Some Thoughts on Canada's Left & Arthur Topham's Right to Freedom of Speech
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 24 October 2012 05:04
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Some Thoughts on Canada's Left & Arthur Topham's Right to Freedom of

Dear Radical Reader,

The world is full of irony at so many levels and one of those ironic
situations is the relationship that I have had with a conservative
right website located in Ontario and going by the name of ( ) .

Ever since I was first charged by the Canadian Human Rights Commission
with a sec. 13(1) "hate crime" back in 2007 I became aware of this
site which is basically a forum for discussion of political events
(mainly). At that time I joined the forum in hopes of discussing my
case with Harry Abrams and the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith

I didn't last too long before I was banned for espousing ideas that
were not acceptable to the majority of the members but although I
could no longer post on the site circumstances were such that the
issue of freedom of speech became so popular that the case of Abrams
and B'nai Brith Canada v Arthur Topham and ( ) was debated quite extensively and the owner
of the site, Connie Fournier, remained receptive to accepting
information from me and reposting it on her site for debate and

Eventually even ( ) , a
staunch enclave of pro-Israel posters, ended up being attacked by the
serial complainer Richard Warman (one of the two people who laid the
current sec. 319(2) CC complaint against me along with Harry Abrams).
That only reinforced our mutual need to conspire together in order to
fight this malevolent menace to our constitutional rights.

The post below is from the ( )
forum which can be found at the following url:

The poster, Peter O'Donnell, a zealous Lukid lover and likely a
Dispensationalist Christian, has given us some interesting commentary
related to my case.

I hope you can take the time to read it and think about what he's
written. Feedback is always welcome and usually beneficial to me.


Arthur Topham
Pub/Ed ( )

"Digging to the root of the issues since 1998"


)by Peter O'Donnell (
) » 10/ 22/ 12 11:36 am
This has a keystone cops theme now, given the failure to detect any
ironic intention of Arthur Topham in publishing the supposedly
offending material. It pays not to be too subtle in Canada, I believe
because of our long history of a managed and elitist Torontocentric
media, many conflicting points of view are poorly (if at all)
understood and people tend to think in very digestible terms, like the
poor benighted souls who take those 15-second news digest sheets onto
the public transit every day. Now this is not to say that on the whole
I agree with Arthur Topham about very much, our views on the holocaust
and on Israel's security today are evidently almost polar opposites.
What is doubly ironic is that Topham's views on the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict are almost word for word the same as most
Canadian leftists. Now, had one of them thought of this device of
shaming the Jews by finding something they wrote and changing it to
the modern context as they saw it, I have to wonder if anyone would
have rattled the chains of the censorship police to go out and put an
end to their dangerous attack on the state of Israel.

Seems unlikely, given that leftists have a free hand to say whatever
they want in Canada, even about this hot button topic where any
deviation from the Likud party line can lead to charges of
anti-Semitism. In my un-Canadian subtlety of thought process, I find
that offensive although I am quite happy to reveal my own sympathy for
the Likud party line and for the survival of Israel against all the
odds. We have wandered into dangerous territory on this issue, where
one kind of extremist viewpoint is demonized and another very similar
kind is taught in schools. Not only is it dangerous, but it becomes
increasingly absurd. When you think about it carefully (and who has,
outside of this forum?) there is just about the same justification for
raiding the local NDP office as the home of Arthur Topham, if the aim
is to stop people from hating Israel. Calling the task by a slightly
different name does not really erase this irony.

Now I am torn between the prospect of seeing the left in Canada
subjected to a purge (their own creation coming home to bite them
back) and a commitment to freedom of speech no matter how offensive or
unpleasant or uncomfortable we may personally find it. I am also very
concerned with the apparent power and ability of private citizens,
holding no defined roles in either law enforcement or justice, having
any sort of power to quarterback police activities and gain any sort
of private advantage or knowledge as a result. This is the classic
formula for what most people would call a "banana republic" and no,
the ends do not justify the means. My freedom is more threatened by
this desire to police what other people think, hear and contemplate,
than by any potential organizational opportunities for extremists,
which (the latter) is theoretically what these law enforcement moves
are meant to control. In other words, I would rather have a few dozen
storm troopers marching energetically if impotently around the city
streets on odd occasions, than van loads of secret police monitoring
all of our communications to see who is thinking correctly, and who
needs correction.

Because at the end of the day, censors of the land, you are not smart
enough to tell us what to think. In some cases, you are not even smart
enough to realize that what you sent forth could very easily come back
through your own front door one day, animated by a different set of
persons seeking that ultimate power, to define the state in their own

I see there has been an attempt to discuss this, thwarted by the messy
realities of the lawfare campaign. In a way, this is a sordid little
victory for that campaign, where concerned citizens are not freely
able to discuss what other people are saying about matters of
importance, due to a "libel chill" set out deliberately to prevent
full discussion. That is why we are in this lawfare mess, and it
continues to irritate me considerably that Canadians are not getting
this story from any of their esteemed media outlets, who have been
asleep at the switch, just as they will remain asleep through whatever
else unfolds on the distant Barkerville Highway. Sooner or later, some
comatose servant of this dead-head censorship regime will stumble into
the wrong establishment and take away a lefty's computer, then we'll
hear screams of outrage and see the mobilization of opinion against
"the regime" but to be fair to all sides, "the regime" is pretty much
the whole country minus about five hundred independent-minded persons
whose brains are still, against all the odds, working.

That movie about the zombie apocalypse? It's just the reality of
everyday life in Canada.

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Stunning Vindication of Pastor Stephen Boissoin After 10 Year Ordeal at Hands of Albe
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 24 October 2012 04:55
Stunning Vindication of Pastor Stephen Boissoin After 10 Year Ordeal at
Hands of Alberta Human Rights Commission

The 10-year ordeal of Alberta Pastor Stephen Boissoin and and his
persecution by a homosexual activist professor at the University of Calgary
and his brutalization by the Alberta Human Rights Commission have come to
an end. Last Friday, the Alberta Court of Appeals upheld a Court of Queen's
Bench ruling tossing out an Alberta Human Rights Commission finding of
discrimination against the pastor and a degrading order that he apologize
to his homosexual tormentor and pay the tormentor, one Professor Lund,
$5,000 for having taken the trouble to complain against him. Shades of Red
China, where during the Cultural Revolution "counter-revolutionaries" and
dissidents would be shot and their families billed for the price of the
bullet to dispatch them.. the National Post explained: The commission
argued that "Mr. Boissoin and his group, the Concerned Christian Coalition,
were in violation of the province's Human Rights, Multiculturalism and
Citizenship Act, which prohibits published material that 'is likely to
expose a person or a class of persons to hatred or contempt.'" (*National
Post*, October 20, 2012) This is the same vague wording as the now repealed
Sec. 13 (Internet censorship) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. To benefit,
you must be a member of a privileged group: to wit, " race, religious
beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability, mental disability, age,
ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status
or sexual orientation;." And don't think that protects Europeans or
And, even more appalling, the ruling gagged the pastor in terms of
expressing his religious beliefs on homosexuality. the *National
Post*explains: The Commission "ordered the man to cease all commentary
on issues
relating to gays. the fact that Alberta's human rights law also contains a
clause declaring that 'nothing in this section shall be deemed to interfere
with free expression of opinion on any subject' was brushed aside." A
considerable portion of Canada's political/legal establishment hates
Christians, particularly traditional Christians. Taken as a whole, the Act,
as it affects free speech, is utterly contradictory.

On June 17,2002, he wrote a letter to the *Red Deer Advocate*. He blasted
"the homosexual machine" and the "militant homosexual agenda" that was
spreading "all manner of wickedness." He urged "Mr. and Mrs. Heterosexual
to start taking back what the enemy has taken from you." Within a few
weeks, his persecution began. "A gay activist named Darren Lund blamed Mr.
Boissoin's letter for providing local homophobes 'with encouragement'
including those who allegedly had beaten a gay teenager in Red Deer In
July, 2002, Mr. Lund drafted a complaint to the Alberta Human Rights and
Citizenship Commission." (*National Post*, ibid.)

In 2008, the complaint went to a Tribunal and rev. Boissoin was fined and
effectively gagged in terms of discussion homosexuality in any medium.
thus, his religious rights and his function as a pastor, teacher and leader
were egregiously trampled of for three years. he sought judicial review
(appealed) the police state ruling to the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench
last year.Pastor Boissoin won. Mr. Justice Earl Wilson "tore apart the
human rights verdict against Mr. Boissoin. He concluded there was no
evidence to support Mr. Lund's claim that an attack had [even] taken place
- nor the claim that any alleged attackers had read Mr. Boissoin's article.
He also overturned the panel;s conclusion that Mr. Boissoin's letter
constituted hate speech, and, perhaps most importantly, declared that the
panel had no authority to order the wide range of punishments it had
imposed." (*National Post*)

Professor Lund appealed to the Alberta Court of Appeals. Last Friday, Mr.
Justice Clinton O'Brien upheld the decision of the Court of Queen's
Benchin overturning the ruling against Pastor
Boissoin and, in addition awarded him the costs of the appeal. "Matters of
morality, including the perceived morality of certain types of sexual
behaviour, are topics for discussion in the public forum. ... Freedom of
speech does not just protect polite speech."

So, after a decade of legal harassment, a solid victory for free speech and
Pastor Boissoin. But, only one and a half cheers. A victory, yes, but how
will Pastor Boissoin retrieve the three years when he was gagged by the
tyrannical order of a tribunal? He can't. Human rights commissions and
their irresponsible powers should be abolished or, at the very least, all
powers of regulating free speech should be taken from them.

*Paul Fromm*


Appeal court upholds ruling in favour of 2002 anti-homosexual letter

By Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald October 17, 2012


- Story
- Photos ( 1 )

[image: Appeal court upholds ruling in favour of 2002 anti-homosexual

Darren Lund launched the original complaint to the Alberta Human Rights
Commission over a letter to the editor that appeared in the Red Deer
Advocate titled Homosexual Agenda Wicked. *Photograph by: *Calgary Herald
Archive , Calgary Herald

The Alberta Court of Appeal has upheld a Queen’s Bench decision that
concluded a 2002 letter to the editor that ran in the Red Deer Advocate,
entitled Homosexual Agenda Wicked, is protected by the fundamental freedom
of expression.

A human-rights tribunal originally sided with the applicant, Darren Lund,
that the letter by Stephen Boissoin exposed homosexuals to hatred or
contempt, and directed the author to cease and desist, and awarded damages.

That decision was overturned last year by Queen’s Bench Justice Earl
Wilson, prompting Lund, who describes himself as a human-rights educator
and activist, and member of the faculty of the University of Calgary, to
take it to the province’s high court.

In the ruling released Wednesday by appellate Justice Clifton O’Brien,
Wilson’s ruling was upheld.

“The judge (Wilson) held that while the language of the letter ‘may be
jarring, offensive, bewildering, puerile, nonsensical and insulting,’ it
was not likely to expose homosexuals to hatred or contempt within the
meaning of the Alberta statute.

“I agree that the letter is offensive; it is coarse. crude and insensitive.
However, in my view, the letter constituted an expression of opinion that
did not infringe the statute.”

At the time Boissoin wrote the letter, he was executive director of the
Concerned Christian Coalition Inc., and the target audience of the letter
was people whom Boissoin believed were apathetic to the inroads made by
what he called the “homosexual machine,” primarily in respect to educating
children that homosexuality is a morally acceptable choice and lifestyle,
O’Brien wrote.

Boissoin said in his letter that his banner “has been raised and war has
been declared” on the homosexual agenda.

“Don’t allow yourself to be deceived any longer,” Boissoin wrote. “These
activists are not morally upright citizens, concerned about the best
interest of our society. They are perverse, self-centred and morally
deprived individuals who are spreading their psychological disease into
every area of our lives.

“Homosexual rights activists and those who defend them are just as immoral
as the pedophiles, drug dealers and pimps that plague our communities.”

Two weeks later, the same newspaper reported that a gay teenager had been
assaulted in downtown Red Deer — solely because he was gay — prompting Lund,
who once taught high school in Red Deer and was involved with the
Gay/Straight Alliance, to launch his appeal to the Alberta Human Rights

O’Brien also awarded costs of the appeal to Boissoin.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald
Some Thoughts on Canada's Left & Arthur Topham's Right to Freedom of Speech
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 23 October 2012 09:57
*Some Thoughts on Canada's Left & Arthur Topham's Right to Freedom of Speech

[image: Photo: Some Thoughts on Canada's Left & Arthur Topham's Right to
Freedom of Speech Dear Radical Reader, The world is full of irony at so
many levels and one of those ironic situations is the relationship that I
have had with a conservative right website located in Ontario and going by
the name of . Ever since I was first charged by the
Canadian Human Rights Commission with a sec. 13(1) "hate crime" back in
2007 I became aware of this site which is basically a forum for discussion
of political events (mainly). At that time I joined the forum in hopes of
discussing my case with Harry Abrams and the League for Human Rights of
B'nai Brith Canada. I didn't last too long before I was banned for
espousing ideas that were not acceptable to the majority of the members but
although I could no longer post on the site circumstances were such that
the issue of freedom of speech became so popular that the case of Abrams
and B'nai Brith Canada v Arthur Topham and was debated
quite extensively and the owner of the site, Connie Fournier, remained
receptive to accepting information from me and reposting it on her site for
debate and analysis. Eventually even , a staunch enclave of
pro-Israel posters, ended up being attacked by the serial complainer
Richard Warman (one of the two people who laid the current sec. 319(2) CC
complaint against me along with Harry Abrams). That only reinforced our
mutual need to conspire together in order to fight this malevolent menace
to our constitutional rights. The post below is from the
forum which can be found at the following url: The poster,
Peter O'Donnell, a zealous Lukid lover and likely a Dispensationalist
Christian, has given us some interesting commentary related to my case. I
hope you can take the time to read it and think about what he's written.
Feedback is always welcome and usually beneficial to me. Sincerely, Arthur
Topham Pub/Ed "Digging to the root of the issues since
1998" Re: Update on Arthur Topham, in his own words by Peter O'Donnell »
10/ 22/ 12 11:36 am This has a keystone cops theme now, given the failure
to detect any ironic intention of Arthur Topham in publishing the
supposedly offending material. It pays not to be too subtle in Canada, I
believe because of our long history of a managed and elitist Torontocentric
media, many conflicting points of view are poorly (if at all) understood
and people tend to think in very digestible terms, like the poor benighted
souls who take those 15-second news digest sheets onto the public transit
every day. Now this is not to say that on the whole I agree with Arthur
Topham about very much, our views on the holocaust and on Israel's security
today are evidently almost polar opposites. What is doubly ironic is that
Topham's views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are almost word for word
the same as most Canadian leftists. Now, had one of them thought of this
device of shaming the Jews by finding something they wrote and changing it
to the modern context as they saw it, I have to wonder if anyone would have
rattled the chains of the censorship police to go out and put an end to
their dangerous attack on the state of Israel. Seems unlikely, given that
leftists have a free hand to say whatever they want in Canada, even about
this hot button topic where any deviation from the Likud party line can
lead to charges of anti-Semitism. In my un-Canadian subtlety of thought
process, I find that offensive although I am quite happy to reveal my own
sympathy for the Likud party line and for the survival of Israel against
all the odds. We have wandered into dangerous territory on this issue,
where one kind of extremist viewpoint is demonized and another very similar
kind is taught in schools. Not only is it dangerous, but it becomes
increasingly absurd. When you think about it carefully (and who has,
outside of this forum?) there is just about the same justification for
raiding the local NDP office as the home of Arthur Topham, if the aim is to
stop people from hating Israel. Calling the task by a slightly different
name does not really erase this irony. Now I am torn between the prospect
of seeing the left in Canada subjected to a purge (their own creation
coming home to bite them back) and a commitment to freedom of speech no
matter how offensive or unpleasant or uncomfortable we may personally find
it. I am also very concerned with the apparent power and ability of private
citizens, holding no defined roles in either law enforcement or justice,
having any sort of power to quarterback police activities and gain any sort
of private advantage or knowledge as a result. This is the classic formula
for what most people would call a "banana republic" and no, the ends do not
justify the means. My freedom is more threatened by this desire to police
what other people think, hear and contemplate, than by any potential
organizational opportunities for extremists, which (the latter) is
theoretically what these law enforcement moves are meant to control. In
other words, I would rather have a few dozen storm troopers marching
energetically if impotently around the city streets on odd occasions, than
van loads of secret police monitoring all of our communications to see who
is thinking correctly, and who needs correction. Because at the end of the
day, censors of the land, you are not smart enough to tell us what to
think. In some cases, you are not even smart enough to realize that what
you sent forth could very easily come back through your own front door one
day, animated by a different set of persons seeking that ultimate power, to
define the state in their own image. I see there has been an attempt to
discuss this, thwarted by the messy realities of the lawfare campaign. In a
way, this is a sordid little victory for that campaign, where concerned
citizens are not freely able to discuss what other people are saying about
matters of importance, due to a "libel chill" set out deliberately to
prevent full discussion. That is why we are in this lawfare mess, and it
continues to irritate me considerably that Canadians are not getting this
story from any of their esteemed media outlets, who have been asleep at the
switch, just as they will remain asleep through whatever else unfolds on
the distant Barkerville Highway. Sooner or later, some comatose servant of
this dead-head censorship regime will stumble into the wrong establishment
and take away a lefty's computer, then we'll hear screams of outrage and
see the mobilization of opinion against "the regime" but to be fair to all
sides, "the regime" is pretty much the whole country minus about five
hundred independent-minded persons whose brains are still, against all the
odds, working. That movie about the zombie apocalypse? It's just the
reality of everyday life in Canada.]

Dear Radical Reader,

The world is full of irony at so many levels and one of those ironic
situations is the relationship that I have had with a conservative right
website located in Ontario and going by the name of<>.

Ever since I was first charged by the Canadian Human Rights Commission with
a sec. 13(1) "hate crime" back in 2007 I became aware of this site which is
basically a forum for discussion of political events (mainly). At that time
I joined the forum in hopes of discussing my case with Harry Abrams and the
League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada.

I didn't last too long before I was banned for espousing ideas that were
not acceptable to the majority of the members but although I could no
longer post on the site circumstances were such that the issue of freedom
of speech became so popular that the case of Abrams and *B'nai Brith Canada
v Arthur Topham and *** <> was
debated quite extensively and the owner of the site, Connie Fournier,
remained receptive to accepting information from me and reposting it on her
site for debate and analysis.

Eventually even <> , a staunch
enclave of pro-Israel posters, ended up being attacked by the serial
complainer Richard Warman (one of the two people who laid the current sec.
319(2) CC complaint against me along with Harry Abrams). That only
reinforced our mutual need to conspire together in order to fight this
malevolent menace to our constitutional rights.

The post below is from the <> forum
which can be found at the following url:

The poster, Peter O'Donnell, a zealous Lukid lover and likely a
Dispensationalist Christian, has given us some interesting commentary
related to my case.

I hope you can take the time to read it and think about what he's written.
Feedback is always welcome and usually beneficial to me.


Arthur Topham
Pub/Ed <>

*"Digging to the root of the issues since 1998" *

Re: Update on Arthur Topham, in his own

* » 10/ 22/ 12 11:36 am
This has a keystone cops theme now, given the failure to detect any ironic
intention of Arthur Topham in publishing the supposedly offending material.
It pays not to be too subtle in Canada, I believe because of our long
history of a managed and elitist Torontocentric media, many conflicting
points of view are poorly (if at all) understood and people tend to think
in very digestible terms, like the poor benighted souls who take those
15-second news digest sheets onto the public transit every day. Now this is
not to say that on the whole I agree with Arthur Topham about very much,
our views on the holocaust and on Israel's security today are evidently
almost polar opposites. What is doubly ironic is that Topham's views on the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict are almost word for word the same as most
Canadian leftists. Now, had one of them thought of this device of shaming
the Jews by finding something they wrote and changing it to the modern
context as they saw it, I have to wonder if anyone would have rattled the
chains of the censorship police to go out and put an end to their dangerous
attack on the state of Israel.

Seems unlikely, given that leftists have a free hand to say whatever they
want in Canada, even about this hot button topic where any deviation from
the Likud party line can lead to charges of anti-Semitism. In my
un-Canadian subtlety of thought process, I find that offensive although I
am quite happy to reveal my own sympathy for the Likud party line and for
the survival of Israel against all the odds. We have wandered into
dangerous territory on this issue, where one kind of extremist viewpoint is
demonized and another very similar kind is taught in schools. Not only is
it dangerous, but it becomes increasingly absurd. When you think about it
carefully (and who has, outside of this forum?) there is just about the
same justification for raiding the local NDP office as the home of Arthur
Topham, if the aim is to stop people from hating Israel. Calling the task
by a slightly different name does not really erase this irony.

Now I am torn between the prospect of seeing the left in Canada subjected
to a purge (their own creation coming home to bite them back) and a
commitment to freedom of speech no matter how offensive or unpleasant or
uncomfortable we may personally find it. I am also very concerned with the
apparent power and ability of private citizens, holding no defined roles in
either law enforcement or justice, having any sort of power to quarterback
police activities and gain any sort of private advantage or knowledge as a
result. This is the classic formula for what most people would call a
"banana republic" and no, the ends do not justify the means. My freedom is
more threatened by this desire to police what other people think, hear and
contemplate, than by any potential organizational opportunities for
extremists, which (the latter) is theoretically what these law enforcement
moves are meant to control. In other words, I would rather have a few dozen
storm troopers marching energetically if impotently around the city streets
on odd occasions, than van loads of secret police monitoring all of our
communications to see who is thinking correctly, and who needs correction.

Because at the end of the day, censors of the land, you are not smart
enough to tell us what to think. In some cases, you are not even smart
enough to realize that what you sent forth could very easily come back
through your own front door one day, animated by a different set of persons
seeking that ultimate power, to define the state in their own image.

I see there has been an attempt to discuss this, thwarted by the messy
realities of the lawfare campaign. In a way, this is a sordid little
victory for that campaign, where concerned citizens are not freely able to
discuss what other people are saying about matters of importance, due to a
"libel chill" set out deliberately to prevent full discussion. That is why
we are in this lawfare mess, and it continues to irritate me considerably
that Canadians are not getting this story from any of their esteemed media
outlets, who have been asleep at the switch, just as they will remain
asleep through whatever else unfolds on the distant Barkerville Highway.
Sooner or later, some comatose servant of this dead-head censorship regime
will stumble into the wrong establishment and take away a lefty's computer,
then we'll hear screams of outrage and see the mobilization of opinion
against "the regime" but to be fair to all sides, "the regime" is pretty
much the whole country minus about five hundred independent-minded persons
whose brains are still, against all the odds, working.

That movie about the zombie apocalypse? It's just the reality of everyday
life in Canada.
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