New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Friday, 02 March 2012 05:44 |
*New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America* ** Archeology is slowly changing our understanding of the settlement of North America. It's now clear that Europeans -- OUR people -- were here 25,000 years ago. We were here *before* the so-called "native people", "first nations" or "aboriginals." Kennewick Man, a Caucasian, approximately 9,000 years old, who died of a spear wound, estalbishes (as do many Indian legends) that OUR people were in North America during the Indian migrations from Asia. What happened to OUR people? There is strong reason to believe they were genocided. This information is vital for a number of reasons: 1. It utterly sinks a "brilliant" put down fired off at immigration reformers: "You have no right to speak, if you're not a native Indian. They were here first." It's a silly argument and it isn't true: WE were here first. 2. It should deflate the endless escalation of "special" treatment of Indians: special hunting and fishing rights; tax free status (gasoline, cigarettes, income tax) on Canadian reservations, and lucrative income from casinos. Of course, Indians should be treatment fairly but there is no justification for special privileges. We were here first. Likely, our ancesators were exterminated by the ancestors of today's Indians. We returned in the colonial period. No special privileges! 3. And only half tongue-in-cheek, I say we should be demanding casinos to benefit poor White Europeans as reparations for our ancestors having been genocided. Paul Fromm Director CANADA FIRST IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE The Stone Age Europeans believed to have migrated to North America along the edge of the then frozen northern Atlantic would have had to adopt a lifestyle similar to that of traditional Eskimos depicted here in this 19thcentury print New archaeological evidence suggests that America was first discovered by Stone Age people from Europe – 10,000 years before the Siberian-originating ancestors of the American Indians set foot in the New World. A remarkable series of several dozen European-style stone tools, dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, have been discovered at six locations along the US east coast. Three of the sites are on the Delmarva Peninsular in Maryland, discovered by archaeologist Dr Darrin Lowery of the University of Delaware. One is in Pennsylvania and another in Virginia. A sixth was discovered by scallop-dredging fishermen on the seabed 60 miles from the Virginian coast on what, in prehistoric times, would have been dry land. The new discoveries are among the most important archaeological breakthroughs for several decades - and are set to add substantially to our understanding of humanity's spread around the globe. The similarity between other later east coast US and European Stone Age stone tool technologies has been noted before. But all the US European-style tools, unearthed before the discovery or dating of the recently found or dated US east coast sites, were from around 15,000 years ago - long after Stone Age Europeans (the Solutrean cultures of France and Iberia) had ceased making such artefacts. Most archaeologists had therefore rejected any possibility of a connection. But the newly-discovered and recently-dated early Maryland and other US east coast Stone Age tools are from between 26,000 and 19,000 years ago - and are therefore contemporary with the virtually identical western European material. What’s more, chemical analysis carried out last year on a European-style stone knife found in Virginia back in 1971 revealed that it was made of French-originating flint. Professor Dennis Stanford, of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, and Professor Bruce Bradley of the University of Exeter, the two leading archaeologists who have analysed all the evidence, are proposing that Stone Age people from Western Europe migrated to North America at the height of the Ice Age by travelling (over the ice surface and/or by boat) along the edge of the frozen northern part of the Atlantic. They are presenting their detailed evidence in a new book - Across Atlantic Ice – published this month. At the peak of the Ice Age, around three million square miles of the North Atlantic was covered in thick ice for all or part of the year. However, the seasonally shifting zone where the ice ended and the open ocean began would have been extremely rich in food resources – migrating seals, sea birds, fish and the now-extinct northern hemisphere penguin-like species, the great auk. Stanford and Bradley have long argued that Stone Age humans were quite capable of making the 1500 mile journey across the Atlantic ice - but till now there was comparatively little evidence to support their thinking. But the new Maryland, Virginia and other US east coast material, and the chemical tests on the Virginian flint knife, have begun to transform the situation. Now archaeologists are starting to investigate half a dozen new sites in Tennessee, Maryland and even Texas – and these locations are expected to produce more evidence. Another key argument for Stanford and Bradley’s proposal is the complete absence of any human activity in north-east Siberia and Alaska prior to around 15,500 years ago. If the Maryland and other east coast people of 26,000 to 19,000 years ago had come from Asia, not Europe, early material, dating from before 19,000 years ago, should have turned up in those two northern areas, but none have been found. Although Solutrean Europeans may well have been the first Americans, they had a major disadvantage compared to the Asian-originating Indians who entered the New World via the Bering Straits or along the Aleutian Islands chain after 15,500 years ago. Whereas the Solutreans had only had a 4500 year long ‘Ice Age’ window to carry out their migratory activity, the Asian-originating Indians had some 15,000 years to do it. What’s more, the latter two-thirds of that 15 millennia long period was climatologically much more favourable and substantially larger numbers of Asians were therefore able to migrate. As a result of these factors the Solutrean (European originating) Native Americans were either partly absorbed by the newcomers or were substantially obliterated by them either physically or through competition for resources. Some genetic markers for Stone Age western Europeans simply don’t exist in north- east Asia – but they do in tiny quantities among some north American Indian groups. Scientific tests on ancient DNA extracted from 8000 year old skeletons from Florida have revealed a high level of a key probable European-originating genetic marker. There are also a tiny number of isolated Native American groups whose languages appear not to be related in any way to Asian-originating American Indian peoples. But the greatest amount of evidence is likely to come from under the ocean – for most of the areas where the Solutreans would have stepped off the Ice onto dry land are now up to 100 miles out to sea. The one underwater site that has been identified - thanks to the scallop dredgers – is set to be examined in greater detail this summer – either by extreme-depth divers or by remotely operated mini submarines equipped with cameras and grab arms ________________ European style stone tools suggest Stone Age people actually discovered America February 29, 2012 <> by Bob Yirka [image: report] <> [image: Americas] Enlarge <> *( -- Archeologists and historians have long known that it wasn’t really Christopher Columbus who discovered America. Native Americans had been living all over North, Central and South America long before he arrived. And Native Americans came from Asia across the frozen-over Bering Sea in the west. But now, it appears Europeans might have been first to arrive on the scene after all. Stone tools found recently in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia in the eastern United States, all appear to bear a striking resemblance to tools used by Stone Age peoples in early Europe, and have been dated to a time between 19,000 and 26,000 years ago, a period during which Stone Age people were making such tools, and long before the early Asians arrived.* It’s not an implausible theory, suggests Dennis Stanford, of the Smithsonian Institution and Bruce Bradley of the University of Exeter, because Stone Age <> people could have come from Europe by traveling across the ice-bound North Atlantic during the Ice Age. The evidence is further bolstered by the recent discovery that an ancient knife found in Virginia in 1971 was made of flint that originated from France. They two have coauthored a book on the subject, *Across Atlantic Ice*. Stanford and Bradley also point out the lack of evidence of any human activity in the north-east part of Siberia or in Alaska any earlier than 15,500 years ago. And the reason early Asians won out, evolving into the people now called Native Americans, was because their window of opportunity was much wider, 15,000 years versus just 4500 for the early Europeans. Thus the original Native Americans were either assimilated or killed by the large numbers of migrating Asians. Evidence that it was likely the former has been found in the DNA of skeletons of North American Native American people. Also, the language of several Native American tribes doesn’t seem to have originated from Asia. The two also say that it’s conceivable that Stone Age people could have traveled such a long way over ice from Europe to America because there would have been more than enough food to be had from the ocean. It all adds up the two say, to a compelling case for Stone Age travelers being titled as the people who truly did discover America. *© 2011 * |
Video: Stop-Boer-Genocide protestors attacked in Calif & Pennsylvania |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Wednesday, 29 February 2012 17:38 |
*Video: Stop-Boer-Genocide protestors attacked in Calif & PENNSYLVANIA *<> 83Share<> [image: Print Friendly and PDF] <> *- Dozens of protests took place in front of State Capitol buildings across the USA on February 28 2012 by the South Africa Project. Two of these small peaceful protest-groups were violently attacked by left-radical ‘Occupation’ groups. Thirty-five protestors of the South Africa Project<>in Sacramento, California were accosted by bottle-throwing ** ‘Occupy Oakland’ demonstrators whose aggression also injured two California Highway Patrol officers. And one South Africa Project protestor was sprayed with mace (teargas) by a left-wing protestor in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. The other dozens of protests were peaceful and conducted without any confrontations. * *“This is about the extermination of an ethnic group,” said Erick Weigel, chairman, New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens… * [image: WHITES ATTACKED AND OR MURDERED IN BLACK RACIST VIOLENCE JAN 2010 TO FEBRUARY 28 2012 FARMITRACKER COM]<> * South Africa’s total official population is 50million: of whom 3,5-millionpeople are Afrikaners and/or Boers. The average daily murder<>rate ( SAPS<> statistics<>up to April 2012) was 43 killed a day. The SA police does not publish crime-statistics<>according to population demographics. On Feb 28 2012 Afrikaner non-governmental organisations lodged an Access to Information Act Lawsuit for the SAPS to reveal the total number of whites (ethno-Europeans) murdered since 1994 – the year the country was taken over by the ruling troika comprised of the African-National-Congress, the Communist Party of South Africa and the Cosatu-trade union movement.* ** ** ** ** * [image: SOUTH AFRICA PROJECT PROTESTOR FEB 28 2012]<> * *We are quoting Associated Press journalist Don Thompson, who reported from Sacramento that at least two law-enforcement officers from the California Highway Patrol were injured and required hospital treatment while they were accompanying about 35 members of the "South Africa Project' to a parking garage -- after the small group had protested peacefully outside the Capitol building in Sacramento, California.[image: CALIFORNIA ANTI WHITE GENOCIDE IN SA DEMONSTRATION feb 27 2012][image: CALIFORNIA SOUTH AFRICA PROJECT FEB 27 2012 CAPITOL BUILDING CALIFORNIA FEB 27 2012 PIC BY SA PROJECT.jpgIDE IN SA DEMONSTRATION feb 27 2012]* *Occupy Oakland group ‘began throwing cans and bottles at the South Africa Project group:* *It was confirmed by protestors participating in the South Africa Project campaign, that they were attacked by about 50 members of the anti-capitalist Occupy Oakland group: who, according to AP journalist Thompson, 'began throwing cans and bottles at the South Africa group and at the officers.” The anti-caitalist Occupy members then clashed with the officers as people with the pro-whites group hurried into the parking garage. This was also confirmed by the **South Africa*<> * Project members who attended the protest. * *"It was the activists across the street engaging the officers," Thompson quoted California Highway Patrol CHP officer Sean Kennedy as saying. Thompson wrote: 'the Occupy members then clashed with the officers as the 'pro-white group' hurried into the parking garage. The entire AP version of events located at: *** * *<> *“This is about the extermination of an ethnic group,” said Erick Weigel, chairman, New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens: * ** [image: PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH AFRICA PROJECT FEB 27 2012]<> *Above the rally at the Pennsylvania state capitol building on Feb 27 2012:, Mr Erick Weigel, Chairman of the New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens“: This is about extermination of an ethnic group.” The murder of White farmers in South Africa “is genocide. If it were any other ethnic group, Hollywood actors and the media would be falling over themselves to support the cause.” * *In Pennsylvania, a small gaggle of self-styled ‘anti-racists’ held counter-protest: one South Africa Project member was maced: the aggressor was arrested and charged with harassment: * *“Stop the Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa -- the Boers have been in South Africa since the 17th century…’ Protesters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania:* *HARRISBURG, PA. February 27, 2011 Two dozen protesters from across Pennsylvania gathered on the steps of the state capitol this afternoon and demanded that the U.S. and other Western countries intervene and insist that South Africa protect White farmers and Whites in general from murderous racist attacks. Since the ANC government took power in 1994, 3,811 White farmers have been murdered by blacks.** Organizer Donald Palmer from Western Pennsylvania said: “I’m so proud. We did well.|” He was critical of the media apathy. “I sent out nearly 200 e-mails to the press and many college outlets. There was no response. No one cares.” A small gaggle of anti-racists held a counter protest at street level 100 yards from the South Africa Project protests. One of their number maced a South Africa Project supporter and was arrested and charged with harassment. Addressing the rally, Erick Weigel, Chairman of the New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens, said: “: This is about extermination of an ethnic group.” The murder of White farmers in South Africa “is genocide. If it were any other ethnic group, Hollywood actors and the media would be falling over themselves to support the cause.”* *He urged people to FAX or write their elected representatives and urge them to protest against the murders in South Africa. FAXES or posted letters are more effective than e-mails, he advised. “So, spend the 47 cents.”* *“These are hate-crimes. with cruel and prolonged tortures inflicted on men, women and children,” said Paul Fromm of Pennsylvania: * *Also addressing the rally was Paul Fromm, a Director of the Council of Conservative Citizens, which endorsed this rally. A few of the attacks on farmers may be motivated by robbery, he said. “However, the cruel and prolonged tortures inflicted on men, women and children are motivated by hate – racial hate,” he argued. “These are hate crimes.” The West has told Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to stop killing his own people. “The stated reason Canada and the U.S went to war against Col. Gaddafi last year was to stop him from killing his own people,” Mr. Fromm explained. “The West must insist that the South African government crack down on the murder of Whites, especially White farmers, often by its own supporters,” Mr., Fromm insisted. Mr. Fromm -- who visited South Africa in 1987 -- pointed out that South Africa was one of the few African nations that can feed itself. “This abundance is due largely to the work and efficiency of the “Boers” – South Africa’s farmers. The Dutch-speaking Afrikaners,”—he added -- have been demonised and misunderstood in the West. * *“They have been in South Africa since the 17th century. South Africa was uninhabited, except for a small number of KhoiSan as the Boers moved north from the Cape in the 18th century. **At about the same time, the various Nguni-tribes were moving south. **The Boers or “Afrikaners” are every bit as much South Africans as the Blacks, Mr. Fromm explained,“It’s time to stand behind our European brothers in South Africa,” he concluded.* * Similar South Africa Project protests took place in a number of cities across the U.S; including Sacramento, Los Angeles, Little Rock, Knoxville and Austen.* * * |
“Stop the Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa,” Protesters Demand in Harrisburg |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Tuesday, 28 February 2012 06:40 |
*“Stop the Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa,” Protesters Demand in Harrisburg* *HARRISBURG**, PA.** February 27, 2011* Two dozen protesters from across Pennsylvania gathered on the steps of the state capitol this afternoon and demanded that the U.S. and other Western countries intervene and insist that South Africaprotect White farmers and Whites in general from murderous racist attacks. Since the ANC government took power in 1994, 3,811 White farmers have been murdered by blacks. Organizer Donald Palmer from Western Pennsylvania said: “I’m so proud. We did well.|” He was critical of the media apathy. “I sent out nearly 200 e-mails to the press and many college outlets. There was no response. No one cares.” A small gaggle of anti-racists held a counter protest at street level 100 yards from the South Africa Project protests. One of their number maced a South Africa Project supporter and was arrested and charged with harassment. Addressing the rally, Erick Weigel, Chairman of the New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens, said: “: This is about extermination of an ethnic group.” The murder of White farmers in South Africa “is genocide. If it were any other ethnic group, Hollywood actors and the media would be falling over themselves to support the cause.” He urged people to FAX or write their elected representatives and urge them to protest the murders in South Africa. FAXES or posted letters are more effective than e-mails, he advised. “So, spend the 47 cents.” Also addressing the rally was Paul Fromm, a Director of the Council of Conservative Citizens, which endorsed this rally. A few of the attacks on farmers may be motivated by robbery, he said. “However, the cruel and prolonged tortures inflicted on men, women and children are motivated by hate – racial hate,” he argued. “These are hate crimes.” The West has told Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to stop killing his own people. “The stated reason Canada and the U.S went to war against Col. Gaddafi last year was to stop him from killing his own people,”Mr. Fromm explained. “The West must insist that the South African government crack down on the murder of Whites, especially White farmers, often by its own supporters,” Mr., Fromm insisted. Mr. Fromm who visited South Africa in 1987 pointed out that South Africa was one of the few African nations that can feed itself. This abundance is due largely to the work and efficiency of the “Boers” – South Africa’s farmers. The Dutch-speaking Afrikaners, he added, have been misunderstood in the West. They have been in South Africa since the 17th century. South Africa was uninhabited, except for a small number of Hottentots, as the Boers moved north from the Capein the 18th century. At about the same time, the Blacks or Bantus were moving south from Rhodesiaor what is now Zimbabwe., The Boers or “Afrikaners” are every bit as much South Africans as the Blacks, Mr. Fromm explained, “It’s time to stand behind our European brothers in South Africa,”he concluded. Similar South Africa Project protests took place in a number of cities across the U.S; including Sacramento, Los Angeles, Little Rock, Knoxville and Austen. |
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