CFIRC Presents Condolences to French Consulate in Toronto on Death of Hero and Patrio |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Thursday, 30 May 2013 04:14 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CFIRC Presents Condolences to French Consulate in Toronto on Death of Hero and Patriot Dominique Venner Canada First Immigration Reform Committee Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3 Ph: 905-566-4455 ( tel:905-566-4455 ); FAX: 905-566-4820 ( tel:905-566-4820 ) Website: ( ) Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director May 29, 2013 Mr. Jean-François CASABONNE MASONNAVE Consul General of France in Toronto, 2 Bloor Street East, suite 2200 (22nd floor) Toronto, ON, M4W 1A8. Dear Consul General Casabonne Masonnave: We were saddened to learn last week of the death of author and political activist Dominique Venner in Paris. I ask that you pass on this statement of condolence to your Government and the French nation. Sincerely yours, Paul Fromm Directoror St 2200 May 28, 2013 May MayM4W 1A8 ( ) Dominique Venner, Héros Sacrificiel Repose en paix 16 avril 1935 - 21 Mai 2013 Un grand patriote Français, Dominique Venner, s'est donné la mort le 21 Mai en se tirant dans la tête avec un pistolet près de l'autel de la Cathédrale Notre Dame à Paris. Il a laissé une lettre de suicide, traduite ci-dessous par Greg Johnson de Certaines personnes se suicident par désespoir, pour un échec romantique ou une maladie en phase terminale. Certains suicides sont simplement des appels fous ou égoïstes à l'attention. Certains suicides sont l'aboutissement de l'amour ou de l'idéalisme: un soldat peut jeter son corps sur une grenade pour sauver son camarade, un routier peut donner un coup de volant et faire basculer son camion pour éviter de percuter un bus scolaire empli d'enfants. Le suicide de Mr. Venner était le sacrifice désespéré d'un patriote qui aimait son peuple, Français et Européen. Il explique son sacrifice comme un geste pour éveiller ses camarades Européens, pour qu'ils combattent l'invasion du Tiers Monde en Europe, et se joignent à une marche du 26 Mai à Paris, protestant contre les lois destructrices de la famille sur le mariage entre personnes du même sexe, récemment proposées et adoptées par les socialistes du Président François Hollande. Mr. Venner écrivait: "Je crois nécessaire de me sacrifier pour rompre la léthargie qui nous accable. J'offre ce qui me reste de vie dans une intention de protestation et de fondation. Je choisis un lieu hautement symbolique, la cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris que je respecte et admire, elle qui fut édifiée par le génie de mes aïeux sur des lieux de cultes plus anciens, rappelant nos origines immémoriales... je m'insurge aussi contre le crime visant au remplacement de nos populations." Dans un blog récent, maintenant retiré, intitulé "La Manifestation du 26 Mai & Heidegger", Venner écrivait "Les manifestants du 26 Mai ne peuvent ignorer cette réalité. Leur combat ne peut se limiter au rejet du mariage homosexuel. Le 'grand remplacement' de la population de France et d'Europe, dénoncé par l'écrivain Renaud Camus, est un danger bien plus catastrophique pour l'avenir." Mr. Venner avait été un soldat parachutiste combattant les rebelles musulmans en Algérie. Lorsqu'il fut clair que De Gaule, alors Président, comptait vendre les 3 millions de colons Français d'Algérie, il rejoignit l'OAS (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète) qui s'engageait à conserver L'Algérie Française et à défendre les intérêts des colons Européens, les pieds noirs. L'OAS organisa plusieurs attentats contre De Gaulle. L'un d'eux fut romancé dans Le Jour du Chacal de Frederick Forsythe. L'OAS échoua dans ses efforts de conserver l'Algérie Française. Nombre de ses dirigeants furent condamnés à mort. Dominique Venner fut condamné à 18 mois de prison. Après son service militaire, Mr. Venner devint un éminent écrivain, historien et intellectuel de la Nouvelle Droite Française. Il fut un des premiers partisans d'Alain de Benoist. Après sa sortie de prison en 1962, comme il est expliqué dans la nécrologie du Times of London (22 Mai 2013): "Venner fonda une organisation ultra-nationaliste, Europe-Action - qui fut d'une grande influence parmi les groupes d'étudiants de droite - et une maison d'édition, les Editions Saint-Just. Toutes deux défendaient les valeurs Occidentales face au communisme... Il se mit à écrire des pamphets, tel "Pour une critique positive" qui fut un des textes fondateurs de la Droite. Il adopta l'idée de Charles Maurras que l'intellectuel devait être violent pour être efficace et il eut toute sa vie la passion des armes et de la chasse..." Se déclarant païen, il était critique envers le Christianisme, mais croyait à la tradition, à l'identité et à la nécessité de défendre les cultures contre l'idée de l'assimilation. Ses valeurs étaient résolument Nietzschéennes: il croyait à l'élitisme, à la force et à ce qu'il voyait comme l'héroïsme. Il n'est peut-être pas surprenant qu'il fut attiré par les premières oeuvres de l'écrivain Allemand Ernst Jünger. Il devait devenir un ami de Jünger et écrivit une biographie sur lui, mais il se montra critique envers le vieux sage plus pacifique que Jünger devint vers la fin de sa vie. Venner ne croyait pas à la douceur. Utilisant le pseudonyme Julien Lebel, il participa au GRECE (Groupe de Recherche et d'Etude des Civilisations Européennes) à partir de 1968 et il fut aussi au coeur du IEO (Institut d'Etudes Occidentales), tous deux actifs pour s'opposer au communisme qui était encore une force majeure dans la politique Française. Venner réduisit ses activités politiques dans les années 70, se bâtissant une réputation de prolifique écrivain et historien, sur des sujets allant des Freikorps Allemands, la Révolution Russe, la Collaboration Française, la Résistance, à des aspects de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et l'assassinat du Président Kennedy, ainsi que les épées, les armes et l'équipement de chasse. Il éditait aussi deux magazines historiques, Enquête sur l'Histoire et La Nouvelle Revue d'Histoire. Son dernier livre, intitulé Un Samouraï Occidental doit être publié le mois prochain. En 1994, il déclarait: "Je ne regrette rien, je ne reprends rien. Ce serait le comble de l'inélégance." Il aurait sans doute aimé que ce fût son épitaphe. Son sacrifice patriotique me rappelle celui du romancier et patriote Japonais Yukio Mishima qui se suicida en 1980, par le douloureux rituel du seppuku. Mishima était un nostalgique combattant du Japon impérial invaincu; ses traditions de samourai, ses héroïques idéaux de beauté, nationalisme et honneur, y compris le sort traditionnellement enviable de mourir pour son pays. Mishima menait par l'exemple. Outre écrire avec énergie et passion, il fonda une organisation d'élite de droite pour 100 mâles, la Société du Bouclier, consacrée au "Bushido", le code d'honneur du Samourai. Mishima devint un expert en arts martiaux traditionnels, il était désespéré par le Japon Moderne et se lamentait de la suppression après-guerre de son passé traditionnel. Le New York Times (22 Mai 2013) rapporta: "Le recteur actuel (de la Cathédrale de Notre Dame) ne pouvait, disait-il, se souvenir de cas de suicide à l'intérieur. Mais, bien que le fait de s'ôter la vie soit un péché mortel pour les Catholiques, il dédia des prières à Venner et aux autres 'âmes désespérées'. Et la nuit dernière, des milliers de sympathisants de droite en deuil organisèrent une procession au flambeau sur la place de la cathédrale. Ils portaient des drapeaux Français, et parlaient du suicide comme d'un geste noble pour défendre une France qui était 'fière d'elle'. Leur hommage fait écho à celui de la fille et héritière de Le Pen, Marine, dirigeante du Front National anti-immigration:Tout notre respect à Dominique Venner, écrivit-elle sur Twitter, dont le dernier geste, éminemment politique, est un appel au réveil du peuple de France." Salut à toi, brave patriote. Puisse ton suprême sacrifice pour notre Peuple Européen ne pas être vain! PAUL FROMM Directeur CANADA FIRST IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE Dominique Venner, Sacrificial Hero, -- R.I.P. April 16, 1935 - May 21, 2013 A great French patriot Dominique Venner committed suicide May 21 by shooting himself in the head with a pistol beside the altar inside Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, He left the suicide note, translated below by Greg Johnson of Some people commit suicide out of despair at a failed romance or a terminal illness. Some suicides are merely insane or self-indulgent cries for attention. Some suicides are the result of love or idealism: a soldier may throw his body on a grenade to save his comrade; a trucker may swerve and jack-knife and topple his truck to avoid slamming into a schoolbus full of children. Mr. Venner's suicide was the desperate sacrifice of a patriot who loved his French and European People. He explains his self-sacrifice as a gesture to awaken his fellow Europeans to fight the Third World invasion of Europe and to join a May 26 march in Paris to protest the family-destroying same-sex marriage laws recently introduced and passed by President Francois Holland's socialists. Mr. Venner wrote: "I believe it necessary to sacrifice myself to break the lethargy that plagues us. I give up what life remains to me in order to protest and to found. I chose a highly symbolic place, the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, which I respect and admire: she was built by the genius of my ancestors on the site of cults still more ancient, recalling our immemorial origins ... I also rebel against the crime of the replacement of our people." In a recent blog, now removed, entitled "The May 26 Protests & Heidegger" Venner wrote: "The May 26 protestors cannot ignore this reality. Their struggle cannot be limited to the rejection of gay marriage. The 'great replacement' of the population of France and Europe, denounced by the writer Renaud Camus, is a far more catastrophic danger for the future." Mr. Venner had been a paratrooper fighting against the Moslem rebels in Algeria. When it was clear, then-President de Gaulle intended to sell out the 3 million French settlers in Algeria, he joined the OAS (Organisation de l’Armée Secrète -- the Secret Army Organization) pledged to keep Algeria French (l'Algerie francaise) and to defend the interest of the European settlers, les pieds noirs ( black feet). The OAS made several attempts on the life of de Gaulle. One of these was fictionalized in Frederick Forsythe's The Day of the Jackal. The OAS failed in its efforts to keep Algeria French. Many of its leaders were sentenced to death. Dominique Venner was sentenced to 18 months in prison. After his military service, Mr. Venner became a leading French writer, historian and intellectual in the New Right. He was an early backer of Alain de Benoist. After his release from prison in 1962, The Times of London's (May 22, 2013) obituary explains: "Venner founded an ultra-nationalist organisation, Europe-Action — which was highly influential among right-wing student groups — and a publishing house, Editions Saint-Just. Both championed Western values in the face of communism. ... He took to writing tracts, such as Pour une critique positive which was one of the set texts of the far Right. He adopted the idea of Charles Maurras that the intellectual needed to be violent to be effective and he had a lifelong passion for weapons and hunting. ... A self-proclaimed pagan, he was critical of Christianity but believed in tradition and identity and the need to defend cultures against the idea of the melting pot. His values were avowedly Nietzschean:he believed in elitism, force and what he saw as heroism. It is perhaps not surprising that he was attracted to the early writings of the German writer Ernst Jünger. He was to become a friend of Jünger’s and wrote a biography of him but was critical of the later, more pacific sage that was Jünger in his old age. Venner did not believe in mellowness. Using the pseudonym Julien Lebel he contributed to GRECE (Research Group for the Study of European Civilisation) from 1968 and he was also at the heart of IEO (Institute of Western Studies), both of which were active in opposing the communism that was still a major force in French politics Venner toned down his political activities in the 1970s as he built a reputation as a prolific historian and writer of works on subjects ranging from the German Freikorps, the Russian Revolution, the French Collaboration, the Resistance to aspects of the Second World War and the assassination of President Kennedy, as well as swords, guns and hunting equipment. He also edited two historical journals, Enquête sur l’histoire and La Nouvelle Revue d’Histoire. His last book, entitled A Western Samurai, is to be published next month. In 1994 he stated: “I regret nothing. I take nothing back. That would be the pinnacle of inelegance.” He would no doubt have liked that to be his epitaph. ( ) ( ) His patriotic sacrifice reminds one of Japanese novelist and patriot Yukio Mishima who, in 1980 committed suicide, through the painful ritual of seppuku. Mishima was struggling and alonging for unvanquished, imperial Japan; its samurai traditions, and heroic ideals of beauty, nationalism, and honor, including the traditionally enviable fate of dying for one's country. Mishima led by example. Along with writing energetically and passionately, he founded an elite right-wing organization for 100 males, the Shield Society, dedicated to 'Bushido,' the Samurai code of honor. Mishima became an expert in traditional martial arts, despaired of modern Japan and bemoaned the post-war suppression of its traditional past." ( The New York Times (May 22, 2013) reported: " The current rector(of the Cathedral of Notre Dame) could not, he said, recall any instances of a suicide in the interior. But despite the fact that taking one’s life is a mortal sin for Catholics, he offered prayers for Venner, and other 'souls at their wits’ end.”'And last night, thousands of right-wing mourners staged a torchlight parade in the cathedral plaza. They carried French flags, and spoke of the suicide as a noble gesture in defense of a France that was 'proud of itself.' Their tribute echoes that of Le Pen’s daughter and heir, Marine, the leader of the anti-immigrant National Front. 'All of our respect to Dominique Venner, she wrote in Twitter post, “whose final and eminently political gesture is a wake-up call to the people of France.'” Hail, brave patriot. May your supreme sacrifice for our European People not be in vain! Paul Fromm Director Canada First Immigration Reform Committee _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Brad Love Cannot Even Mail A Father's Day Card & Now is Banned from Fort McMurray Lib |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Wednesday, 29 May 2013 02:45 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brad Love Cannot Even Mail A Father's Day Card & Now is Banned from Fort McMurray Library Many Canadians like to pat themselves on the back because we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that, among other things, guarantees us freedom of expression. Don't count on it. If you happen to criticize the homosexual lobby like the intensely religious Bill Whatcott, the profoundly Christian-hating Supreme Court says that you must keep silent and keep your religious views to yourself. If you're Brad Love and like to dash off a letter to a public official or phone up a local editor or opinionated rock radio commentator and share your opinions on foreign aid, crime, Third World immigration -- against all three - forget about it. As Brad Love says: "Ezra Levant criticizes Gypsies and crime and that's okay. If I criticize Gypsies, they send the police for me." Brad Love & Michelle Erstikaitis at recent CAFE meeting in Toronto On May 13, the RCMP arrested Brad Love and charged him with seven counts of harassment and mailing scurrilous material to local media and politicians. He was released on $2,000 bail and the sort of gag order even North Korea's baby-faced dictator Kim Jong-On might find excessive. Mr. Love is not to "mail, e-mail or text any person." That's right, nobody! He can't even send his own ailing father a Father's Day card. Nor is he to communicate in any way "with any public office holder." Kim Jong-on North Korean dictator ( ) A further sheet of conditions dropped off by the RCMP last week instructs him not to contact or come within 200 yards of the residences of Fort McMurray Today editor Melissa McIntosh, rock station disk jockey Nic "The Beard" Lindsay or the city's mayor and members of the city council. Brad points out that he never sent any material to the mayor. The bail conditions appear to be an effort by police and the state to render him a non-person and to gag him for many months as his trial may be a year or more away. Mr. Love appeared in Court Monday morning. He informed the judge: "I have a court order with bail conditions that I cannot talk to any public official. Is it even permissible for me to talk to you?" The judge said it was, Mr. Love moved that the Crown be instructed to drop the charges as they were "ridiculous" and "frivolous" and many of the people named had not even complained. The judge indicated that decision was up to the Crown. Mr. Love's next appearance in June 17. Brad Love noted that there seemed to be an unusual police presence for what was a brief perfunctory hearing. As he was leaving the hearing, he was approached by a Cuban man who had been watching the proceedings: "What you are doing is very brave because the government is after you" the Cuban told Mr. Love. "Be careful." "This foreigner got it," Mr. Love reported with some disgust, "It's many of my fellow White guys who don't get it and won't talk to me." Brad Love is a voracious reader and works his way through several books each week. This past weekend he got a big shock. As he headed into the Fort McMurray Public Library, he was confronted by a security guard. "You Brad Love?" the guard challenged him with an arrogant manner. "You're banned from the library." Mr. Love was handed a letter advising him he was banned from the library but was given no reason. The Brad banning geniuses had apparently sent him the banning letter but had mailed it to the wrong address! "This isn't a very bookish town," Mr. Love said. "I am probably their best customer. This is the same place that has a 'Freedom to Read Week' poster," he observed. He can think of no reason he is being banned. "I'd phone up and ask or protest, but they'd probably say they don't like my 'tone' and call the cops. It seems as if this whole town has 911 on speed dial," he added. _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
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Written by Paul Fromm |
Tuesday, 28 May 2013 23:49 |
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