 __ Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s Fall campaign for free speech across Canada. __ Please activate my subscription for 2012 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15). Please charge ______myVISA#________________________________________________________________ Expiry date: __________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________Email______________________________ Terry Tremaine no longer facing charges over alleged online activity CBC News Posted: Oct 16, 2012 6:05 PM CST Last Updated: Oct 16, 2012 7:58 PM CST A Regina judge has stayed a charge against Terry Tremaine, who was accused of continuing to post hate speech online in defiance of an order from the Canadian Human Rights Commission. In 2007, the commission ordered Tremaine to stop posting anti-Jewish material on the internet. In 2009, Richard Warman — who initiated the complaint against Tremaine — said in an affidavit that Tremaine is disobeying the order and was, at that time, continuing to post material that advocates the extermination of the Jewish community and also attacks blacks and other non-whites. With a stay of proceedings, Tremaine is no longer before the courts over the allegation of disobeying the commission's order. It is the second time this fall that a charge against Tremaine has been stayed. In September a charge of promoting hatred was discontinued because the judge said the case took too long to get to trial. Tremaine is a former math instructor for the University of Saskatchewan.]<> Terry Tremaine no longer facing charges over alleged online activity CBC News <> Posted: Oct 16, 2012 6:05 PM CST Last Updated: Oct 16, 2012 7:58 PM CST *A Regina judge has stayed a charge against Terry Tremaine, who was accused of continuing to post hate speech online in defiance of an order from the Canadian Human Rights Commission.* *In 2007, the commission ordered Tremaine to stop posting anti-Jewish material on the Internet.* *In 2009, Richard Warman — who initiated the complaint against Tremaine — said in an affidavit that **Tremaine is disobeying the order*<> * and was, at that time, continuing to post material that advocates the extermination of the Jewish community and also attacks blacks and other non-whites.* *With a stay of proceedings, Tremaine is no longer before the courts over the allegation of disobeying the commission's order.* *It is the second time this fall that a charge against Tremaine has been stayed.* *In September a **charge of promoting hatred was discontinued*<> * because the judge said the case took too long to get to trial.* *Tremaine is a former math instructor for the University of Saskatchewan.* |
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